Replication Package

Estimating Development Effort in Free/Open Source Software Projects by Mining Software Repositories: A Case Study of OpenStack

Gregorio Robles (1), Jesús M. González-Barahona (1), Carlos Cervigón (1), Andrea Capiluppi (2) and Daniel Izquierdo (3)

Accepted at the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2014)

(1) Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain); (2) Brunel University (London, UK); (3) Bitergia S.L. (Madrid, Spain)

Preprint version of the paper || Presentation slides

Based on the criteria proposed in On the reproducibility of empirical software engineering studies based on data retrieved from development repositories (Open Access - Empirical Software Engineering, Volume 17, Numbers 1-2, 75-89), the attributes of this study are given in following table:

Element Assessment Condensed Assessment
Data source Usable U
Retrieval Methodology Usable
Likely available in future
Raw dataset Usable U
Extraction methodology Usable
Likely available in future
Study parameters Usable U
Processed dataset Usable U
Analysis methodology Usable
Likely available in future
Results dataset Usable U


Data Source

Retrieval Methodology

Raw Dataset

Extraction Methodology

Study Parameters

Processed Dataset

Analysis Methodology

Results Dataset

Comments and suggestions: Gregorio Robles < grex at >.
Last modified: Feb 9th 2014.