I try (really) hard to keep this page up to date, but still, it is usually outdated (including my picture)

Yet another proof of the second law of thermodynamics? To fight against it, now I maintain mainly links to where the action actually happens.

Teaching activities

Most of my teaching activities take place at the Fuenlabrada Engineering School of the URJC. You can have a look at the listing of my current subjects (see information by URJC, on the right sidebar). For some of them (those related to building web applications), we have set up the CursosWeb website (in Spanish), where you can browse most materials and stuff we use.

Research activities

My main research lines are currently the quantitative study of libre (free, open source) software development, and visualization of software development data in extended reality, in the context of the softDev research group at URJC.

If you want to research with us, check my positions open webpage.

Some funded research projects:

  • Dependentium: Research on systems with complex software dependencies (analysis, visualization, management, etc.). Knowledge Generation Projects (Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento), funded by the Spanish Government, 2023-2026.
  • BugBirth: How Bugs are Born, Retos (Plan Nacional) program, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, 2019-2022.
  • Data visualization in VR and AR for software development data, Industrial PhD program, funded by Regional Government of Madrid, 2019-2021. This project is funding in part the construction of BabiaXR.
  • GaaS, Grimoire as a Service, Retos-Colaboracion (Plan Nacional) program, jointly with Bitergia, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, 2018-2021. This project is funding in part the construction of Cauldron 2.0.
  • Seneca, Software Engineering in Enterprise Cloud Applications, Marie Skłodowska-Curie action, funded by the European Commission), 2015-2018.
The University provides a more formal listing of research projects in which I've been involved (see information by URJC, on the right sidebar).

Making activities

I also try to participate in some making activities. Among them, I'm participating in the development of BabiaXR, a toolset for visualizing data in extended reality in the browser. I was also involved in making a company, Bitergia, rooted in our research activity at LibreSoft.

Thesis I've advised during the last years

[Do you want me to advise your thesis? Please read below]



Graduate (bachelor):

Do you want me to advise your thesis?

In general, I'm open to ideas for advising thesis at the master and graduate levels (and even at the PhD level), but not surprisingly, it is much easier to find an agreement if we're aligned on the topics and interests. Mine are as follow:

Important note: most (likely all) of the thesis I advise imply building software. In general, I expect this software to be released under a free, open source softare license. Usually, the work done is released in the open from day 0, in GitHub or GitLab.