[Jderobot-dev] JDE new bie questions

Alejandro Hernández ahcorde en gmail.com
Jue Abr 5 12:19:30 CEST 2012

Hello Ragnar,

You can install JdeRobot in Ubuntu 10.04 from package[1].

We have developed some components to start to work with the plataform. For
example basic_component[2] or introrob[3], you can find this components in
the JdeRobot SVN.

In introrob you only have to modify MyAlgorithm.cpp if you want to
implement something with the robot. You can access to the motors, laser,
sonars, Pan&Tilt motors, encoders, etc.  To run introrob you need to use a
real robot or a simulator, in JdeRobot is included two simulator Gazebo(3D)
and Player/Stage(2D).

Maybe you can start using Gazebo if you want to use motors and some
sensors. You need to launch 3 components. First at all Gazebo to simulate
the robot with a world map, I recommended to you introrobt.world. Then you
have to connect with all the sensors and motors, you need to use
gazeboserver that provides all the interfaces of the robot to connect with
the components, and finally you need to launch introrob component to
control or execute you code to control the robot.

In the FAQ[4] you can find more information or ask in the mailing list
again :)


[2] http://svn.jderobot.org/jderobot/trunk/src/components/basic_component/
[3] http://svn.jderobot.org/jderobot/trunk/src/components/introrob/
[4] http://jderobot.org/index.php/Manual-5

El 5 de abril de 2012 08:39, Ragnar McJarl <rmcjarl en gmail.com> escribió:

> Hello everyone!
>  I am pretty new to robotics. I read the Robotica wiki page but couldn't
> find generic actuator control project for JDErobot .  the projects are
> pretty advanced for me . Can you guide me to more simpler projects in
> jderobots like simple motor control and rangefinder?
> Best Regards,
> Ragnar. M
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