[JdeRobot] Introduction

divanshu gupta b17011 at students.iitmandi.ac.in
Fri Oct 9 19:13:05 CEST 2020

I'm Divanshu Gupta, 4th year undergraduate at IIT MANDI, India. I'm current
pursuing Electrical Engineering and have relevant interests in robotics,
automation and control field. I came across Jderobot website 2-3 months back
and really got into solving some JdeRobot Academy exercises for gaining more
knowledge in robotics. Although I'm a bit new to open source but liked the
idea very much after I started it 2 months back. 
I'm proficient in C/C++, python and a beginner in ROS and Gazebo. I like
solving the navigation,planning and control related problems in robotics and
have also started exploring area of perception through some stereo
algorithms in Computer vision.
I really liked this year's as well as previous year projects ideas and feel
motivated to contribute to this organization in GSoC next year. I need to
know how should I start contributing over here(JdeRobot)? I also wanted to
know if there is someone who can assign some tasks to me so I can get better
acquainted with open source platform? 
Hoping to get some guidance soon.

Thanks and warm regards
Divanshu Gupta 
IIT Mandi

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