[Jderobot-admin] jderobot-r890 - in trunk/src/components/gazeboserver: . models

ahcorde en jderobot.org ahcorde en jderobot.org
Vie Mar 22 12:08:30 CET 2013

Author: ahcorde
Date: 2013-03-22 12:07:30 +0100 (Fri, 22 Mar 2013)
New Revision: 890

[ahcorde] Actualizo Gazeboserver para que acepte multirobot.
	Elimino los recursos de versiones anteriores

Modified: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/camera_dump.cc
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/camera_dump.cc	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/camera_dump.cc	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
 #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
-//#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
+#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
 // ICE utils includes
 #include <Ice/Ice.h>
@@ -55,12 +55,16 @@
 			std::vector<std::string> tokens;
 			nameCamera = this->parentSensor->GetCamera()->GetName();
-		//	std::cout << "Camera name: " + nameCamera << std::endl;
   			boost::split(tokens, nameCamera, boost::is_any_of("::"));
   			boost::split(tokens, tokens[2], boost::is_any_of("("));
 			nameGlobal = tokens[0];
+			std::string nameParent = this->parentSensor->GetParentName();
+			std::vector<std::string> strs;
+			boost::split(strs, nameParent, boost::is_any_of("::"));
 			// El nombre del fichero de configuracion tiene que coincidir con el de la cámara en el .world y el .cfg 
-			nameCamera = std::string("--Ice.Config=" + tokens[0] + ".cfg"); 
+			nameCamera = std::string("--Ice.Config=" + strs[0] + "_" + tokens[0] + ".cfg"); 
 			if (count == 0){
 				pthread_t thr_gui;

Modified: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/encoders.cc
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/encoders.cc	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/encoders.cc	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
 #include "encoders.h"
 namespace gazebo {
     void *encodersICE(void* v);
-    int32_t secs;
     Encoders::Encoders() {
         pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
         pthread_mutex_init(&mutexEncoders, NULL);
         count = 0;
-        common::Time time;
-        time = time.GetWallTime();
-        secs = time.sec;
         std::cout << "constructor Encoders" << std::endl;
@@ -22,13 +19,14 @@
         this->updateConnection = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateStart(
                 boost::bind(&Encoders::OnUpdate, this));
+    physics::ModelPtr Encoders::getModel()
+    {
+    	return model;
+    }
     void Encoders::OnUpdate() {
-        gettimeofday(&a, NULL);
-        totala = a.tv_sec * 1000000 + a.tv_usec;             
-        cycle = 50;
         if (count == 0) {
             std::string name = this->model->GetName();
@@ -53,33 +51,7 @@
         robotEncoders.x = position.pos.x;
         robotEncoders.y = position.pos.y;
         robotEncoders.theta = degrees;
-        //std::cout << "x: " << robotEncoders.x << std::endl;
-        //std::cout << "y: " << robotEncoders.y << std::endl;
-        common::Time time;
-        //std::cout << time.GetWallTime() << std::endl;
-        time = time.GetWallTime();
-        //std::cout << time.sec - secs << std::endl;
-        //std::cout << "Vel: " << robotEncoders.x/(time.sec - secs) << "m/s" << std::endl;
-        if((time.sec - secs) % 10 == 0){
-            //std::cout << "x: " << robotEncoders.x << std::endl;
-        }
-        gettimeofday(&b, NULL);
-        totalb = b.tv_sec * 1000000 + b.tv_usec;
-        diff = (totalb - totala) / 1000;
-        diff = cycle - diff;
-        if (diff < 10)
-            diff = 10;
-        sleep(diff/1000);        
-        //MSleep(diff*1000);
@@ -92,14 +64,29 @@
         virtual ~EncodersI() {
+        virtual void setEncodersData(const jderobot::EncodersDataPtr&  encodersData,
+        						     const Ice::Current&) {
+             math::Pose position = this->pose->getModel()->GetWorldPose();
+             position.Set(encodersData->robotx,
+             			  encodersData->roboty,
+             			  encodersData->robotcos,
+             			  0,
+             			  0,
+             			  encodersData->robottheta);
+        	this->pose->getModel()->SetWorldPose(position); 
+			//this->getModel();
+        }
         virtual jderobot::EncodersDataPtr getEncodersData(const Ice::Current&) {
             //std::cout << "theta: " << pose->robotEncoders.theta << std::endl;
-            encodersData->robotx = pose->robotEncoders.x ;
-            encodersData->roboty = pose->robotEncoders.y ;
+            encodersData->robotx = pose->robotEncoders.x * 1000;
+            encodersData->roboty = pose->robotEncoders.y * 1000;
             encodersData->robottheta = pose->robotEncoders.theta;
             encodersData->robotcos = cos(pose->robotEncoders.theta);
             encodersData->robotsin = sin(pose->robotEncoders.theta);

Modified: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/encoders.h
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/encoders.h	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/encoders.h	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
         virtual void Load(physics::ModelPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr /*_sdf*/);
+        physics::ModelPtr getModel();
         pthread_mutex_t mutex;
         pthread_mutex_t mutexEncoders;
@@ -47,10 +48,8 @@
         physics::ModelPtr model;
         math::Pose position;
         event::ConnectionPtr updateConnection;
-        int cycle;
-        long totalb, totala, diff;
-        struct timeval a, b;        

Modified: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/laser.cc
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/laser.cc	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/laser.cc	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 #include "plugins/RayPlugin.hh"
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
 #include <iostream>
 // ICE utils includes
@@ -21,6 +24,7 @@
     class LaserDump : public RayPlugin
 		public: LaserDump() : RayPlugin()
 			std::cout << "LaserDump Constructor" <<std::endl;
@@ -41,8 +45,13 @@
 			if(count == 0){
-				std::string name = this->parentSensor->GetName();
-    			nameLaser = std::string("--Ice.Config=" + name + ".cfg");
+				std::string name = this->parentSensor->GetParentName();
+				std::cout <<" laser: " << name  << std::endl;
+				std::vector<std::string> strs;
+				boost::split(strs, name, boost::is_any_of("::"));
+    			nameLaser = std::string("--Ice.Config=" +  strs[0] + "_laser.cfg");
 				pthread_t thr_gui;
 				pthread_create(&thr_gui, NULL, &mainLaser, (void*)this);
@@ -82,7 +91,7 @@
 			//Update laser values
-			for(int i = laserData->numLaser-1 ; i > 0; i--){
+			for(int i = 0 ; i < laserData->numLaser; i++){
 			   laserData->distanceData[i] = laser->laserValues[i]*1000;
 			pthread_mutex_unlock (&laser->mutex); 

Deleted: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/models/pioneer2dx.model
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/models/pioneer2dx.model	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/models/pioneer2dx.model	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-<gazebo version='1.0'>
-  <model name="pioneer2dx" static="0">
-    <link name="chassis">
-      <origin pose="0.0 0.0 0.16 0 0 0"/>
-      <inertial mass="5.0"/>
-        <!--<origin pose="0.0 0 -0.07 0 0 0"/>
-        <inertia ixx='0.01' ixy='0' ixz='0' iyy='0.01' iyz='0' izz='0.01'/>
-      </inertial> -->
-      <collision name="collision">
-        <geometry>
-          <box size="0.445 0.277 0.17"/>
-        </geometry>
-      </collision>
-      <visual name="visual">
-        <origin pose="0 0 0.04 0 0 0"/>
-        <geometry>
-          <mesh filename="pioneer2dx/chassis.dae"/>
-        </geometry>
-      </visual>
-      <collision name="castor_collision">
-        <origin pose="-0.200 0 -0.12 0 0 0"/>
-        <geometry>
-          <sphere radius="0.04"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <surface>
-          <friction>
-            <ode mu="0" mu2="0" slip1="1.0" slip2="1.0"/>
-          </friction>
-        </surface>
-      </collision>
-      <visual name="castor_visual">
-        <origin pose="-0.200 0 -0.12 0 0 0"/>
-        <geometry>
-          <sphere radius="0.04"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <material script="Gazebo/FlatBlack"/>
-      </visual>
-    </link>
-	<link name="laser">
-		<inertial mass="0.5">
-		</inertial>
-		<visual name="visual">
-			<geometry>
-				  <mesh filename="hokuyo/hokuyo.dae"/>
-			</geometry>
-		</visual>
-		<origin pose='0.16 0 0.3 0 0 -1.57'/>
-		<sensor name='laser' type='ray' always_on='1' update_rate='30' visualize='true'>
-			<ray>
-				<scan>
-					<horizontal samples='180' resolution='1' min_angle='3.14' max_angle='0'/>
-				</scan>
-				<range min='0.080000000000000002' max='8' resolution='0.01'/>
-			</ray>
-			<plugin name='laser' filename='liblaser.so'/>
-		</sensor>
-	</link>
-	<link name="camera_column_body_left">
-		<origin pose="0.12 0.1 0.31 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-		<inertial mass="0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005">
-		</inertial>
-		<visual name="visual">
-			<geometry>
-				<mesh filename="sonyvid30/sonyvid30_mid.dae" scale="0.0125 0.0275 0.0275"/>
-			</geometry>
-			<material script='Gazebo/Blue'/>
-		</visual>
-	</link>
-	<link name="camera_top_body_left">
-		<origin pose="0.1 0.1 0.31 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-		<inertial mass="0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005">
-		</inertial>
-		<visual name="visual">
-			<geometry>
-				<mesh filename="sonyvid30/sonyvid30_top.dae"  scale="0.04 0.04 0.03"/>
-			</geometry>
-			<material script='Gazebo/Black'/>
-		</visual>
-		<sensor name='cam_sensor_left' type='camera' always_on='1' update_rate='20'>
-			<origin pose="0 0 0 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-			<camera>
-				<horizontal_fov angle='1.57'/>
-				<image width='640' height='480' format='R8G8B8'/>
-				<clip near='0.5' far='5'/>
-			</camera>
-			<plugin name='camera_dump' filename='libcamera_dump.so'/>
-		</sensor>
-	</link>
-	<link name="camera_column_body_right">
-		<origin pose="0.12 -0.1 0.31 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-		<inertial mass="0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005">
-		</inertial>
-		<visual name="visual">
-			<geometry>
-				<mesh filename="sonyvid30/sonyvid30_mid.dae" scale="0.0125 0.0275 0.0275"/>
-			</geometry>
-			<material script='Gazebo/Blue'/>
-		</visual>
-	</link>
-     <link name="camera_top_body_right">
-      	<origin pose="0.1 -0.1 0.31 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-        <inertial mass="0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005">
-        </inertial>
-	  <visual name="visual">
-	    <geometry>
-	      <mesh filename="sonyvid30/sonyvid30_top.dae"  scale="0.04 0.04 0.03"/>
-	    </geometry>
-        <material script='Gazebo/Black'/>
-	  </visual>
-	        <sensor name='cam_sensor_right' type='camera' always_on='1' update_rate='20'>
-		<origin pose="0 0 0 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-	          <camera>
-	            <horizontal_fov angle='1.57'/>
-	            <image width='640' height='480' format='R8G8B8'/>
-	            <clip near='0.5' far='5'/>
-	          </camera>
-            <plugin name='camera_dump' filename='libcamera_dump.so'/>
-	        </sensor>
-      </link>
-    <link name="right_wheel">
-      <origin pose="0.1 -.17 0.11 0 1.5707 1.5707"/>
-      <inertial mass="0.5">
-        <inertia ixx='0.001' ixy='0.0' ixz='0'
-                 iyy='0.001' iyz='0.0'
-                 izz='0.001'/>
-      </inertial>
-      <collision name="collision">
-        <geometry>
-          <cylinder radius="0.11" length="0.05"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <surface>
-          <friction>
-            <ode mu="100000.0" mu2="100000.0" slip1="100000.0" slip2="100000.0"/>
-          </friction>
-        </surface>
-      </collision>
-      <visual name="visual">
-        <geometry>
-          <cylinder radius="0.11" length="0.05"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <material script="Gazebo/FlatBlack"/>
-      </visual>
-    </link>
-    <link name="left_wheel">
-      <origin pose="0.1 .17 0.11 0 1.5707 1.5707"/>
-      <inertial mass="0.5">
-        <inertia ixx='0.001' ixy='0.0' ixz='0'
-                 iyy='0.001' iyz='0.0'
-                 izz='0.001'/>
-      </inertial>
-      <collision name="collision">
-        <geometry>
-          <cylinder radius="0.11" length="0.05"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <surface>
-          <friction>
-            <ode mu="100000.0" mu2="100000.0" slip1="100000.0" slip2="100000.0"/>
-          </friction>
-        </surface>
-      </collision>
-      <visual name="visual">
-        <geometry>
-          <cylinder radius="0.11" length="0.05"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <material script="Gazebo/FlatBlack"/>
-      </visual>
-    </link>
-    <joint type="revolute" name="laser_joint">
-      <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
-      <child link="laser"/>
-      <parent link="chassis"/>
-      <axis xyz="0 0 0">
-	  	<limit  lower="0" upper="0"/>
-	  </axis>
-    </joint>
-    <joint type="revolute" name="left_wheel_hinge">
-      <origin pose="0 0 -0.03 0 0 0"/>
-      <child link="left_wheel"/>
-      <parent link="chassis"/>
-      <axis xyz="0 1 0"/>
-    </joint>
-    <joint type="revolute" name="right_wheel_hinge">
-      <origin pose="0 0 0.03 0 0 0"/>
-      <child link="right_wheel"/>
-      <parent link="chassis"/>
-      <axis xyz="0 1 0"/>
-    </joint>
-	<joint type="revolute" name="pan_joint_right">
-  	  <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
-	  <child link="camera_column_body_right"/>
-	  <parent link="chassis"/>
-	  <axis xyz="0 0 1">
-    	<limit lower='-1.57' upper='1.57'/>
-	  </axis>
-	</joint>
-	<joint type="revolute" name="tilt_joint_right">
-  	  <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
-	  <child link="camera_top_body_right"/>
-	  <parent link="camera_column_body_right"/>
-	  <axis xyz="0 1 0">
-    	<limit lower='-0.4' upper='0.4'/>
-	  </axis>
-	</joint>
-	<joint type="revolute" name="pan_joint_left">
-  	  <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
-	  <child link="camera_column_body_left"/>
-	  <parent link="chassis"/>
-	  <axis xyz="0 0 1">
-    	<limit lower='-1.57' upper='1.57'/>
-	  </axis>
-	</joint>
-	<joint type="revolute" name="tilt_joint_left">
-  	  <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
-	  <child link="camera_top_body_left"/>
-	  <parent link="camera_column_body_left"/>
-	  <axis xyz="0 1 0">
-    	<limit lower='-0.4' upper='0.4'/>
-	  </axis>
-	</joint>
-    <plugin filename="libmotors.so" name="motors">
-      <left_joint>left_wheel_hinge</left_joint>
-      <right_joint>right_wheel_hinge</right_joint>
-      <torque>5</torque>
-    </plugin>
-    <plugin filename="libpose3dencoders.so" name="pose3dencoders">
-      <left_joint_pose3dencoders_pan>pan_joint_right</left_joint_pose3dencoders_pan>
-      <left_joint_pose3dencoders_tilt>tilt_joint_right</left_joint_pose3dencoders_tilt>
-      <right_joint_pose3dencoders_pan>pan_joint_left</right_joint_pose3dencoders_pan>
-      <right_joint_pose3dencoders_tilt>tilt_joint_left</right_joint_pose3dencoders_tilt>
-	  <torque>5</torque>
-    </plugin>
-   	<plugin filename="libencoders.so" name="encoders"/>
-  </model>

Deleted: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/models/pioneer2dxJde.model
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/models/pioneer2dxJde.model	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/models/pioneer2dxJde.model	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-<gazebo version='1.0'>
-  <model name="pioneer2dx" static="0">
-    <link name="chassis">
-      <origin pose="0.0 0.0 0.16 0 0 0"/>
-      <inertial mass="10.0">        
-        <inertia ixx='0.01' ixy='0' ixz='0' iyy='0.01' iyz='0' izz='0.01'/>
-      </inertial> 
-      <collision name="collision">
-        <geometry>
-          <box size="0.445 0.277 0.17"/>
-        </geometry>
-      </collision>
-      <visual name="visual">
-        <origin pose="0 0 0.04 0 0 0"/>
-        <geometry>
-          <mesh filename="pioneer2dx/chassis.dae"/>
-        </geometry>
-      </visual>
-      <collision name="castor_collision">
-        <origin pose="-0.200 0 -0.12 0 0 0"/>
-        <geometry>
-          <sphere radius="0.04"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <surface>
-          <friction>
-            <ode mu="2" mu2="2" slip1="1.0" slip2="1.0"/>
-          </friction>
-        </surface>
-      </collision>
-      <visual name="castor_visual">
-        <origin pose="-0.200 0 -0.12 0 0 0"/>
-        <geometry>
-          <sphere radius="0.04"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <material script="Gazebo/FlatBlack"/>
-      </visual>
-    </link>
-    <link name="right_wheel">
-      <origin pose="0.1 -.17 0.11 0 1.5707 1.5707"/>
-      <inertial mass="0.5">
-        <inertia ixx='0.001' ixy='0.0' ixz='0'
-                 iyy='0.001' iyz='0.0'
-                 izz='0.001'/>
-      </inertial>
-      <collision name="collision">
-        <geometry>
-          <cylinder radius="0.11" length="0.05"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <surface>
-          <friction>
-            <ode mu="100000.0" mu2="100000.0" slip1="0.0" slip2="0.0"/>
-          </friction>
-        </surface>
-      </collision>
-      <visual name="visual">
-        <geometry>
-          <cylinder radius="0.11" length="0.05"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <material script="Gazebo/FlatBlack"/>
-      </visual>
-    </link>
-    <link name="left_wheel">
-      <origin pose="0.1 .17 0.11 0 1.5707 1.5707"/>
-      <inertial mass="0.5">
-        <inertia ixx='0.001' ixy='0.0' ixz='0'
-                 iyy='0.001' iyz='0.0'
-                 izz='0.001'/>
-      </inertial>
-      <collision name="collision">
-        <geometry>
-          <cylinder radius="0.11" length="0.05"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <surface>
-          <friction>
-            <ode mu="100000.0" mu2="100000.0" slip1="0.0" slip2="0.0"/>
-          </friction>
-        </surface>
-      </collision>
-      <visual name="visual">
-        <geometry>
-          <cylinder radius="0.11" length="0.05"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <material script="Gazebo/FlatBlack"/>
-      </visual>
-    </link>
-	<link name="laser">
-		<inertial mass="0.5">
-		</inertial>
-		<visual name="visual">
-			<geometry>
-				  <mesh filename="hokuyo/hokuyo.dae"/>
-			</geometry>
-		</visual>
-		<origin pose='0.16 0 0.3 0 0 -1.57'/>
-		<sensor name='laser' type='ray' always_on='1' update_rate='30' visualize='true'>
-			<ray>
-				<scan>
-					<horizontal samples='180' resolution='1' min_angle='3.14' max_angle='0'/>
-				</scan>
-				<range min='0.080000000000000002' max='8' resolution='0.01'/>
-			</ray>
-			<plugin name='laser' filename='liblaser.so'/>
-		</sensor>
-	</link>
-      <link name="camera_column_body_left">
-      	<origin pose="0.12 0.1 0.31 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-        <inertial mass="0.5">
-        </inertial>
-	  <visual name="visual">
-	    <geometry>
-	      <mesh filename="sonyvid30/sonyvid30_mid.dae" scale="0.0125 0.0275 0.0275"/>
-	    </geometry>
-        <material script='Gazebo/Blue'/>
-	  </visual>
-    <collision name="castor_collision">
-        <geometry>
-          <box size="0.1 0.1 0.1"/>
-        </geometry> 
-       <surface>
-          <friction>
-            <ode mu="10000" mu2="10000" slip1="0.0" slip2="0.0"/>
-          </friction>
-        </surface>
-      </collision>
-      </link>
-      <link name="camera_column_body_right">
-      	<origin pose="0.12 -0.1 0.31 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-        <inertial mass="0.5">
-        <inertia ixx='0.001' ixy='0.0' ixz='0'
-                 iyy='0.001' iyz='0.0'
-                 izz='0.001'/>
-        </inertial>
-	  <visual name="visual">
-	    <geometry>
-	      <mesh filename="sonyvid30/sonyvid30_mid.dae" scale="0.0125 0.0275 0.0275"/>
-	    </geometry>
-        <material script='Gazebo/Blue'/>
-	  </visual>
-    <collision name="castor_collision">
-        <geometry>
-          <box size="0.1 0.1 0.1"/>
-        </geometry> 
-       <surface>
-          <friction>
-            <ode mu="10000" mu2="10000" slip1="0.0" slip2="0.0"/>
-          </friction>
-        </surface>
-      </collision>
-      </link>
-      <link name="camera_top_body_right">
-      	<origin pose="0.1 -0.1 0.31 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-        <inertial mass="1.0">
-        </inertial>
-	  <visual name="visual">
-	    <geometry>
-	      <mesh filename="sonyvid30/sonyvid30_top.dae"  scale="0.04 0.04 0.03"/>
-	    </geometry>
-        <material script='Gazebo/Black'/>
-	  </visual>
-	        <sensor name='cam_sensor_right' type='camera' always_on='1' update_rate='20'>
-		<origin pose="0 0 0 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-	          <camera>
-	            <horizontal_fov angle='1.57'/>
-	            <image width='640' height='480' format='R8G8B8'/>
-	            <clip near='0.5' far='5'/>
-	          </camera>
-            <plugin name='camera_dump' filename='libcamera_dump.so'/>
-	        </sensor>
-      </link>
-      <link name="camera_top_body_left">
-      	<origin pose="0.1 0.1 0.31 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-        <inertial mass="1.0">
-        </inertial>
-	  <visual name="visual">
-	    <geometry>
-	      <mesh filename="sonyvid30/sonyvid30_top.dae"  scale="0.04 0.04 0.03"/>
-	    </geometry>
-        <material script='Gazebo/Black'/>
-	  </visual>
-	        <sensor name='cam_sensor_left' type='camera' always_on='1' update_rate='20'>
-		<origin pose="0 0 0 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-	          <camera>
-	            <horizontal_fov angle='1.57'/>
-	            <image width='640' height='480' format='R8G8B8'/>
-	            <clip near='0.5' far='5'/>
-	          </camera>
-            <plugin name='camera_dump' filename='libcamera_dump.so'/>
-	        </sensor>
-      </link>
-    <joint type="revolute" name="left_wheel_hinge">
-      <origin pose="0 0 -0.03 0 0 0"/>
-      <child link="left_wheel"/>
-      <parent link="chassis"/>
-      <axis xyz="0 1 0"/>
-    </joint>
-    <joint type="revolute" name="right_wheel_hinge">
-      <origin pose="0 0 0.03 0 0 0"/>
-      <child link="right_wheel"/>
-      <parent link="chassis"/>
-      <axis xyz="0 1 0"/>
-    </joint>
-    <joint type="revolute" name="laser_joint">
-      <origin pose="0.2 0 0.2 0 0 0"/>
-      <child link="laser"/>
-      <parent link="chassis"/>
-      <axis xyz="0 0 0">
-	  	<limit  lower="0" upper="0"/>
-	  </axis>
-    </joint>
-		<joint type="revolute" name="pan_joint_right">
-      	  <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
-		  <child link="camera_column_body_right"/>
-		  <parent link="chassis"/>
-		  <axis xyz="0 0 1">
-        	<limit lower='-1.57' upper='1.57'/>
-		  </axis>
-		</joint>
-		<joint type="revolute" name="tilt_joint_right">
-      	  <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
-		  <child link="camera_top_body_right"/>
-		  <parent link="camera_column_body_right"/>
-		  <axis xyz="0 1 0">
-        	<limit lower='-0.4' upper='0.7'/>
-		  </axis>
-		</joint>
-		<joint type="revolute" name="pan_joint_left">
-      	  <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
-		  <child link="camera_column_body_left"/>
-		  <parent link="chassis"/>
-		  <axis xyz="0 0 1">
-        	<limit lower='-1.57' upper='1.57'/>
-		  </axis>
-		</joint>
-		<joint type="revolute" name="tilt_joint_left">
-      	  <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
-		  <child link="camera_top_body_left"/>
-		  <parent link="camera_column_body_left"/>
-		  <axis xyz="0 1 0">
-        	<limit lower='-0.4' upper='0.7'/>
-		  </axis>
-		</joint>
-    <plugin filename="libmotors.so" name="motors">
-      <left_joint>left_wheel_hinge</left_joint>
-      <right_joint>right_wheel_hinge</right_joint>
-      <torque>5</torque>
-    </plugin>
-    <plugin filename="libpose3dencoders.so" name="pose3dencoders">
-      <left_joint_pose3dencoders_pan>pan_joint_right</left_joint_pose3dencoders_pan>
-      <left_joint_pose3dencoders_tilt>tilt_joint_right</left_joint_pose3dencoders_tilt>
-      <right_joint_pose3dencoders_pan>pan_joint_left</right_joint_pose3dencoders_pan>
-      <right_joint_pose3dencoders_tilt>tilt_joint_left</right_joint_pose3dencoders_tilt>
-	  <torque>5</torque>
-    </plugin>
-    <plugin filename="libpose3dmotors.so" name="pose3dmotors">
-      <left_joint_pose3dmotors>camera_joint_left</left_joint_pose3dmotors>
-      <right_joint_pose3dmotors>camera_joint_right</right_joint_pose3dmotors>
-	  <torque>5</torque>
-    </plugin>
-	<plugin filename="libencoders.so" name="encoders"/>
-  </model>

Deleted: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/models/pioneer2dxJde.world
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/models/pioneer2dxJde.world	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/models/pioneer2dxJde.world	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?> 
-<gazebo version="1.0">
-  <world name="default">
-    <!-- Ground -->
-    <include filename="ground_plane.model"/>
-    <!-- Pioneer2dx model -->
-    <include filename="pioneer2dxJde.model"/>
-    <!-- A global light source -->
-    <include filename="sun.light"/>
-  </world>

Deleted: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/models/pioneer2dxJdeFinal.model
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/models/pioneer2dxJdeFinal.model	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/models/pioneer2dxJdeFinal.model	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-<gazebo version='1.0'>
-  <model name="pioneer2dx" static="0">
-    <link name="chassis">
-      <origin pose="0.0 0.0 0.16 0 0 0"/>
-      <inertial mass="5.0">        
-        <inertia ixx='0.01' ixy='0' ixz='0' iyy='0.01' iyz='0' izz='0.01'/>
-      </inertial> 
-      <collision name="collision">
-        <geometry>
-          <box size="0.445 0.277 0.17"/>
-        </geometry>
-      </collision>
-      <visual name="visual">
-        <origin pose="0 0 0.04 0 0 0"/>
-        <geometry>
-          <mesh filename="pioneer2dx/chassis.dae"/>
-        </geometry>
-      </visual>
-      <collision name="castor_collision">
-        <origin pose="-0.200 0 -0.12 0 0 0"/>
-        <geometry>
-          <sphere radius="0.04"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <surface>
-          <friction>
-            <ode mu="0" mu2="0" slip1="1.0" slip2="1.0"/>
-          </friction>
-        </surface>
-      </collision>
-      <visual name="castor_visual">
-        <origin pose="-0.200 0 -0.12 0 0 0"/>
-        <geometry>
-          <sphere radius="0.04"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <material script="Gazebo/FlatBlack"/>
-      </visual>
-    </link>
-    <link name="right_wheel">
-      <origin pose="0.1 -.17 0.11 0 1.5707 1.5707"/>
-      <inertial mass="0.5">
-        <inertia ixx='0.001' ixy='0.0' ixz='0'
-                 iyy='0.001' iyz='0.0'
-                 izz='0.001'/>
-      </inertial>
-      <collision name="collision">
-        <geometry>
-          <cylinder radius="0.11" length="0.05"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <surface>
-          <friction>
-            <ode mu="100000.0" mu2="100000.0" slip1="0.0" slip2="0.0"/>
-          </friction>
-        </surface>
-      </collision>
-      <visual name="visual">
-        <geometry>
-          <cylinder radius="0.11" length="0.05"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <material script="Gazebo/FlatBlack"/>
-      </visual>
-    </link>
-    <link name="left_wheel">
-      <origin pose="0.1 .17 0.11 0 1.5707 1.5707"/>
-      <inertial mass="0.5">
-        <inertia ixx='0.001' ixy='0.0' ixz='0'
-                 iyy='0.001' iyz='0.0'
-                 izz='0.001'/>
-      </inertial>
-      <collision name="collision">
-        <geometry>
-          <cylinder radius="0.11" length="0.05"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <surface>
-          <friction>
-            <ode mu="100000.0" mu2="100000.0" slip1="0.0" slip2="0.0"/>
-          </friction>
-        </surface>
-      </collision>
-      <visual name="visual">
-        <geometry>
-          <cylinder radius="0.11" length="0.05"/>
-        </geometry>
-        <material script="Gazebo/FlatBlack"/>
-      </visual>
-    </link>
-	<link name="laser">
-		<inertial mass="0.5">
-		</inertial>
-		<visual name="visual">
-			<geometry>
-				  <mesh filename="hokuyo/hokuyo.dae"/>
-			</geometry>
-		</visual>
-		<origin pose='0.16 0 0.3 0 0 -1.57'/>
-		<sensor name='laser' type='ray' always_on='1' update_rate='30' visualize='true'>
-			<ray>
-				<scan>
-					<horizontal samples='180' resolution='1' min_angle='3.14' max_angle='0'/>
-				</scan>
-				<range min='0.080000000000000002' max='8' resolution='0.01'/>
-			</ray>
-			<plugin name='laser' filename='liblaser.so'/>
-		</sensor>
-	</link>
-      <link name="camera_column_body_left">
-      	<origin pose="0.12 0.1 0.31 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-        <inertial mass="0.5">
-        </inertial>
-	  <visual name="visual">
-	    <geometry>
-	      <mesh filename="sonyvid30/sonyvid30_mid.dae" scale="0.0125 0.0275 0.0275"/>
-	    </geometry>
-        <material script='Gazebo/Blue'/>
-	  </visual>
-    <collision name="castor_collision">
-        <geometry>
-          <box size="0.1 0.1 0.1"/>
-        </geometry> 
-       <surface>
-          <friction>
-            <ode mu="10000" mu2="10000" slip1="0.0" slip2="0.0"/>
-          </friction>
-        </surface>
-      </collision>
-      </link>
-      <link name="camera_column_body_right">
-      	<origin pose="0.12 -0.1 0.31 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-        <inertial mass="0.5">
-        <inertia ixx='0.001' ixy='0.0' ixz='0'
-                 iyy='0.001' iyz='0.0'
-                 izz='0.001'/>
-        </inertial>
-	  <visual name="visual">
-	    <geometry>
-	      <mesh filename="sonyvid30/sonyvid30_mid.dae" scale="0.0125 0.0275 0.0275"/>
-	    </geometry>
-        <material script='Gazebo/Blue'/>
-	  </visual>
-    <collision name="castor_collision">
-        <geometry>
-          <box size="0.1 0.1 0.1"/>
-        </geometry> 
-       <surface>
-          <friction>
-            <ode mu="10000" mu2="10000" slip1="0.0" slip2="0.0"/>
-          </friction>
-        </surface>
-      </collision>
-      </link>
-      <link name="camera_top_body_right">
-      	<origin pose="0.1 -0.1 0.31 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-        <inertial mass="1.0">
-        </inertial>
-	  <visual name="visual">
-	    <geometry>
-	      <mesh filename="sonyvid30/sonyvid30_top.dae"  scale="0.04 0.04 0.03"/>
-	    </geometry>
-        <material script='Gazebo/Black'/>
-	  </visual>
-	        <sensor name='cam_sensor_right' type='camera' always_on='1' update_rate='20'>
-		<origin pose="0 0 0 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-	          <camera>
-	            <horizontal_fov angle='1.57'/>
-	            <image width='640' height='480' format='R8G8B8'/>
-	            <clip near='0.5' far='5'/>
-	          </camera>
-            <plugin name='camera_dump' filename='libcamera_dump.so'/>
-	        </sensor>
-      </link>
-      <link name="camera_top_body_left">
-      	<origin pose="0.1 0.1 0.31 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-        <inertial mass="1.0">
-        </inertial>
-	  <visual name="visual">
-	    <geometry>
-	      <mesh filename="sonyvid30/sonyvid30_top.dae"  scale="0.04 0.04 0.03"/>
-	    </geometry>
-        <material script='Gazebo/Black'/>
-	  </visual>
-	        <sensor name='cam_sensor_left' type='camera' always_on='1' update_rate='20'>
-		<origin pose="0 0 0 1.57 3.15 0"/>
-	          <camera>
-	            <horizontal_fov angle='1.57'/>
-	            <image width='640' height='480' format='R8G8B8'/>
-	            <clip near='0.5' far='5'/>
-	          </camera>
-            <plugin name='camera_dump' filename='libcamera_dump.so'/>
-	        </sensor>
-      </link>
-    <joint type="revolute" name="left_wheel_hinge">
-      <origin pose="0 0 -0.03 0 0 0"/>
-      <child link="left_wheel"/>
-      <parent link="chassis"/>
-      <axis xyz="0 1 0"/>
-    </joint>
-    <joint type="revolute" name="right_wheel_hinge">
-      <origin pose="0 0 0.03 0 0 0"/>
-      <child link="right_wheel"/>
-      <parent link="chassis"/>
-      <axis xyz="0 1 0"/>
-    </joint>
-    <joint type="revolute" name="laser_joint">
-      <origin pose="0.2 0 0.2 0 0 0"/>
-      <child link="laser"/>
-      <parent link="chassis"/>
-      <axis xyz="0 0 0">
-	  	<limit  lower="0" upper="0"/>
-	  </axis>
-    </joint>
-		<joint type="revolute" name="pan_joint_right">
-      	  <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
-		  <child link="camera_column_body_right"/>
-		  <parent link="chassis"/>
-		  <axis xyz="0 0 1">
-        	<limit lower='-1.57' upper='1.57'/>
-		  </axis>
-		</joint>
-		<joint type="revolute" name="tilt_joint_right">
-      	  <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
-		  <child link="camera_top_body_right"/>
-		  <parent link="camera_column_body_right"/>
-		  <axis xyz="0 1 0">
-        	<limit lower='-0.4' upper='0.7'/>
-		  </axis>
-		</joint>
-		<joint type="revolute" name="pan_joint_left">
-      	  <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
-		  <child link="camera_column_body_left"/>
-		  <parent link="chassis"/>
-		  <axis xyz="0 0 1">
-        	<limit lower='-1.57' upper='1.57'/>
-		  </axis>
-		</joint>
-		<joint type="revolute" name="tilt_joint_left">
-      	  <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
-		  <child link="camera_top_body_left"/>
-		  <parent link="camera_column_body_left"/>
-		  <axis xyz="0 1 0">
-        	<limit lower='-0.4' upper='0.7'/>
-		  </axis>
-		</joint>
-    <plugin filename="libmotors.so" name="motors">
-      <left_joint>left_wheel_hinge</left_joint>
-      <right_joint>right_wheel_hinge</right_joint>
-      <torque>5</torque>
-    </plugin>
-    <plugin filename="libpose3dencoders.so" name="pose3dencoders">
-      <left_joint_pose3dencoders_pan>pan_joint_right</left_joint_pose3dencoders_pan>
-      <left_joint_pose3dencoders_tilt>tilt_joint_right</left_joint_pose3dencoders_tilt>
-      <right_joint_pose3dencoders_pan>pan_joint_left</right_joint_pose3dencoders_pan>
-      <right_joint_pose3dencoders_tilt>tilt_joint_left</right_joint_pose3dencoders_tilt>
-	  <torque>5</torque>
-    </plugin>
-    <plugin filename="libpose3dmotors.so" name="pose3dmotors">
-      <left_joint_pose3dmotors>camera_joint_left</left_joint_pose3dmotors>
-      <right_joint_pose3dmotors>camera_joint_right</right_joint_pose3dmotors>
-	  <torque>5</torque>
-    </plugin>
-	<plugin filename="libencoders.so" name="encoders"/>
-  </model>

Modified: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/motors.cc
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/motors.cc	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/motors.cc	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -55,10 +55,16 @@
             gzerr << "Unable to find right joint["
                 << _sdf->GetElement("right_joint")->GetValueString() << "]\n";
+        // Listen to the update event. This event is broadcast every
+        // simulation iteration.
         this->updateConnection = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateStart(
                 boost::bind(&Motors::OnUpdate, this));
+    // Called by the world update start event
     void Motors::Init() {
         this->wheelSeparation = this->leftJoint->GetAnchor(0).Distance(this->rightJoint->GetAnchor(0));
         std::cout << "Wheel Separation:" << this->wheelSeparation << std::endl;
@@ -70,16 +76,33 @@
         std::cout << "Wheel Diameter:" << this->wheelRadius * 2 << std::endl;
+    /*
+    void Motors::OnVelMsg(ConstPosePtr& _msg) {
+        double vr, va;
+        vr = _msg->position().x() + 5;
+        std::cout << "vr:" << vr << std::endl;
+        va = msgs::Convert(_msg->orientation()).GetAsEuler().z + 3;
+        this->wheelSpeed[LEFT] = vr + va * this->wheelSeparation / 2.0;
+        this->wheelSpeed[RIGHT] = vr - va * this->wheelSeparation / 2.0;
+    }
+    */
     void Motors::OnUpdate() {
-                gettimeofday(&a, NULL);
-        totala = a.tv_sec * 1000000 + a.tv_usec;             
-        cycle = 50;
+        if (count == 0) {
-        if (count == 0) {
+	        robotMotors.v = 0;
+	        robotMotors.w = 0;
             std::string name = this->model->GetName();
-            std::cout << "GetName() " << name << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "motors name " << name << std::endl;
             nameMotors = std::string("--Ice.Config=" + name +"Motors.cfg");
             pthread_t thr_gui;
             pthread_create(&thr_gui, NULL, &motorsICE, (void*) this);
@@ -88,39 +111,29 @@
         double vr, va; //vr -> velocidad lineal; va -> velocidad angular
-        vr = robotMotors.v; //
-        va = robotMotors.w; //
+        vr = robotMotors.v/100;
+        va = robotMotors.w/10;
         this->wheelSpeed[LEFT] = vr + va * this->wheelSeparation / 2.0;
         this->wheelSpeed[RIGHT] = vr - va * this->wheelSeparation / 2.0;
         double leftVelDesired = (this->wheelSpeed[LEFT] / this->wheelRadius);
         double rightVelDesired = (this->wheelSpeed[RIGHT] / this->wheelRadius);
+		std::cout << "leftVelDesired " << leftVelDesired << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "rightVelDesired " << rightVelDesired << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "torque " << torque << std::endl;
+        this->leftJoint->SetVelocity(0, leftVelDesired);
+        this->rightJoint->SetVelocity(0, rightVelDesired);
-        this->leftJoint->SetVelocity(0, leftVelDesired/2);
-        this->rightJoint->SetVelocity(0, rightVelDesired/2);
-        this->leftJoint->SetMaxForce(0, 1.4); //this->leftJoint->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
-        this->rightJoint->SetMaxForce(0, 1.4); //this->rightJoint->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
-        //this->leftJoint->SetForce(0,1.5);
-        //        this->rightJoint->SetForce(0,1.5);
-        gettimeofday(&b, NULL);
-        totalb = b.tv_sec * 1000000 + b.tv_usec;
-        diff = (totalb - totala) / 1000;
-        diff = cycle - diff;
-        if (diff < 10)
-            diff = 10;
-        //usleep(diff*1000);
-        sleep(diff/1000);        
+        this->leftJoint->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
+        this->rightJoint->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
     class MotorsI : virtual public jderobot::Motors {
@@ -136,17 +149,19 @@
         virtual float getV(const Ice::Current&) {
             float v_return;
-            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutex);
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutexMotor);
+            //v_return = pose->vel;
             v_return = pose->robotMotors.v;
-            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutex);
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutexMotor);
             return v_return;
         virtual float getW(const Ice::Current&) {
             float w_return;
-            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutex);
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutexMotor);
+            //w_return = pose->w;
             w_return = pose->robotMotors.w;
-            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutex);
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutexMotor);
             return w_return;
@@ -155,16 +170,18 @@
         virtual Ice::Int setV(Ice::Float v, const Ice::Current&) {
-            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutex);
-            pose->robotMotors.v = v/1000;
-            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutex);
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutexMotor);
+            //pose->vel = v;
+            pose->robotMotors.v = v;
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutexMotor);
             return 0;
         virtual Ice::Int setW(Ice::Float _w, const Ice::Current&) {
-            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutex);
-            pose->robotMotors.w = -_w/10;
-            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutex);
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutexMotor);
+            //pose->w = _w;
+            pose->robotMotors.w = -_w;
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutexMotor);
             return 0;

Modified: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/motors.h
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/motors.h	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/motors.h	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -60,9 +60,6 @@
         double sum;
         int count;
-        int cycle;
-        long totalb, totala, diff;
-        struct timeval a, b;        
         //event::ConnectionPtr updateConnection; Alex
         //physics::ModelPtr model; Alex

Modified: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/pioneer2dxJde.world
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/pioneer2dxJde.world	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/pioneer2dxJde.world	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -9,12 +9,24 @@
     <!-- Pioneer2dx model -->
+      <name>pioneer2dx</name>
+        <!-- Pioneer2dx model -->
+    <include>
+      <uri>model://pioneer2dxJde</uri>
+      <name>pioneer2dx2</name>
+      <pose>2 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
+    </include>
     <!-- A global light source -->
+    <include>
+      <uri>model://simpleWorld</uri>
+    </include>

Deleted: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/pioneer2dxJde_antiguo.world
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/pioneer2dxJde_antiguo.world	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/pioneer2dxJde_antiguo.world	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?> 
-<gazebo version="1.0">
-  <world name="default">
-    <!-- Ground -->
-    <include filename="ground_plane.model"/>
-    <!-- Pioneer2dx model -->
-    <include filename="pioneer2dx.model"/>
-    <!-- A global light source -->
-    <include filename="sun.light"/>
-  </world>

Modified: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/pose3dencoders.cc
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/pose3dencoders.cc	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/pose3dencoders.cc	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 #include "pose3dencoders.h"
 //#include "pose3dmotors.h"
-#define RADTODEG 57.29582790
 namespace gazebo {
@@ -14,18 +13,6 @@
         pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
         pthread_mutex_init(&mutexPose3DEncoders, NULL);
         count = 0;
-        //Init right joint properties defined in models/pioneer2dx.model
-        this->cameraRight.motor.maxPan = 1.57;
-        this->cameraRight.motor.minPan = -1.57;
-        this->cameraRight.motor.maxTilt = 0.4;
-        this->cameraRight.motor.minTilt = -0.4;
-        //Init left joint properties defined in models/pioneer2dx.model
-        this->cameraLeft.motor.maxPan = 1.57;
-        this->cameraLeft.motor.minPan = -1.57;
-        this->cameraLeft.motor.maxTilt = 0.4;
-        this->cameraLeft.motor.minTilt = -0.4;
         std::cout << "constructor pose3dencoders" << std::endl;
@@ -42,8 +29,6 @@
         this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_pan = this->model->GetJoint("pan_joint_left");
         this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt = this->model->GetJoint("tilt_joint_left");
         if (!this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_pan)
             gzerr << "Unable to find left joint pose3dencoders_pan["
                 << _sdf->GetElement("left_joint_pose3dencoders_pan")->GetValueString() << "]\n";
@@ -98,123 +83,135 @@
     void Pose3DEncoders::OnUpdate() {
-        gettimeofday(&a, NULL);
-        totala = a.tv_sec * 1000000 + a.tv_usec;
-        cycle = 50;
         if (count == 0) {
-            namePose3DEncoders = std::string("--Ice.Config=pose3dencoders.cfg");
+            std::string name = this->model->GetName();
+            namePose3DEncoders = std::string("--Ice.Config=" + name + "_pose3dencoders.cfg");
             pthread_t thr_gui;
             pthread_create(&thr_gui, NULL, &pose3dencodersICE, (void*) this);
         //          ----------ENCODERS----------
         //GET pose3dencoders data from left_camera (PAN&TILT)
-        if (this->cameraLeft.camera_link_pan->GetRelativePose().rot.GetAsEuler().z < 0) {
-            this->cameraLeft.encoder.pan = -(3.14146 + this->cameraLeft.camera_link_pan->GetRelativePose().rot.GetAsEuler().z);
-        } else {
-            this->cameraLeft.encoder.pan = 3.14146 - this->cameraLeft.camera_link_pan->GetRelativePose().rot.GetAsEuler().z;
+        this->cameraLeft.encoder.pan = this->cameraLeft.camera_link_pan->GetRelativePose().rot.GetAsEuler().z * 180.0 / M_PI;
+        if (this->cameraLeft.encoder.pan > 0) {
+            this->cameraLeft.encoder.pan = 180 - this->cameraLeft.encoder.pan;
+        if (this->cameraLeft.encoder.pan < 0) {
+            this->cameraLeft.encoder.pan = -(180 + this->cameraLeft.encoder.pan);
+        }
-        this->cameraLeft.encoder.tilt = this->cameraLeft.camera_link_tilt->GetRelativePose().rot.GetAsEuler().y;
+        //std::cout << this->cameraLeft.encoder.pan << std::endl;
+        this->cameraLeft.encoder.tilt = this->cameraLeft.camera_link_tilt->GetRelativePose().rot.GetAsEuler().y * 180.0 / M_PI;
+        //std::cout << this->cameraLeft.encoder.tilt << std::endl;
         //GET pose3dencoders data from left_camera (PAN&TILT)
-        if (this->cameraRight.camera_link_pan->GetRelativePose().rot.GetAsEuler().z < 0) {
-            this->cameraRight.encoder.pan = -(3.14146 + this->cameraRight.camera_link_pan->GetRelativePose().rot.GetAsEuler().z);
-        } else {
-            this->cameraRight.encoder.pan = 3.14146 - this->cameraRight.camera_link_pan->GetRelativePose().rot.GetAsEuler().z;
+        this->cameraRight.encoder.pan = this->cameraRight.camera_link_pan->GetRelativePose().rot.GetAsEuler().z * 180.0 / M_PI;
+        if (this->cameraRight.encoder.pan > 0) {
+            this->cameraRight.encoder.pan = 180 - this->cameraRight.encoder.pan;
+        if (this->cameraRight.encoder.pan < 0) {
+            this->cameraRight.encoder.pan = -(180 + this->cameraRight.encoder.pan);
+        }
-        this->cameraRight.encoder.tilt = this->cameraRight.camera_link_tilt->GetRelativePose().rot.GetAsEuler().y;
+        //std::cout << this->cameraRight.pan << std::endl;
+        this->cameraRight.encoder.tilt = this->cameraRight.camera_link_tilt->GetRelativePose().rot.GetAsEuler().y * 180.0 / M_PI;
+        //std::cout << this->cameraRight.encoder.tilt << std::endl;
+        double setPanRight = -50;
+        double setPanLeft = -50;
+        double setTiltRight = -10;
+        double setTiltLeft = -10;
         //          ----------MOTORS----------
         if (this->cameraLeft.motor.pan >= 0) {
             if (this->cameraLeft.encoder.pan < this->cameraLeft.motor.pan) {
                 this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetVelocity(0, -0.1);
                 this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
+                //std::cout << "AQUI" << std::endl;
             } else {
-                this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetVelocity(0, 0.1);
+                this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetVelocity(0, 0);
                 this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
         } else {
             if (this->cameraLeft.encoder.pan > this->cameraLeft.motor.pan) {
                 this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetVelocity(0, 0.1);
                 this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
+                //std::cout << "AQUI" << std::endl;
             } else {
-                this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetVelocity(0, -0.1);
+                this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetVelocity(0, 0);
                 this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
-            }
+            }            
         if (this->cameraRight.motor.pan >= 0) {
             if (this->cameraRight.encoder.pan < this->cameraRight.motor.pan) {
                 this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetVelocity(0, -0.1);
                 this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
+                //std::cout << "AQUI" << std::endl;
             } else {
-                this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetVelocity(0, 0.1);
+                this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetVelocity(0, 0);
                 this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
         } else {
             if (this->cameraRight.encoder.pan > this->cameraRight.motor.pan) {
                 this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetVelocity(0, 0.1);
                 this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
+                //std::cout << "AQUI" << std::endl;
             } else {
-                this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetVelocity(0, -0.1);
+                this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetVelocity(0, 0);
                 this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_pan->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
-            }
+            }            
         if (this->cameraLeft.motor.tilt >= 0) {
             if (this->cameraLeft.encoder.tilt < this->cameraLeft.motor.tilt) {
                 this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetVelocity(0, -0.1);
                 this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
+                //std::cout << "AQUI" << std::endl;
             } else {
-                this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetVelocity(0, 0.1);
+                this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetVelocity(0, 0);
                 this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
         } else {
-            if (this->cameraLeft.encoder.tilt > this->cameraLeft.motor.tilt) {
+            if (this->cameraLeft.encoder.pan > this->cameraLeft.motor.tilt) {
                 this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetVelocity(0, 0.1);
                 this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
+                //std::cout << "AQUI" << std::endl;
             } else {
-                this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetVelocity(0, -0.1);
+                this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetVelocity(0, 0);
                 this->cameraLeft.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
-            }
+            }            
         if (this->cameraRight.motor.tilt >= 0) {
             if (this->cameraRight.encoder.tilt < this->cameraRight.motor.tilt) {
                 this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetVelocity(0, -0.1);
                 this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
+                //std::cout << "AQUI" << std::endl;
             } else {
-                this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetVelocity(0, 0.1);
+                this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetVelocity(0, 0);
                 this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
         } else {
-            if (this->cameraRight.encoder.tilt > this->cameraRight.motor.tilt) {
+            if (this->cameraRight.encoder.pan > this->cameraRight.motor.tilt) {
                 this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetVelocity(0, 0.1);
                 this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
+                //std::cout << "AQUI" << std::endl;
             } else {
-                this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetVelocity(0, -0.1);
+                this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetVelocity(0, 0);
                 this->cameraRight.joint_pose3dencoders_tilt->SetMaxForce(0, this->torque);
-            }
-        }
+            }            
+        }        
-        gettimeofday(&b, NULL);
-        totalb = b.tv_sec * 1000000 + b.tv_usec;
-        diff = (totalb - totala) / 1000;
-        diff = cycle - diff;
-        if (diff < 10)
-            diff = 10;
-        //usleep(diff*1000);
-        sleep(diff / 1000);
     class Pose3DEncodersI : virtual public jderobot::Pose3DEncoders {
@@ -232,6 +229,7 @@
         virtual jderobot::Pose3DEncodersDataPtr getPose3DEncodersData(const Ice::Current&) {
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutex);
             pose3DEncodersData->x = 0;
             pose3DEncodersData->y = 0;
             pose3DEncodersData->z = 0;
@@ -239,10 +237,7 @@
             pose3DEncodersData->tilt = pose->cameraLeft.encoder.tilt;
             pose3DEncodersData->clock = 0;
             pose3DEncodersData->roll = 0;
-            pose3DEncodersData->maxPan = pose->cameraLeft.motor.maxPan;
-            pose3DEncodersData->minPan = pose->cameraLeft.motor.minPan;
-            pose3DEncodersData->maxTilt = pose->cameraLeft.motor.maxTilt;
-            pose3DEncodersData->minTilt = pose->cameraLeft.motor.minTilt;
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutex);
             return pose3DEncodersData;
@@ -270,6 +265,7 @@
         virtual jderobot::Pose3DEncodersDataPtr getPose3DEncodersData(const Ice::Current&) {
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutex);
             pose3DEncodersData->x = 0;
             pose3DEncodersData->y = 0;
             pose3DEncodersData->z = 0;
@@ -277,10 +273,7 @@
             pose3DEncodersData->tilt = pose->cameraRight.encoder.tilt;
             pose3DEncodersData->clock = 0;
             pose3DEncodersData->roll = 0;
-            pose3DEncodersData->maxPan = pose->cameraLeft.motor.maxPan;
-            pose3DEncodersData->minPan = pose->cameraLeft.motor.minPan;
-            pose3DEncodersData->maxTilt = pose->cameraLeft.motor.maxTilt;
-            pose3DEncodersData->minTilt = pose->cameraLeft.motor.minTilt;
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutex);
             return pose3DEncodersData;
@@ -292,22 +285,24 @@
         jderobot::Pose3DEncodersDataPtr pose3DEncodersData;
     class Pose3DMotorsI : virtual public jderobot::Pose3DMotors {
         Pose3DMotorsI(gazebo::Pose3DEncoders* pose) : pose3DMotorsData(new jderobot::Pose3DMotorsData()) {
             this->pose = pose;
-        virtual ~Pose3DMotorsI() {
+        virtual ~Pose3DMotorsI(){
-        virtual jderobot::Pose3DMotorsDataPtr getPose3DMotorsData(const Ice::Current&) {
+        virtual jderobot::Pose3DMotorsDataPtr getPose3DMotorsData(const Ice::Current&){
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutex);
             pose3DMotorsData->x = 0;
             pose3DMotorsData->y = 0;
             pose3DMotorsData->z = 0;
@@ -316,25 +311,28 @@
             pose3DMotorsData->roll = 0;
             pose3DMotorsData->panSpeed = 0;
             pose3DMotorsData->tiltSpeed = 0;
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutex);
             return pose3DMotorsData;
         virtual jderobot::Pose3DMotorsParamsPtr getPose3DMotorsParams(const Ice::Current&) {
-            pose3DMotorsParams->maxPan = pose->cameraLeft.motor.maxPan;
-            pose3DMotorsParams->minPan = pose->cameraLeft.motor.minPan;
-            pose3DMotorsParams->maxTilt = pose->cameraLeft.motor.maxTilt;
-            pose3DMotorsParams->minTilt = pose->cameraLeft.motor.minTilt;
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutex);
+            pose3DMotorsParams->maxPan = 0;
+            pose3DMotorsParams->minPan = 0;
+            pose3DMotorsParams->maxTilt = 0;
+            pose3DMotorsParams->minTilt = 0;
             pose3DMotorsParams->maxPanSpeed = 0;
             pose3DMotorsParams->maxTiltSpeed = 0;
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutex);
             return pose3DMotorsParams;
         virtual Ice::Int setPose3DMotorsData(const jderobot::Pose3DMotorsDataPtr & data, const Ice::Current&) {
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutex);
             pose->cameraLeft.motor.x = data->x;
             pose->cameraLeft.motor.y = data->y;
             pose->cameraLeft.motor.z = data->z;
@@ -342,34 +340,37 @@
             pose->cameraLeft.motor.tilt = data->tilt;
             pose->cameraLeft.motor.roll = data->roll;
             pose->cameraLeft.motor.panSpeed = data->panSpeed;
-            pose->cameraLeft.motor.tiltSpeed = data->tiltSpeed;
+            pose->cameraLeft.motor.tiltSpeed = data->tiltSpeed;            
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutex);
-        }
+        }        
         gazebo::Pose3DEncoders* pose;
         jderobot::Pose3DMotorsDataPtr pose3DMotorsData;
         jderobot::Pose3DMotorsParamsPtr pose3DMotorsParams;
     class Pose3DMotorsII : virtual public jderobot::Pose3DMotors {
         Pose3DMotorsII(gazebo::Pose3DEncoders* pose) : pose3DMotorsData(new jderobot::Pose3DMotorsData()) {
             this->pose = pose;
-        virtual ~Pose3DMotorsII() {
+        virtual ~Pose3DMotorsII(){
-        virtual jderobot::Pose3DMotorsDataPtr getPose3DMotorsData(const Ice::Current&) {
+        virtual jderobot::Pose3DMotorsDataPtr getPose3DMotorsData(const Ice::Current&){
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutex);
             pose3DMotorsData->x = 0;
             pose3DMotorsData->y = 0;
             pose3DMotorsData->z = 0;
@@ -378,25 +379,28 @@
             pose3DMotorsData->roll = 0;
             pose3DMotorsData->panSpeed = 0;
             pose3DMotorsData->tiltSpeed = 0;
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutex);
             return pose3DMotorsData;
         virtual jderobot::Pose3DMotorsParamsPtr getPose3DMotorsParams(const Ice::Current&) {
-            pose3DMotorsParams->maxPan = pose->cameraRight.motor.maxPan;
-            pose3DMotorsParams->minPan = pose->cameraRight.motor.minPan;
-            pose3DMotorsParams->maxTilt = pose->cameraRight.motor.maxTilt;
-            pose3DMotorsParams->minTilt = pose->cameraRight.motor.minTilt;
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutex);
+            pose3DMotorsParams->maxPan = 0;
+            pose3DMotorsParams->minPan = 0;
+            pose3DMotorsParams->maxTilt = 0;
+            pose3DMotorsParams->minTilt = 0;
             pose3DMotorsParams->maxPanSpeed = 0;
             pose3DMotorsParams->maxTiltSpeed = 0;
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutex);
             return pose3DMotorsParams;
         virtual Ice::Int setPose3DMotorsData(const jderobot::Pose3DMotorsDataPtr & data, const Ice::Current&) {
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&pose->mutex);
             pose->cameraRight.motor.x = data->x;
             pose->cameraRight.motor.y = data->y;
             pose->cameraRight.motor.z = data->z;
@@ -404,18 +408,21 @@
             pose->cameraRight.motor.tilt = data->tilt;
             pose->cameraRight.motor.roll = data->roll;
             pose->cameraRight.motor.panSpeed = data->panSpeed;
-            pose->cameraRight.motor.tiltSpeed = data->tiltSpeed;
+            pose->cameraRight.motor.tiltSpeed = data->tiltSpeed;            
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&pose->mutex);
-        }
+        }        
         gazebo::Pose3DEncoders* pose;
         jderobot::Pose3DMotorsDataPtr pose3DMotorsData;
         jderobot::Pose3DMotorsParamsPtr pose3DMotorsParams;
     void *pose3dencodersICE(void* v) {
         gazebo::Pose3DEncoders* base = (gazebo::Pose3DEncoders*)v;
@@ -429,40 +436,46 @@
             ic = Ice::initialize(argc, argv);
             prop = ic->getProperties();
-            std::string Endpoints1 = prop->getProperty("Pose3DEncodersLeft.Endpoints");
-            std::cout << "Pose3DEncodersLeft Endpoints > " << Endpoints1 << std::endl;
-            std::string Endpoints2 = prop->getProperty("Pose3DEncodersRight.Endpoints");
-            std::cout << "Pose3DEncodersRight Endpoints > " << Endpoints2 << std::endl;
-            std::string Endpoints3 = prop->getProperty("Pose3DMotorsLeft.Endpoints");
-            std::cout << "Pose3DMotorsLeft Endpoints > " << Endpoints3 << std::endl;
-            std::string Endpoints4 = prop->getProperty("Pose3DMotorsRight.Endpoints");
-            std::cout << "Pose3DMotorsRight Endpoints > " << Endpoints4 << std::endl;
+            std::string Endpoints1 = prop->getProperty("Pose3DEncoders1.Endpoints");
+            std::cout << "Pose3DEncoders1 Endpoints > " << Endpoints1 << std::endl;
+            std::string Endpoints2 = prop->getProperty("Pose3DEncoders2.Endpoints");
+            std::cout << "Pose3DEncoders2 Endpoints > " << Endpoints2 << std::endl;
+            std::string Endpoints3 = prop->getProperty("Pose3DMotors1.Endpoints");
+            std::cout << "Pose3DMotors1 Endpoints > " << Endpoints3 << std::endl;
+            std::string Endpoints4 = prop->getProperty("Pose3DMotors2.Endpoints");
+            std::cout << "Pose3DMotors2 Endpoints > " << Endpoints4 << std::endl;
             Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter1 =
-                    ic->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Pose3DEncodersLeft", Endpoints1);
+                    ic->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Pose3DEncoders1", Endpoints1);
             Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter2 =
-                    ic->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Pose3DEncodersRight", Endpoints2);
+                    ic->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Pose3DEncoders2", Endpoints2);
             Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter3 =
-                    ic->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Pose3DMotorsLeft", Endpoints3);
+                    ic->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Pose3DMotors1", Endpoints3);
             Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter4 =
-                    ic->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Pose3DMotorsRight", Endpoints4);
+                    ic->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Pose3DMotors2", Endpoints4);
             Ice::ObjectPtr object1 = new Pose3DEncodersI(base);
             Ice::ObjectPtr object2 = new Pose3DEncodersII(base);
             Ice::ObjectPtr object3 = new Pose3DMotorsI(base);
             Ice::ObjectPtr object4 = new Pose3DMotorsII(base);
-            adapter1->add(object1, ic->stringToIdentity("Pose3DEncodersLeft"));
-            adapter2->add(object2, ic->stringToIdentity("Pose3DEncodersRight"));
-            adapter3->add(object3, ic->stringToIdentity("Pose3DMotorsLeft"));
-            adapter4->add(object4, ic->stringToIdentity("Pose3DMotorsRight"));
+            adapter1->add(object1, ic->stringToIdentity("Pose3DEncoders1"));
+            adapter2->add(object2, ic->stringToIdentity("Pose3DEncoders2"));
+            adapter3->add(object3, ic->stringToIdentity("Pose3DMotors1"));
+            adapter4->add(object4, ic->stringToIdentity("Pose3DMotors2"));
         } catch (const Ice::Exception& e) {
             std::cerr << e << std::endl;

Modified: trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/pose3dencoders.h
--- trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/pose3dencoders.h	2013-03-20 08:21:35 UTC (rev 889)
+++ trunk/src/components/gazeboserver/pose3dencoders.h	2013-03-22 11:07:30 UTC (rev 890)
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@
         std::string namePose3DEncoders;
         pthread_mutex_t mutex;
         pthread_mutex_t mutexPose3DEncoders;
         struct pose3dencoders_t {
             float x;
@@ -75,9 +73,6 @@
         physics::ModelPtr model;
         event::ConnectionPtr updateConnection;
         int count;
-        int cycle;
-        long totalb, totala, diff;
-        struct timeval a, b;

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