[Jderobot-admin] jderobot-r1024 - in trunk/src/testing/components: . playerserver
eperdices en jderobot.org
eperdices en jderobot.org
Mie Oct 9 16:00:01 CEST 2013
Author: eperdices
Date: 2013-10-09 15:59:01 +0200 (Wed, 09 Oct 2013)
New Revision: 1024
Added playerserver with Player 3.0.2
Added: trunk/src/testing/components/playerserver/CMakeLists.txt
--- trunk/src/testing/components/playerserver/CMakeLists.txt (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/testing/components/playerserver/CMakeLists.txt 2013-10-09 13:59:01 UTC (rev 1024)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+ SET( SOURCE_FILES playerserver4.cpp)
+ SET( LIBS_DIR /usr/local/lib/jderobot/)
+ include_directories(
+ /usr/local/include/jderobot/
+ /usr/local/include/player-3.0
+ #/usr/local/include/gearbox
+ )
+ set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-lplayerc -lplayerc++ -lplayercommon -lplayercore -lIceUtil -lIce")
+ link_directories(/usr/local/lib)
+ add_executable (playerserver ${SOURCE_FILES})
+ #${Gearbox_LIBRARIES}
+ ${Player_LIBRARIES}
+ ${LIBS_DIR}/libJderobotInterfaces.so
+ ${LIBS_DIR}/libjderobotice.so
+ ${LIBS_DIR}/libjderobotutil.so
+ )
Added: trunk/src/testing/components/playerserver/laser_real.cfg
--- trunk/src/testing/components/playerserver/laser_real.cfg (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/testing/components/playerserver/laser_real.cfg 2013-10-09 13:59:01 UTC (rev 1024)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ name "hokuyo_aist"
+ provides ["ranger:0"]
+ portopts "type=serial,device=/dev/ttyACM0,timeout=1,baud=19200"
+ min_angle -1.5707965 #PI/2
+ max_angle 1.5707965 #PI/2
Added: trunk/src/testing/components/playerserver/playerserver.cfg
--- trunk/src/testing/components/playerserver/playerserver.cfg (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/testing/components/playerserver/playerserver.cfg 2013-10-09 13:59:01 UTC (rev 1024)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#without registry
+PlayerServer.Endpoints=default -h localhost -p 9998
+#with registry
+#Ice.Default.Locator=IceGrid/Locator:tcp -h localhost -p 12000
+#Player server configuration
+PlayerServer.Initial_position.X=0 #m
+PlayerServer.Initial_position.Y=0 #m
+PlayerServer.Initial_position.Theta=0 #rad
Added: trunk/src/testing/components/playerserver/playerserver4.cpp
--- trunk/src/testing/components/playerserver/playerserver4.cpp (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/testing/components/playerserver/playerserver4.cpp 2013-10-09 13:59:01 UTC (rev 1024)
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2010 JDERobot Developers Team
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+ *
+ * Authors : Julio Vega <julio.vega en urjc.es>
+ * Eduardo Perdices <eperdices en gsyc.es>
+ *
+ */
+// ICE utils includes
+#include <Ice/Ice.h>
+#include <IceUtil/IceUtil.h>
+// JDErobot general ice component includes
+#include <jderobotice/component.h>
+#include <jderobotice/application.h>
+#include <tr1/memory>
+#include <list>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <jderobotice/exceptions.h>
+// JDErobot specific ice component includes
+#include <jderobot/motors.h>
+#include <jderobot/laser.h>
+#include <jderobot/encoders.h>
+#include <jderobot/ptencoders.h>
+#include <jderobot/ptmotors.h>
+#include <jderobot/sonars.h>
+// Library includes
+#include <math.h>
+#include <libplayerc++/playerc++.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+// Constants
+#define DEGTORAD 0.01745327
+#define RADTODEG 57.29582790
+#define MIN_PAN 40.0
+#define MAX_PAN 160.0
+#define MIN_TILT 40.0
+#define MAX_TILT 120.0
+#define PLAYERSERVER_2PI 6.28318531
+#define ITERATION_TIME 75 //ms
+/*Laser configuration*/
+#define NUM_LASER_DEF 180
+/*Sonar configuration*/
+#define NUM_SONARS_DEF 16
+using namespace std;
+// Global variables
+string playerhost;
+int playerport;
+namespace playerserver {
+ class MotorsI: virtual public jderobot::Motors {
+ public:
+ MotorsI (std::string& propertyPrefix, const jderobotice::Context& context):
+ prefix(propertyPrefix),context(context) {
+ Ice::PropertiesPtr prop = context.properties();
+ robot = new PlayerCc::PlayerClient(playerhost.c_str(), playerport);
+ playerPose = new PlayerCc::Position2dProxy(robot, 0);
+ // Create a client object
+ cout << "Connecting to Player Server at '" << playerhost << ":" << playerport << "..." << endl;
+ // Start the robot
+ player_v = 0.0;
+ player_w = 0.0;
+ playerPose->SetSpeed(player_v, player_w);
+ }
+ virtual ~MotorsI(){};
+ virtual float getV (const Ice::Current&) {
+ return player_v;
+ };
+ virtual float getW (const Ice::Current&) {
+ return player_w;
+ };
+ virtual Ice::Int setV (Ice::Float v, const Ice::Current&) {
+ player_v = v;
+ return 0;
+ };
+ virtual Ice::Int setW (Ice::Float w, const Ice::Current&) {
+ player_w = w;
+ return 0;
+ };
+ virtual float getL(const Ice::Current&) {
+ return (float)0.0;
+ };
+ virtual Ice::Int setL(Ice::Float w, const Ice::Current&) {
+ return 0;
+ };
+ virtual void update() {
+ // Update robot vel
+ playerPose->SetSpeed(player_v, player_w);
+ };
+ private:
+ std::string prefix;
+ jderobotice::Context context;
+ PlayerCc::PlayerClient *robot;
+ PlayerCc::Position2dProxy *playerPose;
+ float player_v, player_w;
+ };
+ class LaserI: virtual public jderobot::Laser {
+ public:
+ LaserI (std::string& propertyPrefix, const jderobotice::Context& context):
+ prefix(propertyPrefix),context(context),laserData(new jderobot::LaserData()) {
+ Ice::PropertiesPtr prop = context.properties();
+ pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
+ // Create a client object
+ cout << "Connecting to Player Server at '" << playerhost << ":" << playerport << "..." << endl;
+ robot = new PlayerCc::PlayerClient(playerhost.c_str(), playerport);
+ playerLaser = new PlayerCc::RangerProxy(robot, 0);
+ /*Get laser resolution*/
+ laser_num_readings = prop->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("PlayerServer.Laser.Num_readings", NUM_LASER_DEF);
+ laser_resolution = (double) prop->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("PlayerServer.Laser.Readings_per_degree", RESOLUTION_LASER_DEF);
+ hokuyo = (double) prop->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("PlayerServer.Hokuyo", 0);
+ laserData->numLaser = laser_num_readings;
+ laserData->distanceData.resize(sizeof(int)*laserData->numLaser);
+ cout << "Constructor end" << endl;
+ }
+ virtual ~LaserI(){};
+ virtual jderobot::LaserDataPtr getLaserData(const Ice::Current&) {
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
+ jderobot::LaserDataPtr laserData_send(new jderobot::LaserData());
+laserData_send->numLaser = 180;
+ laserData_send->distanceData.resize(180);
+ //std::cout << laserData->numLaser <<" "<< laserData_send->distanceData.size() << std::endl;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 180; i++ ) {
+ //std::cout << i << std::endl;
+ laserData_send->distanceData[i]=laserData->distanceData[i];
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
+ return laserData_send;
+ };
+ virtual void update() {
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
+ robot->Read();
+ int i;
+ double j;
+ double player_resolution;
+ double jump;
+ int offset;
+ if(hokuyo==1){
+ offset=0;//((playerLaser->GetRangeCount()/jump)-laser_num_readings)/2;
+ i=180;
+ j=offset;
+ //std::cout << "playerLaser->GetRangeCount(): "<< playerLaser->GetRangeCount() << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "jump "<< jump << std::endl;
+ jump = 2.85;
+ //Update laser values//
+ while(j<playerLaser->GetRangeCount() && i>0){
+ if(playerLaser->GetRange((int)j)<0.01){
+ laserData->distanceData[i]=(int)(5*1000);
+ }else{
+ laserData->distanceData[i]=(int)(playerLaser->GetRange((int)j)*1000);
+ }
+ j=j+jump;
+ i--;
+ }
+ }else{
+ //Now we must transform player resolution into user defined resolution
+ player_resolution=(double)1.0/(0.5);
+ jump = player_resolution / laser_resolution;
+ offset=((playerLaser->GetRangeCount()/jump)-laser_num_readings)/2;
+ i=0;
+ j=offset;
+ //Update laser values//
+ while(j<playerLaser->GetRangeCount() && i<laser_num_readings){
+ laserData->distanceData[i]=(int)(playerLaser->GetRange((int)j)*1000);
+ j=j+jump;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
+ //std::cout << "nReading: " << i << std::endl;
+ };
+ private:
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex;
+ std::string prefix;
+ jderobotice::Context context;
+ jderobot::LaserDataPtr laserData;
+ PlayerCc::PlayerClient *robot;
+ PlayerCc::RangerProxy *playerLaser;
+ int laser_num_readings;
+ double laser_resolution;
+ int hokuyo;
+ };
+ class EncodersI: virtual public jderobot::Encoders {
+ public:
+ EncodersI (std::string& propertyPrefix, const jderobotice::Context& context):
+ prefix(propertyPrefix),context(context),encodersData(new jderobot::EncodersData()) {
+ Ice::PropertiesPtr prop = context.properties();
+ robot = new PlayerCc::PlayerClient(playerhost.c_str(), playerport);
+ playerPose = new PlayerCc::Position2dProxy(robot, 0);
+ // Create a client object
+ cout << "Connecting to Player Server at '" << playerhost << ":" << playerport << "..." << endl;
+ correcting_x = prop->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("PlayerServer.Initial_position.X", 0); /* m */
+ correcting_y = prop->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("PlayerServer.Initial_position.Y", 0); /* m */
+ correcting_theta = prop->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("PlayerServer.Initial_position.Theta", 0); /* rad */
+ }
+ virtual ~EncodersI(){};
+ virtual jderobot::EncodersDataPtr getEncodersData(const Ice::Current&){
+ return encodersData;
+ };
+ virtual void setEncodersData(const jderobot::EncodersDataPtr& encodersData,
+ const Ice::Current&) {
+ };
+ virtual void update() {
+ float robotx, roboty, robottheta;
+ // Read data from the server
+ robot->Read();
+ robotx = (playerPose->GetXPos())*(float)cos(correcting_theta) - (playerPose->GetYPos())*(float)sin(correcting_theta) + correcting_x;
+ roboty = (playerPose->GetYPos())*(float)cos(correcting_theta) + (playerPose->GetXPos())*(float)sin(correcting_theta) + correcting_y;
+ robottheta = (playerPose->GetYaw()) + correcting_theta;
+ if (robottheta<=0)
+ robottheta = robottheta + PLAYERSERVER_2PI;
+ else if (robottheta > PLAYERSERVER_2PI)
+ robottheta = robottheta - PLAYERSERVER_2PI;
+ encodersData->robotx = robotx*100;
+ encodersData->roboty = roboty*100;
+ encodersData->robottheta = robottheta;
+ encodersData->robotcos = cos(robottheta);
+ encodersData->robotsin = sin(robottheta);
+ };
+ private:
+ std::string prefix;
+ jderobotice::Context context;
+ jderobot::EncodersDataPtr encodersData;
+ PlayerCc::PlayerClient *robot;
+ PlayerCc::Position2dProxy *playerPose;
+ float correcting_x; /* m */
+ float correcting_y; /* m */
+ float correcting_theta; /* rad */
+ };
+ class PTMotorsI: virtual public jderobot::PTMotors {
+ public:
+ PTMotorsI(std::string& propertyPrefix, const jderobotice::Context& context):
+ prefix(propertyPrefix),context(context) {
+ Ice::PropertiesPtr prop = context.properties();
+ playerserver_id=0;
+ playerclient_id=0;
+ // Create a client object
+ cout << "Connecting to Player Server at '" << playerhost << ":" << playerport << "..." << endl;
+ playerclient = playerc_client_create (NULL, playerhost.c_str(), playerport);
+ // Connect to the server
+ if (playerc_client_connect(playerclient) != 0) {
+ cout << "ERROR: Connecting to Player Server" << endl;
+ }
+ // Getting player server pantilt
+ player_ptz = playerc_ptz_create (playerclient, 0);
+ if (playerc_ptz_subscribe (player_ptz, PLAYER_OPEN_MODE) != 0) {
+ player_ptz = NULL;
+ cout << "ERROR: Getting Player PTZ" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual ~PTMotorsI() {};
+ virtual Ice::Int setPTMotorsData(const jderobot::PTMotorsDataPtr & data, const Ice::Current&){
+ // Read data from the server
+ if(playerc_client_read(playerclient) == NULL) {
+ cout << "ERROR: Reading from Player Server" << endl;
+ }
+ //player_ptz_lock (player_ptz, 1);
+ player_ptz->pan = data->longitude;
+ if (data->longitude > MAX_PAN*DEGTORAD)
+ player_ptz->pan = MAX_PAN*DEGTORAD;
+ else if (data->longitude < MIN_PAN*DEGTORAD)
+ player_ptz->pan = MIN_PAN*DEGTORAD;
+ player_ptz->tilt = data->latitude;
+ if (data->latitude > MAX_TILT*DEGTORAD)
+ player_ptz->tilt = MAX_TILT*DEGTORAD;
+ else if (data->latitude < MIN_TILT*DEGTORAD)
+ player_ptz->tilt = MIN_TILT*DEGTORAD;
+ //player_ptz_unlock (player_ptz);
+ return 0;
+ };
+ std::string prefix;
+ jderobotice::Context context;
+ jderobot::PTMotorsDataPtr ptMotorsData;
+ playerc_client_t *playerclient;
+ int playerserver_id;
+ int playerclient_id;
+ playerc_ptz_t *player_ptz;
+ };
+ class PTEncodersI: virtual public jderobot::PTEncoders {
+ public:
+ PTEncodersI(std::string& propertyPrefix, const jderobotice::Context& context):
+ prefix(propertyPrefix),context(context) {
+ Ice::PropertiesPtr prop = context.properties();
+ playerserver_id=0;
+ playerclient_id=0;
+ // Create a client object
+ cout << "Connecting to Player Server at '" << playerhost << ":" << playerport << "..." << endl;
+ playerclient = playerc_client_create (NULL, playerhost.c_str(), playerport);
+ // Connect to the server
+ if (playerc_client_connect(playerclient) != 0) {
+ cout << "ERROR: Connecting to Player Server" << endl;
+ }
+ // Getting player server pantilt
+ player_ptz = playerc_ptz_create (playerclient, 0);
+ if (playerc_ptz_subscribe (player_ptz, PLAYER_OPEN_MODE) != 0) {
+ player_ptz = NULL;
+ cout << "ERROR: Getting Player PTZ" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual ~PTEncodersI(){};
+ virtual jderobot::PTEncodersDataPtr getPTEncodersData(const Ice::Current&){
+ // Read data from the server
+ if(playerc_client_read(playerclient) == NULL) {
+ cout << "ERROR: Reading from Player Server" << endl;
+ }
+ //player_ptz_lock (player_ptz, 1);
+ ptEncodersData->panAngle = -1 * player_ptz->pan;
+ ptEncodersData->tiltAngle = -1 * player_ptz->tilt;
+ //player_ptz_unlock (player_ptz);
+ return ptEncodersData;
+ };
+ std::string prefix;
+ jderobotice::Context context;
+ jderobot::PTEncodersDataPtr ptEncodersData;
+ playerc_client_t *playerclient;
+ int playerserver_id;
+ int playerclient_id;
+ playerc_ptz_t *player_ptz;
+ };
+ class SonarsI: virtual public jderobot::Sonars {
+ public:
+ SonarsI(std::string& propertyPrefix, const jderobotice::Context& context):
+ prefix(propertyPrefix),context(context),sonarsData(new jderobot::SonarsData()) {
+ Ice::PropertiesPtr prop = context.properties();
+ // Create a client object
+ cout << "Connecting to Player Server at '" << playerhost << ":" << playerport << "..." << endl;
+ robot = new PlayerCc::PlayerClient(playerhost.c_str(), playerport);
+ playerSonar = new PlayerCc::RangerProxy(robot, 0);
+ sonarsData->numSonars = playerSonar->GetRangeCount();
+ sonarsData->us.resize(sonarsData->numSonars);
+ }
+ virtual ~SonarsI() {};
+ virtual jderobot::SonarsDataPtr getSonarsData (const Ice::Current&) {
+ return sonarsData;
+ };
+ virtual void update() {
+ // Read data from the server
+ robot->Read();
+ int num_sonars = playerSonar->GetRangeCount();;
+ sonarsData->numSonars = playerSonar->GetRangeCount();
+ sonarsData->us.resize(playerSonar->GetRangeCount());
+ //Update sonars values//
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_sonars; i++) {
+ sonarsData->us[i] = (int) playerSonar->GetRange(i)*1000;
+ }
+ sonarsData->numSonars = num_sonars;
+ }
+ std::string prefix;
+ jderobotice::Context context;
+ jderobot::SonarsDataPtr sonarsData;
+ PlayerCc::PlayerClient *robot;
+ PlayerCc::RangerProxy *playerSonar;
+ };
+ class Component: public jderobotice::Component {
+ public:
+ Component():jderobotice::Component("PlayerServer"),
+ motors1(0), laser1(0), encoders1(0), ptmotors1(0), ptencoders1(0), sonars1(0) {}
+ virtual void start() {
+ int avMotors, avLaser, avEncoders;
+ int avPTMotors, avPTEncoders, avSonars;
+ Ice::PropertiesPtr prop = context().properties();
+ playerhost = prop->getPropertyWithDefault(context().tag() + ".Hostname","localhost");
+ playerport = prop->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(context().tag() + ".Port",6665);
+ //Motors
+ avMotors = prop->getPropertyAsInt(context().tag() + ".Motors");
+ if (avMotors == 1) {
+ cout << "DEBUG: Entramos en motors" << endl;
+ std::string objPrefix2(context().tag() + ".Motors");
+ std::string motorsName = "motors1";
+ context().tracer().info("Creating motors1 " + motorsName);
+ motors1 = new MotorsI(objPrefix2,context());
+ context().createInterfaceWithString(motors1,motorsName);
+ }
+ //Laser
+ avLaser = prop->getPropertyAsInt(context().tag() + ".Laser");
+ if (avLaser == 1) {
+ cout << "DEBUG: Entramos en laser" << endl;
+ std::string objPrefix3(context().tag() + ".Laser");
+ std::string laserName = "laser1";
+ context().tracer().info("Creating laser1 " + laserName);
+ laser1 = new LaserI(objPrefix3,context());
+ context().createInterfaceWithString(laser1,laserName);
+ }
+ cout << "DEBUG: Salidos de laser" << endl;
+ //Encoders
+ avEncoders = prop->getPropertyAsInt(context().tag() + ".Encoders");
+ if (avEncoders == 1) {
+ cout << "DEBUG: Entramos en encoders" << endl;
+ std::string objPrefix4(context().tag() + ".Encoders");
+ std::string encodersName = "encoders1";
+ context().tracer().info("Creating encoders1 " + encodersName);
+ encoders1 = new EncodersI(objPrefix4,context());
+ context().createInterfaceWithString(encoders1,encodersName);
+ }
+ //PTMotors
+ /*avPTMotors = prop->getPropertyAsInt(context().tag() + ".PTMotors");
+ if (avPTMotors == 1) {
+ cout << "DEBUG: Entramos en ptmotors" << endl;
+ std::string objPrefix5(context().tag() + ".PTMotors");
+ std::string ptmotorsName = "ptmotors1";
+ context().tracer().info("Creating ptmotors1 " + ptmotorsName);
+ ptmotors1 = new PTMotorsI(objPrefix5,context());
+ context().createInterfaceWithString(ptmotors1,ptmotorsName);
+ }*/
+ //PTEncoders
+ /*avPTEncoders = prop->getPropertyAsInt(context().tag() + ".PTEncoders");
+ if (avPTEncoders == 1) {
+ cout << "DEBUG: Entramos en ptencoders" << endl;
+ std::string objPrefix6(context().tag() + ".PTEncoders");
+ std::string ptencodersName = "ptencoders1";
+ context().tracer().info("Creating ptencoders1 " + ptencodersName);
+ ptencoders1 = new PTEncodersI(objPrefix6,context());
+ context().createInterfaceWithString(ptencoders1,ptencodersName);
+ }*/
+ //Sonars
+ avSonars = prop->getPropertyAsInt(context().tag() + ".Sonars");
+ if (avSonars == 1) {
+ cout << "DEBUG: Entramos en sonars" << endl;
+ std::string objPrefix7(context().tag() + ".Sonars");
+ std::string sonarsName = "sonars1";
+ context().tracer().info("Creating sonars1 " + sonarsName);
+ sonars1 = new SonarsI(objPrefix7,context());
+ context().createInterfaceWithString(sonars1,sonarsName);
+ }
+ //Get subclasses
+ MotorsI * motors = NULL;
+ LaserI * laser = NULL;
+ EncodersI * encoders = NULL;
+ PTMotorsI * ptmotors = NULL;
+ PTEncodersI * ptencoders = NULL;
+ SonarsI * sonars = NULL;
+ if(avMotors)
+ motors = dynamic_cast<MotorsI*>(&(*motors1));
+ if(avLaser)
+ laser = dynamic_cast<LaserI*>(&(*laser1));
+ if(avEncoders)
+ encoders = dynamic_cast<EncodersI*>(&(*encoders1));
+ //if(avPTMotors)
+ //ptmotors = dynamic_cast<PTMotorsI*>(&(*ptmotors1));
+ //if(avPTEncoders)
+ // ptencoders = dynamic_cast<PTEncodersI*>(&(*ptencoders1));
+ if(avSonars)
+ sonars = dynamic_cast<SonarsI*>(&(*sonars1));
+ //Update values
+ while(true) {
+ if(avMotors && motors)
+ motors->update();
+ if(avLaser && laser)
+ laser->update();
+ if(avEncoders && encoders)
+ encoders->update();
+ //if(avPTMotors && ptmotors)
+ //ptmotors->update();
+ //if(avPTEncoders && ptencoders)
+ // ptencoders->update();
+ if(avSonars && sonars)
+ sonars->update();
+ usleep(ITERATION_TIME*1000);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual ~Component() {}
+ private:
+ Ice::ObjectPtr motors1;
+ Ice::ObjectPtr laser1;
+ Ice::ObjectPtr encoders1;
+ Ice::ObjectPtr ptmotors1;
+ Ice::ObjectPtr ptencoders1;
+ Ice::ObjectPtr sonars1;
+ };
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ playerserver::Component component;
+ jderobotice::Application app(component);
+ return app.jderobotMain(argc,argv);
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