[Jderobot-admin] La ejecución en Jenkins ha fallado: JdeRobot-GitHub #9

jenkins jenkins en jenkins.jderobot.org
Vie Mar 20 11:37:24 CET 2015

Echa un vistazo a <http://jenkins.jderobot.org/job/JdeRobot-GitHub/9/>

[...truncated 3 lines...]
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
 > git config remote.origin.url https://github.com/RoboticsURJC/JdeRobot # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from https://github.com/RoboticsURJC/JdeRobot
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git -c core.askpass=true fetch --tags --progress https://github.com/RoboticsURJC/JdeRobot +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
Checking out Revision a7d2c41ac60c05abdccf98597ec12aad190b1ec8 (refs/remotes/origin/master)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f a7d2c41ac60c05abdccf98597ec12aad190b1ec8
 > git rev-list a7d2c41ac60c05abdccf98597ec12aad190b1ec8 # timeout=10
[JdeRobot-GitHub] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/hudson2369161678300690212.sh
+ /var/lib/jenkins/scripts/jderobot-chroot.sh ubuntu-14.04
*** Fireware ok
*** OpenNi not found
*** Nite not found
*** Xerces ok
*** ICE ok
*** CWIID LIBRARIES NOT FOUND. Needed to wiimoteServer
OpenCVHighGui was found in: /usr/include/opencv
OpenCV was found in: /usr/include/opencv
OpenGL libraries found at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglut.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libXmu.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libXi.so
-- OpenNI2 found at /usr/include/openni2
NITE2 library not found
Libxml++ libraries found at 
*** LIBXML2 ok
-- Boost version: 1.54.0
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
--   system
--   filesystem
*** ALUT not found
kobuki was found in: /usr/include
kobuki LIBRARY FOUND IN /usr/lib/libkobuki.so;/usr/lib/libkobuki_dock_drive.so;/usr/lib/libecl_devices.so;/usr/lib/libecl_errors.so;/usr/lib/libecl_exceptions.so;/usr/lib/libecl_formatters.so;/usr/lib/libecl_geometry.so;/usr/lib/libecl_io.so;/usr/lib/libecl_ipc.so;/usr/lib/libecl_mobile_robot.so;/usr/lib/libecl_statistics.so;/usr/lib/libecl_streams.so;/usr/lib/libecl_threads.so;/usr/lib/libecl_time.so;/usr/lib/libecl_time_lite.so;/usr/lib/libecl_type_traits.so
*** libusb FOUND
-- Boost version: 1.54.0
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
--   system
--   filesystem
-- Processing component pclRGBDServer
-- Processing component opencvdemo
-- Processing component rgbdViewer
-- Processing component colorTuner
-- Processing component rgbdCalibrator
-- Processing component basic_component_qt
-- Processing component cameraview_icestorm
-- Processing component rgbdManualCalibrator
-- Processing component basic_component
-- Processing component icestorm
-- Processing component replayer
-- Processing component giraffeClient
-- Processing component visualHFSM
-- Processing component recorder
-- Processing component cameraserver
-- Processing component basic_server
-- Processing component naoviewer
-- Processing component introrob
-- Processing component giraffeServer
-- Processing component gazeboserver
-- Processing component replayController
-- Processing component namingService
-- Processing component remoteConfiguration
-- Processing component cameraview
-- Processing component openniServer
-- Processing component naoserver
-- Processing component openni1Server
-- Processing component teleoperator
-- Processing component introrob_qt
-- Processing component kobuki_driver
-- Processing component followBall
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /jenkins/ws/JdeRobot
[  1%] [  1%] Built target pioneer
Built target pioneershare
[  2%] [  3%] Built target colorspacesmm
Built target colorspaces
[  3%] [  4%] Built target colorspacesmmshare
Built target colorspacesshare
[  5%] Built target cvfast
[  8%] Built target cvblob
[  9%] Built target progeo
[  9%] Built target ns
[ 10%] Built target xmlParser
[ 11%] Built target xmlParsershare
[ 12%] Built target fuzzylib
[ 12%] Built target fuzzyshare
[ 13%] Built target jderobotutil
[ 15%] Built target jderobotutilshare
[ 16%] Built target depthLib
[ 26%] Built target geometry
[ 27%] Built target depthLibshare
[ 28%] Built target logger
[ 28%] Built target progeoshare
[ 29%] Built target opencvdemo
[ 30%] Built target colorTuner
[ 34%] Built target basic_component_qt
[ 36%] Built target rgbdCalibrator
[ 37%] Built target cameraview_icestorm
[ 39%] Built target basic_component
[ 41%] Built target replayer
Scanning dependencies of target giraffeClient
Linking CXX executable giraffeClient
Scanning dependencies of target recorder
Linking CXX executable recorder
[ 43%] Built target giraffeClient
Scanning dependencies of target cameraserver
Linking CXX executable cameraserver
[ 43%] Built target cameraserver
[ 45%] Built target basic_server
[ 49%] Built target recorder
Scanning dependencies of target giraffeServer
Linking CXX executable giraffeServer
Scanning dependencies of target introrob
Linking CXX executable introrob
[ 54%] Built target giraffeServer
Scanning dependencies of target replayController
Linking CXX executable replayController
[ 55%] Built target replayController
Scanning dependencies of target namingService
Linking CXX executable namingService
[ 56%] Built target namingService
Scanning dependencies of target remoteConfiguration
Linking CXX executable remoteConfiguration
[ 60%] Built target introrob
Scanning dependencies of target cameraview
Linking CXX executable cameraview
[ 61%] Built target remoteConfiguration
Scanning dependencies of target openniServer
Linking CXX executable openniServer
[ 62%] Built target cameraview
Scanning dependencies of target teleoperatorPC
Linking CXX executable teleoperatorPC
[ 63%] Built target openniServer
Scanning dependencies of target introrob_qt
Linking CXX executable introrob_qt
[ 65%] Built target teleoperatorPC
Scanning dependencies of target kobuki_driver
Linking CXX executable kobuki_driver
[ 67%] Built target kobuki_driver
[ 90%] Built target introrob_qt
Scanning dependencies of target followball
[ 91%] Built target imgAnalyze
[ 93%] Built target parallelIce
Linking CXX executable followball
[ 94%] Built target parallelIceshare
[ 96%] Built target rgbdViewer
[ 98%] Built target rgbdManualCalibrator
[100%] Built target followball
*** Fireware ok
*** OpenNi not found
*** Nite not found
*** Xerces ok
*** ICE ok
*** CWIID LIBRARIES NOT FOUND. Needed to wiimoteServer
OpenCVHighGui was found in: /usr/include/opencv
OpenCV was found in: /usr/include/opencv
OpenGL libraries found at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglut.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libXmu.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libXi.so
-- OpenNI2 found at /usr/include/openni2
NITE2 library not found
Libxml++ libraries found at 
*** LIBXML2 ok
-- Boost version: 1.54.0
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
--   system
--   filesystem
*** ALUT not found
kobuki was found in: /usr/include
kobuki LIBRARY FOUND IN /usr/lib/libkobuki.so;/usr/lib/libkobuki_dock_drive.so;/usr/lib/libecl_devices.so;/usr/lib/libecl_errors.so;/usr/lib/libecl_exceptions.so;/usr/lib/libecl_formatters.so;/usr/lib/libecl_geometry.so;/usr/lib/libecl_io.so;/usr/lib/libecl_ipc.so;/usr/lib/libecl_mobile_robot.so;/usr/lib/libecl_statistics.so;/usr/lib/libecl_streams.so;/usr/lib/libecl_threads.so;/usr/lib/libecl_time.so;/usr/lib/libecl_time_lite.so;/usr/lib/libecl_type_traits.so
*** libusb FOUND
-- Boost version: 1.54.0
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
--   system
--   filesystem
-- Processing component pclRGBDServer
-- Processing component opencvdemo
-- Processing component rgbdViewer
-- Processing component colorTuner
-- Processing component rgbdCalibrator
-- Processing component basic_component_qt
-- Processing component cameraview_icestorm
-- Processing component rgbdManualCalibrator
-- Processing component basic_component
-- Processing component icestorm
-- Processing component replayer
-- Processing component giraffeClient
-- Processing component visualHFSM
-- Processing component recorder
-- Processing component cameraserver
-- Processing component basic_server
-- Processing component naoviewer
-- Processing component introrob
-- Processing component giraffeServer
-- Processing component gazeboserver
-- Processing component replayController
-- Processing component namingService
-- Processing component remoteConfiguration
-- Processing component cameraview
-- Processing component openniServer
-- Processing component naoserver
-- Processing component openni1Server
-- Processing component teleoperator
-- Processing component introrob_qt
-- Processing component kobuki_driver
-- Processing component followBall
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /jenkins/ws/JdeRobot
CPack: Create package using DEB
CPack: Install projects
CPack: - Run preinstall target for: jderobot
CPack: - Install project: jderobot
CPack: Create package
CPackDeb: - Generating dependency list
CPack Error: Problem running tar command: /usr/bin/fakeroot "/usr/bin/cmake" -E tar cfz data.tar.gz  ./usr
Please check /jenkins/ws/JdeRobot/_CPack_Packages/Linux/DEB/Deb.log for errors
CPack Error: Problem compressing the directory
CPack Error: Error when generating package: jderobot
Build step 'Ejecutar linea de comandos (shell)' marked build as failure

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