[Jderobot-admin] Fwd: feedback about rejected GSoC-2016 application, JdeRobot

JoseMaria Cañas Plaza josemaria.plaza en gmail.com
Jue Mar 3 15:09:01 CET 2016

Realimentación directa de Google sobre nuestra solicitud GSoC-2016:

De todo lo que ha dicho, me quedo con:
- que interesa ganar volumen, tanto en #desarrolladores y
principalmente #MENTORES
- que miran la estabilidad como organización. Aquí la vamos ganando
año tras año, ya tenemos bases estables.
- que les gustó nuestra solicitud pero al hacer números se les quedaban flojos.

Hay cosas que no podemos cambiar, otras iremos evolucionando. Por
ejemplo para este año hay dos decisiones tomadas que creo favorecerán
el crecimiento: al (1) hacernos compatibles con ROS y (2) aportar
soluciones en la docencia de robótica podremos ganar nuevos usuarios.
Gran parte de esfuerzo de desarrollo que estamos realizando apunta en
estas dos direcciones. Y da más valor a nuestro proyecto.

Mi impresión es que el año pasado sonó la flauta como organización
joven y que este año nos hemos quedado cerca.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cat Allman <allman en google.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: feedback about rejected GSoC-2016 application, JdeRobot
To: JoseMaria Cañas Plaza <josemaria.plaza en gmail.com>
Cc: gsoc-support <gsoc-support en google.com>

Morning JoseMaria,

On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 1:02 AM, JoseMaria Cañas Plaza
<josemaria.plaza en gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Cat,
> we accept your selection this year, no problem with that. And we
> understand you can not fund all the orgs :-) For sure we will apply in
> 2017. We appreciate the help you provided to our open source project
> last year.

Thanks for your understanding :)
> My question is about the criteria or points you follow in order to
> evaluate the orgs: size of the project?,

Definitely - if a project has too small a mentor pool we are concerned
about mentor burnout.
> topic of the project?,

Of course - we aim for a broad and balanced range of projects so that
we have orgs that appeal to a wide variety of interests.
> country of origin?

Sometimes. Most projects are not country specific but we do try to
include a few every year.
> appealing of the ideas list?

Appeal, clarity and completeness are *major* factors.
> novelty of the ideas list?

Somewhat. We try for a balance of novel and more established projects.
>  adherence of previous gsoc-students?

Somewhat. We do look at past success with students.
> number of active
> developers?

Yes - 1 person projects are not accepted.
> scientific impact of the open source project? state of the
> art in the area of the project?

> We just want to know better the
> criteria and parameters you take into account, just to improve and
> prepare a more appealing application in 2017.

Age and culture of the project - we look for projects that are stable
enough to entrust students to. If we find evidence of, for example,
sexist or racist remarks made by project members we will reject the
Use of the project at Google.
Recommendations from people we know, such as past GSoC participants
and Googlers.

Ultimately we aim for a wide balance of projects across subject area,
source of project (academic vs not), size, old and new orgs.
> And regarding our 2016 application, what points do you see weak on it?
> Any strong point?

We liked your application and came really close to accepting your
project - it really just came down to numbers.
> Thanks for the feedback,

Thank you for applying! It's a bunch of work for your org and we do
appreciate your interest and past participation!

> JoseMaria
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 6:36 AM, Cat Allman <allman en google.com> wrote:
> > H JoseMaria,
> >
> > We have to make hard decisions every year during the GSoC organization
> > selection. This year we could only accept 180 orgs (which is less than 1/2
> > of the orgs that applied). We try to accept a fair number of new orgs each
> > year to help spread the GSoC love around and that also means that we have to
> > let some of the orgs that have been participating take a year off every now
> > and then.
> >
> >
> > We hope you'll apply again in the future! We still think you all are doing
> > good work and appreciate what a nice job you have done with your students in
> > the past.
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Cat
> >
> > On Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 10:10:16 AM UTC-8, JoseMaria Cañas Plaza
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> we have been rejected as mentoring organization for GSoC-2016
> >> (JdeRobot - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos). Could  you please give us
> >> some feedback about the weak and strong points of our application? We
> >> successfully participated in GSoC-2015 and would like to improve our
> >> application for the next year :-)
> >>
> >> Best regards, and thanks!
> >>
> >> JoseMaria
> >> JdeRobot admin
> >> --
> >> Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
> >> http://jderobot.org
> --
> Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
> http://gsyc.urjc.es/jmplaza

Cat Allman

allman en google.com
Open Source Programs and Google | Making Science
Mountain View, CA USA

"Real science studies and makes accessible that knowledge which people
at that period of history think important, and real art transfers this
truth from the domain of knowledge to the domain of feelings. " Leo

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

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