[KGB-L3] Extraction and Analysis Questions

Victor Ferreira vasf at cin.ufpe.br
Fri Oct 18 17:09:15 CEST 2019

Hi dear researchers.

My name is Victor Ferreira and I am currently a PhD student at the
Informatics Center of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE - Brazil).

Firstly, I would like to congratulate your work, which I have been
following since 2014. It is without a doubt, a fantastic tool and of
unparalleled innovation.

I have been conducting research on Computational Thinking, more precisely
on how students are learning computation / programming. However, as you may
have already realized, there is no database on computational thinking to
make such inferences.

With that, I would like some help / contribution / collaboration for my
research. I have the following problem: To build a base on Computational
Thinking with scratch I need to automatically extract / convert the codes
of some users. However, I have bumped into this process. I found only one
Python library called Kurt that can contribute a little to this project.
With this in mind, you would be able to inform me of the extraction process
that you undertake, if you use any library, or perhaps through a
partnership we could build a foundation together.

Thank you very much in advance.


*Victor Ferreira*

PhD Student in Computer Science -  CIn/UFPE
MSc in Computer Science -  CIn/UFPE
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