[KGB-L3] ์[Need Your Help]- about retrieving blocks used in Scratch3 Project

Kantinee Katchapakirin st120200 at ait.asia
Sun Sep 22 04:10:53 CEST 2019

Dear Dr.Scratch Team

I am a Ph.D. Student at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. I am
working on a project related to Computational Thinking assessment using
Scratch (https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3291787).  I have to retrieve
block used for analysis but I cannot access Scratch 3.0 projects through
URL. I tested the Scratch3 project in Dr.Scratch website and it could be
analyzed. Could you please suggest me how to retrieve blocks in Scratch3?

 Looking forward to the solution and thank you in advance.

Kantinee Katchapakirin
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