[KGB-L3] Dr. Scratch Analysis

Gilani,Samia samiagilani at ufl.edu
Wed Mar 25 05:56:50 CET 2020

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Samia Gilani, and I am a second-year computer science student working on a research project on the effects of teaching students Computational Thinking skills at the University of Florida. After reading through many research papers, I have come across Dr. Scratch as a tool to analyze CT skills in projects. I watched the video on your website, and I have a question regarding how Dr. Scratch works. How is the code analyzed for abstraction, parallelization, logic, synchronization, flow control, user interactivity, and data representation? As per my understanding, Dr. Scratch has an automated analysis tool for these concepts, I wanted a little insight into how the points assigned within those seven categories. I look forward to your response and hopefully using Dr. Scratch within my research!

Thank you,

Samia Gilani
samiagilani at ufl.edu<mailto:samiagilani at ufl.edu>
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