[KGB-L3] Questions regarding DrScratch platform

Ioannis Stefanou istefanou77 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 16 21:56:20 CET 2021

Hello Dr scratch team,

Initially, I would like to congratulate you for this outstanding project
that provides analytics on scratch projects. I find the idea incredibly
useful. Furthermore, to think that the functionality is provided for
free... It is truly commendable.

To the point of my email, I have a few questions that I would like to
extend to you. I am a PhD student currently working on a project
researching how effective scratch games are as educational tools for
students. My questions are:

Using Dr.Scratch platform (http://www.drscratch.org/)
1. Is it possible to detect plagiarism between student projects?
    To present a use case for this, assume a school assignment that
requires students to create a scratch project. Two students submit their
solutions. Is there a way to ensure that the two students did not copy (and
essentially cheat) sections of their code from each other?

2. How reliable is the algorithm that provides the results?
    I understand that it might be hard to provide an extensive explanation
on the inner-workings of your algorithm. However, I would be greatly
interested in some references that would explain the evaluation process of
the criteria that are listed on your website as key-points.

3. Is it safe in regards to confidentiality?
    I am interested in using your tool to evaluate some personal projects
that are under development for my PhD research. Do you provide any
reassurance that  projects uploaded to your platform are not stored and/or
distributed to unauthorized third parties? I hope that this final question
does not offend you as this is a genuine concern of mine. As I already
stated, I deeply respect your efforts in building this platform for the
general public.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to this email. I understand that
your time is valuable. Even short answers are truly and deeply appreciated.

Kind regards and best wishes for this upcoming holiday season!

Ioannis Stefanou
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