Gregorio Robles grex at gsyc.urjc.es
Thu Jul 11 15:49:56 CEST 2024

   Dear Sibel,

   thanks for your email. It has taken us so long to respond, because we
have been busy working on the new version of Dr. Scratch. With funding from
Northeastern University, we have revamped the website, and in addition to
the former evaluation mode (which we call the "vanilla" mode), we have
several new modes that you might find interesting to use, such as the
personalized mode (which allows to use a personalized rubrique), the
recommender mode (which by now helps you with personalized feedback) or the
comparison mode (which allows to compare two projects, interesting when you
have a starting project where you want new functionality to be added). We
also offer a batch mode --now being tested-- if you would like to analyze
multiple projects at once.

   Have a look at all this at: https://www.drscratch.org/

   If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know.

   kind regards, Gregorio (and the rest of the Dr. Scratch crew)

El jue, 11 jul 2024 a las 10:48, Sibel Adıgüzel (<sibel.adg at outlook.com>)

> Hello ,
> I get an error when I try to use the program; Your project doesn't exist
> in Scratch's servers. Could you help me?
> Windows için Posta <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> ile
> gönderildi
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Gregorio Robles
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Escuela de Ingeniería de Fuenlabrada (Madrid), España
gregorio.robles at urjc.es | www.urjc.es | @URJC |
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