[Opensdwmn] Fwd: [guifi-madrid] Fwd: battlemesh (Re: animaos la gente de madrid a matrix.guifi.net o parecido)

Esteban Municio Esteban.Municio at uantwerpen.be
Thu Feb 20 14:20:50 CET 2020

Hola, reenvío esto pos si os interesa a alguno, está bastante
relacionado con opensdwmn.
Un saludo
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Alejandro Martín <alex at amjimeno.net>
> Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 at 12:15
> Subject: [guifi-madrid] Fwd: battlemesh (Re: animaos la gente de
> madrid a matrix.guifi.net o parecido)
> To:  <guifi-madrid at llistes.guifi.net>
> Hola!
> Nos invitan a la Battle of Mesh.
> Será en Catafou, una colonia ecoindustrial muy chula a 1 hora de
> Barcelona en coche.
> Fechas que se ha propuesto:
> - 25 de mayo
> - 31 de mayo
> - 29 de junio
> - 5 de julio
> - 6 de julio
> - 12 de julio
> Framadate para votar las fechas:
> https://framadate.org/7iCyhWLatTtF5jwg
> Sobre la Battle of Mesh
> --
> The Wireless Battle of the Mesh is an event that aims at bringing
> together people from across the world to test the performance of
> different routing protocols for ad-hoc networks, like Babel,
> B.A.T.M.A.N., BMX6, OLSR, 802.11s and Static Routing.
> It is a tournament with a social character. If you are a mesh
> networking enthusiast, community networking activist, or have an
> interest in mesh networks you might want to check this out!
> The goal of the WirelessBattleMesh events is to set-up hands-on
> testbed for each available mesh routing protocol with a standard test
> procedure for the different mesh networks. During the different WBM
> events, similar hardware and software configuration will be used
> based on the OpenWRT BoardSupportPackage and packages for each
> protocol implementation. The WBM events are also a great opportunity
> to develop testing tools for PHY/MAC radio layers (drivers, scripts
> and PHY analyzers).
> --
> <https://battlemesh.org/>
> Sobre Calafou <https://calafou.org/>
> El evento tendrá como lengua de trabajo el inglés, aunque habrá
> ocasión de hablar en otros idiomas, dadas las diversas procedencias
> de las comunidades participantes.
> Saludos
> Alejandro Martín
> +34626062686
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Pedro <pedro at cas.cat>
> To: Alejandro Martin <alex at amjimeno.net>
> Cc: 
> Bcc: 
> Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 10:22:29 +0100
> Subject: battlemesh (Re: animaos la gente de madrid a
> matrix.guifi.net o parecido)
> cómo va guifi madrid? :)
> vamos a hacer battlemesh.org, probablemente será para finales de Mayo
> y
> en calafou
> https://framadate.org/7iCyhWLatTtF5jwg
> vendrán muchas redes comunitarias
> creo que va a molar un huevo, os váis a venir los de madrid? :)
> On 2/19/20 1:05 AM, Alejandro Martin wrote:
> >
> Chat: http://irc.madrid.guifi.net
> Blog: https://madrid.guifi.net
> Twitter: https://twitter.com/madguifi
> Facebook: https://facebook.com/madguifi
> guifi-madrid: https://llistes.guifi.net/sympa/arc/guifi-madrid
> Borrarse/Unsubscribe: https://llistes.guifi.net/sympa/auto_signoff/gu
> ifi-madrid/emunicio%40gmail.com
Esteban Municio
PhD Researcher, IDLab, University of Antwerp, in collaboration with
esteban.municio at uantwerpen.be
The Beacon | Sint-Pietersvliet 7 | 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium 

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