[Opensdwmn] Fwd: HCII 2022 (VIRTUAL): Invitation for paper submission and participation in the MOBILE 2022 Affiliated Conference

Javier Simó javier.simo at urjc.es
Fri Dec 17 10:26:18 CET 2021

Nos invitan a presentar algo en este congreso internacional; no es spam, 
quien nos está invitando es de la gente que organizó IEEE CTU, sabe lo 
que hacemos y porqué nos invitan. Sugiero que nos planteemos si podemos 
enviar algo en la línea del nuevo proyecto que hemos formuladode 
caracter no técnico, más relacionado con el objetivo 3. Si llego a la 
reunión de las 13:15 lo hablamos ahí, claro, pero si no llego habladlo 
por favor.


-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto: 	HCII 2022 (VIRTUAL): Invitation for paper submission and 
participation in the MOBILE 2022 Affiliated Conference
Fecha: 	Fri, 17 Dec 2021 02:20:42 -0500
De: 	HCII2022 Program Administration <program at hcii2022.org>
Para: 	javier.simo at urjc.es
CC: 	spather at uwc.ac.za, program at hcii2022.org

No suele recibir correo electrónico de program at hcii2022.org. Por qué 
esto es importante

Dear Javier Simó Reigadas,

With everyone’s health and safety in mind as a top priority, the HCI 
International 2022 <http://2022.hci.international/> Conference (HCII 
2022) will be organized and run as a virtual conference, 26 June - 1 
July 2022.

On behalf of Shaun Pather <mailto:spather at uwc.ac.za>, you are cordially 
invited to consider submitting a paper for the parallel session entitled

'*Community Networks : Towards affordable mobile telecommunications for 
under-resourced communities*'

This session, organized by Shaun Pather <mailto:spather at uwc.ac.za> will 
take place in context of the 3rd International Conference on Design, 
Operation and Evaluation of Mobile Communications 
<http://2022.hci.international/MOBILE> (MOBILE 2022), an affiliated 
conference of HCII 2022, with Gavriel Salvendy and June Wei, as Program 

Your paper will appear in the Conference Proceedings 
<http://2022.hci.international/proceedings> to be published by Springer 
in a multi-volume set.

*Session Description*
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has catalysed the urgency to address the 
digital divide, especially in rural areas where access to the Internet 
at household level is a paltry 6.3% (ITU, 2020).

Alternative models to provide accessible and affordable mobile 
telecommunications to under-resourced communities has been gaining 
traction in the form of Community Networks in which user access is 
primarily via mobile devices.

However, we need to deepen our understanding of models of how Community 
Networks become sustainable digital ecosystems. In this session we call 
for empirical and conceptual papers which explore the model of how 
communities can self-provision their telecommunications. We invite 
papers that explore both supply and demand side issues in response to 
the following questions (i) What are successful conditions to develop 
digital ecosystems in under-resourced communities? (ii) What are the 
factors that promote the effective adoption and use of the internet 
among citizens in such communities?

*How to Accept/Decline this Invitation*

It would be most helpful if you responded to this invitation, using the 
buttons below, through our Conference Management System (CMS), *as soon 
as possible*:


I accept the invitation to submit a paper.

I do not wish to submit a paper

*Important deadlines*
*Friday, 7 January 2022:* Submit your abstract (800 words) through the 
CMS, for the review process
*Friday, 14 January 2022:* Notification of review outcome from 
Shaun Pather <mailto:spather at uwc.ac.za> (session organizer)
*Friday, 11 February 2022 (extended deadline):* Submit the camera-ready 
version of your paper through the CMS

You can find detailed information regarding invited paper submission 
process through the conference website 

*IMPORTANT NOTE:* In order to provide a greater opportunity for more 
people to present at the Conference, multiple submissions by single 
authors or by the same author with multiple accounts cannot be accepted. 
Co-authors may appear on multiple papers, but each accepted paper, or 
poster, with multiple co-authors should have a different Conference 
registrant. For paper presentation at the Conference and inclusion of 
the full paper in the Proceedings, at least one registration per 
submission is required by 11 February 2022 (extended deadline).

Please do not hesitate to contact the session organiser Shaun Pather 
<mailto:spather at uwc.ac.za> and/or the Program Administration 
<mailto:program at hcii2022.org> should you need any assistance during this 

Thank you very much for your consideration in this matter.

Kind regards,
Program Administration, HCI International 2022

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to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error, 
please notify the sender. If you are not the named addressee you should 
not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. The HCII2022 Conference 
has taken all reasonable precautions to ensure that no harmful content 
is present in this email. Unfortunately, full security cannot be ensured 
as, despite our efforts, the data included in emails could be infected, 
intercepted, or corrupted. Therefore, the recipient should check the 
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not accept liability for any damage inflicted by viewing the content of 
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