[Opensdwmn] Tutorial on OpenWifi, May 11th, 10AM

Esteban Municio esteban.municio at uantwerpen.be
Fri May 7 15:39:28 CEST 2021

Hola a todos,

Espero que vaya todo bien.
Por si a alguno le interesa reenvío este email sobre un tutorial de
Un saludo,

Dear all,
in the series of webinars about the iLab.t testbed infrastructure, a
tutorial on OpenWifi is planned on next Tuesday May 11th at 10AM-
11h30AM CEST.

The IDLab wireless team has developed an open source reference stack
for Wi-Fi (802.11a/g/n, 802.11ax is under development) running on
software defined radios (FPGA based). This will be demonstrated live
using SDRs on a remote testbed, showing the different steps needed to
use this OpenWiFi toolkit on the w-iLab.t testbed. More information on
OpenWifi can be found at https://github.com/open-sdr/openwifi 

For sure, students, project collaborators,... are all welcome as well.

Simply go to http://stream.fed4fire.eu at the right time, no
registration or hidden link needed to make it as simple as possible :-

The iLab.t team

Esteban Municio
IDLab, University of Antwerp, in collaboration with imec
esteban.municio at uantwerpen.be
The Beacon | Sint-Pietersvliet 7 | 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium 

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