[Opensdwmn] Fwd: Two Connecting the Unconnected Competitions are Open for Submissions!

Javier Simó javier.simo at urjc.es
Tue Jun 21 21:26:17 CEST 2022

-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto: 	Two Connecting the Unconnected Competitions are Open for 
Fecha: 	Tue, 21 Jun 2022 13:00:20 -0500 (CDT)
De: 	IEEE Future Networks Community <ieee-fni-tc at deliver.ieee.org>
Responder a: 	no-reply at deliver.ieee.org
Para: 	javier.simo at urjc.es

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*Calling All Innovators to Enter the 2022 IEEE Connecting the 
Unconnected Challenge!

*Help IEEE contribute to worldwide digital inclusion by submitting a 
novel, early-stage project or concept that offers unique ways to 
increase Internet access and usage for the 2.9 billion unconnected 
people around the world. The global 2022 IEEE Connecting the Unconnected 
is now open for submissions of unique solutions to bridge the digital 
divide. Deadline is 13 July.

Internet access is critical to education, industry, and healthy living. 
Unconnected populations lack access to buy and sell goods and services 
online. Unconnected students lack access to the flourishing remote 
education market. During the pandemic, working or studying from home was 
impossible for unconnected populations. The IEEE Connecting the 
Unconnected Challenge seeks to further connectivity by calling for 
early-stage projects and concepts that pursue unique ways to increase 
broadband access and usage for unconnected or under-connected 

Start-ups, grassroots organizations, universities, and others working 
toward digital inclusion in original ways are encouraged to participate. 
Last year’s challenge awarded 12 teams with a total prize pool of 
US$60,000 across multiple categories.

Read the competition rules on our website and learn about how to enter 
your novel projects. *

Learn More & Submit 



*Connecting from the Skies Competition for Students and Recent Grads
IEEE Future Networks and Connecting the Unconnected are also partnering 
with the Communication & Information Technology Commission (CITC) of 
Saudi Arabia to identify students with innovative ideas for 
non-terrestrial networks for B5G and 6G networks via a “magazine-style” 
paper competition.

A prize pool of US$10,000 will be distributed among the top three 
submissions, which will be featured in a poster session at the 
“Connecting from the Skies Event” to be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 
between 8-10 November 2022.

Visit our website to learn about eligibility and how to submit.

Learn More & Submit 

If you have an IEEE Account, manage your IEEE communications preferences 
Users without an IEEE Account can access the Privacy Portal 
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