[Opensdwmn] Fwd: [gaia] Interesting GAIA related conference.

Javier Simó javier.simo at urjc.es
Mon Sep 12 12:11:30 CEST 2022


Algunas de las sesiones del simposio anunciado en el correo adjunto 
pueden ser interesantes. El simposio virtual es gratuito, la asistencia 
presencial en Berkeley es de pago y carilla.


-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto: 	[gaia] Interesting GAIA related conference.
Fecha: 	Sun, 11 Sep 2022 17:27:48 -0700
De: 	Warren Kumari <warren at kumari.net>
Para: 	gaia <gaia at irtf.org>

No suele recibir correos electrónicos de warren at kumari.net. Por qué esto 
es importante <https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification>

Hi there all,

I generally avoid sending these sorts of messages, but this one seemed 
sufficiently closely related to GAIA that I decided it was worth sharing.

The Marconi Society will be holding a complimentary virtual symposium on 
the "Decade of Digital Inclusion" on November 2 and 3, 2022, and an 
(in-person) gala (in the Pauley Ballroom on the University of 
California, Berkeley campus), on November 3, 2022.

More info on the symposium / gala is here: 
and the symposium schedule is here: 

The keynote is "Creating an Economy that Works for Everyone", a fireside 
chat with Vint Cerf and Shamina Singh.

Other items include:
An Internet Built for Personal Safety and Security: Who is Responsible 
and How Do We Do It?
How Do We Define Broadband?
Digital Equity: How Will We Know When We’ve Arrived?
Funding Broadband for All: From Sporadic to Sustainable
Ensuring Digital Equity in our $42B Infrastructure Spend
Creating the Equity-Focused Workforce of the Future
Bringing Digital Equity into Tomorrow’s Technology
Can the FinTech Revolution be a True Equalizer?
The (Big) Data Economy: Inclusion and Fairness
Is the Internet Business Model Broken? Balancing User Needs with 
Business Interests
We Are Here: The Convergence of Consciousness and Technology


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