[Opensdwmn] Fwd: Invitation (Important) - Convert Your innovation (submitted to FNI CTU Challenge 2021) into an IEEE Standard through IEEE SA RRSA Workshop on Rural Connectivity (2st March 2024 Saturday - Hybrid)

Eva María Castro Barbero eva.castro at urjc.es
Wed Feb 7 15:33:00 CET 2024


Me ha llegado este correo. Parece que han vuelto a seleccionar la propuesta.

Nacho, ¿te animas a hacer la presentación otra vez? Yo estoy liadísima.


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From: Sandeep Agrawal <sandeepa at ieee.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 4, 2024 9:45:24 AM
To: Eva María Castro Barbero <eva.castro at urjc.es>
Cc: Purva Rajkotia <p.rajkotia at ieee.org>; Dutta, Ashutosh <ashutosh.dutta at ieee.org>
Subject: Invitation (Important) - Convert Your innovation (submitted to FNI CTU Challenge 2021) into an IEEE Standard through IEEE SA RRSA Workshop on Rural Connectivity (2st March 2024 Saturday - Hybrid)

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Dear Dr. Eva Barbero,

Greetings from IEEE SA Rural Communication Industry Connection Program.

We are organising a IEEE SA RRSA (Rapid Reaction Standardization Activity) workshop on 2nd March 2024 in a hybrid mode at IISc (Indian Institute of Science) Bangalore India. The RRSA workshop is preceded by "IEEE SA Workshop on Rural Connectivity" which will be held on 1st March 2024 in-person at IISc.

RRSA, as name suggests, provides a platform to the innovators to convert their innovation into an IEEE Standard in shortest time provided the innovation is elaborated, matured and covers all aspects of standardization including well defined protocols, interfaces, APIs and industry application.

We are happy to inform you that Your innovation "Open Software-Defined Wireless Mesh Networks for rural communications" submitted to FNI (Future Network Initiative) CTU (Connecting the Unconnected) Challenge and Summit 2021 is shortlisted for the RRSA.

We would like to invite you to present your innovation either in person or through remote.

You are requested to provide the following details -

a. Confirmation to participate in the RRSA - Immediate (via reply to this mail)
b. Detail presentation covering innovation, protocols, interfaces, APIs and Industry application - by 16th Feb 2024 (EOD)

A webex link will be shared with you in case you are joining online.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Note - IEEE FNI Chair Dr. Ashutosh is also cc'ed in the mail. More details of FNI CTU (https://ctu.ieee.org/)


Sandeep Agrawal
Chair - IEEE SA Rural Communication Industry Connection Program
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