Replication evaluation, details and sources

Intensive Metrics for the Study of the Evolution of Open Source Projects

Case studies from Apache Software Foundation projects

by Santiago Gala-Pérez (1), Gregorio Robles (2), Jesús M. González-Barahona(2) and Israel Herraiz (3)

Submitted to the MSR 2013

(1) Apache Foundation; (2) Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain); (3) Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Madrid; Spain) (Victoria, Canada)

Based on the criteria proposed in On the reproducibility of empirical software engineering studies based on data retrieved from development repositories (Open Access - Empirical Software Engineering, Volume 17, Numbers 1-2, 75-89), the attributes of this study are given in following table:

Element Assessment Condensed Assessment
Data source Usable U
Retrieval Methodology Usable
Likely available in future
Raw dataset Usable U
Extraction methodology Usable
Likely available in future
Study paramenters Usable U
Processed dataset None N
Analysis methodology Usable
Likely available in future
Results dataset None N


Data Source

Retrieval Methodology

Raw Dataset

Extraction Methodology

Study Parameters

Processed Dataset

Analysis Methodology

Results Dataset

Comments and suggestions: Gregorio Robles < grex at >.
Last modified: Feb 21st 2013.