A review of key issues that concern the feasibility of mobile cloud computing From representation to mediation: a new agenda for conceptual modeling research in a digital world An experience report on applying software testing academic results in industry: we need usable automated test generation Perceval: software project data at your will An extensive dataset of UML models in GitHub User influence analysis for github developer social networks Practices and perceptions of UML use in open source projects Incremental raycasting of piecewise quadratic surfaces on the GPU A systematic mapping study on text analysis techniques in software architecture Metamodel clone detection with SAMOS A data set of OCL expressions on GitHub MAR: a structure-based search engine for models Exploring the efficacy of transfer learning in mining image-based software artifacts Detecting and exploring side effects when repairing model inconsistencies Model-based test case generation and prioritization: a systematic literature review Automated analyses of model-driven artifacts: obtaining insights into industrial application of MDE Software documentation and augmented reality: love or arranged marriage? An automated approach for classifying reverse-engineered and forward-engineered UML class diagrams Synthesizing test scenarios in uml activity diagram using a bio-inspired approach A case study on a specification approach using activity diagrams in requirements documents From abstract to concrete repairs of model inconsistencies: An automated approach An empirical study on the maturity of the eclipse modeling ecosystem Automatic classification of UML class diagrams using deep learning technique: convolutional neural network Consistent change propagation within models Empirical studies into UML in practice: Pitfalls and prospects Standing on shoulders or feet? An extended study on the usage of the MSR data papers Exploring the applicability of low-shot learning in mining software repositories Automated recommendation of related model elements for domain models Cognitive diagram understanding and task performance in systems analysis and design GrimoireLab: A toolset for software development analytics Modelmine: a tool to facilitate mining models from open source repositories An analysis of the professional preferences and choices of computer engineering students Characteristics, potentials, and limitations of open-source Simulink projects for empirical research EMF patterns of usage on GitHub History-based model repair recommendations Models, more models, and then a lot more Orientation-based Ant colony algorithm for synthesizing the test scenarios in UML activity diagram PHANTOM: Curating GitHub for engineered software projects using time-series clustering Standing on shoulders or feet? the usage of the MSR data papers Mining BPMN processes on Github for tool validation and development Classification of role stereotypes for classes in UML class diagrams using machine learning Empowering OCL research: a large-scale corpus of open-source data from GitHub Diversity in UML modeling explained: observations, classifications and theorizations Does UML modeling associate with lower defect proneness?: a preliminary empirical investigation Towards Distributed Model Analytics with Apache Spark. ModelSet: a dataset for machine learning in model-driven engineering On the replicability of experimental tool evaluations in model-based development A recommender system to assist conceptual modeling with UML A systematic process for Mining Software Repositories: Results from a systematic literature review Automatic Classification of Web Images as UML Static Diagrams Using Machine Learning Techniques Automatic layout and label management for UML sequence diagrams MoCoP: towards a model clone portal Quality guidelines for research artifacts in model-driven engineering Serverless development trends in open source: a mixed-research study Supporting domain modeling with automated knowledge acquisition and modeling recommendations Text in diagrams: challenges to and opportunities of automatic layout Towards an infrastructure for empirical research into software architecture: challenges and directions UML consistency rules: a case study with open-source UML models Automatic Layout and Label Management for Compact UML Sequence Diagrams BPMN in the Wild: BPMN on GitHub. com Classification of Reverse-Engineered Class Diagram and Forward-Engineered Class Diagram using Machine Learning From prose to prototype: Synthesising executable uml models from natural language Github, technical debt, code formatting, and more Multiclass classification of four types of UML diagrams from images using deep learning Towards a cognizant virtual software modeling assistant using model clones Usage Analysis of the Object Constraint Language in Model Driven Engineering A FAIR model catalog for ontology-driven conceptual modeling research A modeling assistant for cognifying MBSE tools Artefact: A UML-based framework for model-driven development of interactive surface prototypes Automated analyses of model-driven artifacts Demo abstract: Monitoring co-movement of smart objects using accelerometer data Design and Implementation of a Metadata Repository about UML Class Diagrams. A Software Tool Supporting the Automatic Feeding of the Repository Efficiency and automation in threat analysis of software systems Enhancing the Cognitive Effectiveness of UML Diagrams: Application of the Semiology of Graphics Evaluating the effectiveness of risk containers to isolate change propagation Exploring the under-explored terrain of non-open source data for software engineering through the lens of federated learning Mining von BPMN-Prozessartefakten auf GitHub Pinset: A DSL for Extracting Datasets from Models for Data Mining-Based Quality Analysis Searching for class models The visual variables in UML: how are they used by women? Transforming abstract to concrete repairs with a generative approach of repair values Visual variables in UML: a first empirical assessment A Lightweight Approach for the Automated Classification and Clustering of Metamodels Automatically recognizing the semantic elements from UML class diagram images Behavior Trees and State Machines in Robotics Applications Challenges and directions for a community infrastructure for Big Data-driven research in software architecture Classification of UML Diagrams to Support Software Engineering Education Definition and Validation of Consistency rules between UML diagrams Empowering empirical research in software design: construction and studies on a large-scale corpus of uml models Machine learning methods for model classification: a comparative study Multi-scale modeling for nano scale phenomenon using CUDA based framework Open Source Software Development Challenges: A Systematic Literature Review on GitHub Single-state state machines in model-driven software engineering: an exploratory study A FAIR Model Catalog for Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling A set of mechanisms to collect, display and analyze quality metrics of research objects as a method to augment reproducibility and openness in bioinformatics … A Study on Automatic Classification of Class Diagram Images A Study on the Software Architecture Documentation Practices and Maturity in Open-Source Software Development An Approach to Identify and Classify State Machine Changes from Code Changes An in‐depth study of the effects of methods on the dataset selection of public development projects Analyzing the Usage of Traceability Links Within Open Source Software Projects Augmenting software engineers with modeling assistants BPMN in the Wild: A Reprise. Cdtc: Automatically Establishing the Trace Links between Class Diagrams in Design Phase and Source Code Checking security compliance between models and code Clustering software projects at large-scale using time-series Consistent Change Propagation within Software Models/submitted by Dipl.-Ing. Roland Kretschmer, BSc Effective Presentation of Ontological Overlap and Conceptual Model Comprehension. Evaluating the layout quality of UML class diagrams using machine learning FLOSS in Software Engineering Education: Supporting the Instructor in the Quest for Providing Real Experience for Students Guidelines for Quality Management of Research Artifacts in Model-Driven Engineering HERRAMIENTA PARA IDENTIFICAR Y EXTRAER MASIVAMENTE ARTEFACTOS DE GITHUB ICT in Business and the Public Sector Improving generality and accuracy of existing public development project selection methods: a study on GitHub ecosystem Increasing stakeholder engagement with object cards Isolating and Predicting Risks in Architectural Design Létfontosságú Információs Rendszerelemekben alkalmazott nyílt forráskód és szabad szoftver rendszerszemléletű biztonsági analízise mel-Model Extraction Language and Interpreter Mining human factors general trends from+ 100k UML class diagrams Multiclass Classification of UML Diagrams from Images Using Deep Learning Open source software GitHub ecosystem: a SEM approach Opleiding Informatica Replicability of experimental tool evaluations in model-based software and systems engineering with MATLAB/Simulink Repository Mining for Changes in Simulink Models Supporter les ingénieurs logiciels avec des assistants de modélisation Text in Diagrams FollowMe@LS: Electricity price and source aware resource management in geographically distributed heterogeneous datacenters The Relation Between Documentation and Internal Quality of Software Tooling in Measurement Programs Uma abordagem para classificação e sugestão de atualizações em máquinas de estado a partir de mudanças no código-fonte. UML Ninja: Automatic Assessment of Documentation and UML Practices in Open Source Projects Using machine learning to evaluate the layout quality of UML class diagrams Using the ModelSet dataset to support machine learning in model-driven engineering What's in a GitHub Repository?--A Software Documentation Perspective What's Inside Unreal Engine?-A Curious Gaze! Xamã: Optical character recognition for multi-domain model management DoMoRe-A Recommender System for Domain Modeling Characterization of Software Design and Collaborative Modeling in Open Source Projects Introduction to model management and analytics