[DrScratch] Understanding Dr. Scratch

Gregorio Robles grex at gsyc.urjc.es
Fri Jun 7 13:01:26 CEST 2019

  Dear Lainie,

  you can find a good description of Dr. Scratch in following article:

  you can find in there as well references to other articles on the topic,
and some other ideas for rubriques.

  regards, Gregorio

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El vie., 7 jun. 2019 a las 12:35, Lainie Kalnins (<lainiekalnins at gmail.com>)

> Hello Dr. Scratch team,
> I am a mathematics teacher from Australia and am currently completing my
> Masters in Educational Research through Charles Sturt University. I am
> looking into the use of a blocky based Python programming course within
> mathematics as a means of developing both mathematics understanding
> (through the topics of angles and shapes) and computational thinking.
> I have read many articles about the use of Scratch to develop CT and the
> use of Dr. Scratch as a means of quantifying the CT levels. However, the
> course that I am using (
> https://groklearning.com/course/aca-dt-7-bk-geometry/) is written using a
> blocky based Python interface.
> I am very keen to be able to develop a tool, similar to Dr Scratch, to
> evaluate the code that students generate when using this platform. I’m not
> necessarily going to be able to develop an automated tool, such as you
> have, but at this point I am looking at a manual tool.
> Are you able to share the evaluation criteria that you use? Or any other
> tools, questionnaires or rubrics you have developed to evaluate CT in code?
> Any assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated,
> Yours sincerely,
> Lainie Kalnins
> lainiekalnins at gmail.com
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Gregorio Robles
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Campus de Fuenlabrada (Madrid), España
Teléfono: +34 91 488 87 50 <914%2088%2087%2050>
gregorio.robles at urjc.es | www.urjc.es | @URJC |
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