[Jde-dev] Sistema base para JDEROBOT 5.0

Roberto Calvo rocapal en libresoft.es
Mie Abr 21 19:13:34 CEST 2010


Para tenerlo documentado, dejo a continuación las características del
sistema base estable instalado para JDEROBOT 5.0 

Se trata de Debian Lenny + ciertas modificaciones.

Kernel: 2.6.30-bpo.2-486 (backports)
Ice: 2.3.0-8
opencv: 2.0.0-3
gstreamer: 0.10.24-2
vlc: 1.0.5-2
gearbox: 9.11

Todo se instala desde paquetes debian excepto gearbox.

Además, adjunto los ficheros de source.list para que veáis los repos que
hay que tener configurados, y el listado de paquetes y versiones que
está instalado actualmente.

un saludo!

Roberto Calvo Palomino          | Libre Software Engineering Lab (GSyC)
Tel: (+34) 91 488 85 23         | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
rocapal en libresoft.es            | Edif. Departamental II - Despacho 116
http://libresoft.es/            | c/Tulipán s/n 28933 Móstoles (Madrid)

GPG-KEY: http://gsyc.es/~rocapal/rocapal.gpg
------------ próxima parte ------------
# Debian repos
deb http://ftp.es.debian.org/debian/ lenny contrib non-free main
deb-src http://ftp.es.debian.org/debian/ lenny main

deb http://security.debian.org/ lenny/updates main
deb-src http://security.debian.org/ lenny/updates main

deb http://volatile.debian.org/debian-volatile lenny/volatile main
deb-src http://volatile.debian.org/debian-volatile lenny/volatile main

# Debian multimedia
deb http://debian-multimedia.org/ lenny main

# jderobot
deb http://jderobot.org/apt/ lenny vlc gstreamer opencv2

# Backports
deb http://www.backports.org/debian lenny-backports main contrib non-free

------------ próxima parte ------------
| Estado=No/Instalado/Config-files/Desempaquetado/Fallo-config/Medio-inst/espera-disparo/pendiente-disparo
|/ Err?=(ninguno)/Retenido/Requiere-reinst/X=ambos problemas (Estado,Err: mayúsc.=malo)
||/ Nombre                               Versión                 Descripción
ii  acpi-support-base                    0.109-11                 scripts for handling base ACPI events such as the power button
ii  acpid                                1.0.8-1lenny2            Utilities for using ACPI power management
ii  adduser                              3.110                    add and remove users and groups
ii  ant                                  1.7.0-6                  Java based build tool like make
ii  ant-gcj                              1.7.0-6                  Java based build tool like make
ii  ant-optional                         1.7.0-6                  Java based build tool like make - optional libraries
ii  ant-optional-gcj                     1.7.0-6                  Java based build tool like make - API documentation and manual
ii  apache2-mpm-prefork                  2.2.9-10+lenny7          Apache HTTP Server - traditional non-threaded model
ii  apache2-utils                        2.2.9-10+lenny7          utility programs for webservers
ii  apache2.2-common                     2.2.9-10+lenny7          Apache HTTP Server common files
ii  apt                                  Advanced front-end for dpkg
ii  apt-utils                            APT utility programs
ii  aptitude                          terminal-based package manager
ii  aspell                               0.60.6-1                 GNU Aspell spell-checker
ii  aspell-es                            1.10-3                   Spanish dictionary for aspell
ii  at                                          Delayed job execution and batch processing
ii  autoconf                             2.61-8                   automatic configure script builder
ii  automake                             1:1.10.1-3               A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
ii  autotools-dev                        20080123.1               Update infrastructure for config.{guess,sub} files
ii  base-files                           5lenny5                  Debian base system miscellaneous files
ii  base-passwd                          3.5.20                   Debian base system master password and group files
ii  bash                                 3.2-4                    The GNU Bourne Again SHell
ii  bash-completion                      20080705                 programmable completion for the bash shell
ii  bc                                   1.06.94-3                The GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator language
ii  bind9-host                           1:9.5.1.dfsg.P3-1+lenny1 Version of 'host' bundled with BIND 9.X
ii  binfmt-support                       1.2.11                   Support for extra binary formats
ii  binutils                             2.18.1~cvs20080103-7     The GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities
ii  bsd-mailx                            8.1.2-0.20071201cvs-3    A simple mail user agent
ii  bsdmainutils                         6.1.10                   collection of more utilities from FreeBSD
ii  bsdutils                             1:             Basic utilities from 4.4BSD-Lite
ii  build-essential                      11.4                     Informational list of build-essential packages
ii  busybox                              1:1.10.2-2               Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems
ii  bzip2                                1.0.5-1                  high-quality block-sorting file compressor - utilities
ii  ca-certificates                      20080809                 Common CA certificates
ii  cdbs                                 0.4.52                   common build system for Debian packages
ii  check                                0.9.5-4                  unit test framework for C
ii  cli-common                           0.5.7                    common files between all CLI packages
ii  cmake                                2.6.0-6                  A cross-platform, open-source make system
ii  console-common                       0.7.80                   basic infrastructure for text console configuration
ii  console-data                         2:1.07-11                keymaps, fonts, charset maps, fallback tables for console-tool
ii  console-tools                        1:0.2.3dbs-65.1          Linux console and font utilities
ii  coreutils                            6.10-6                   The GNU core utilities
ii  cpio                                 2.9-13                   GNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of files
ii  cpp                                  4:4.3.2-2                The GNU C preprocessor (cpp)
ii  cpp-4.3                              4.3.2-1.1                The GNU C preprocessor
ii  cron                                 3.0pl1-105               management of regular background processing
ii  dbus                                 1.2.1-5+lenny1           simple interprocess messaging system
ii  dbus-x11                             1.2.1-5+lenny1           simple interprocess messaging system (X11 deps)
ii  dc                                   1.06.94-3                The GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polish calculator
ii  debconf                              1.5.24                   Debian configuration management system
ii  debconf-i18n                         1.5.24                   full internationalization support for debconf
ii  debhelper                            7.0.15                   helper programs for debian/rules
ii  debian-archive-keyring               2009.01.31               GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
ii  debian-backports-keyring             2009.02.20               GnuPG archive key of the backports.org repository
ii  debian-faq                           4.0.4                    The Debian FAQ
ii  debian-multimedia-keyring            2008.10.16               GnuPG archive key of the debian-multimedia repository
ii  debian-reference-common              2.24                     Debian system administration guide, common files
ii  debian-reference-es                  2.24                     Debian system administration guide, Spanish translation
ii  debianutils                          2.30                     Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian
ii  defoma                               0.11.10-0.2              Debian Font Manager -- automatic font configuration framework
ii  dhcp3-client                         3.1.1-6+lenny4           DHCP client
ii  dhcp3-common                         3.1.1-6+lenny4           common files used by all the dhcp3* packages
ii  dictionaries-common                  0.98.12                  Common utilities for spelling dictionary tools
ii  diff                                 2.8.1-12                 File comparison utilities
ii  dmidecode                            2.9-1                    Dump Desktop Management Interface data
ii  dnsutils                             1:9.5.1.dfsg.P3-1+lenny1 Clients provided with BIND
ii  doc-debian                           4.0.1                    Debian Project documentation and other documents
ii  doc-debian-es                        2.5                      Debian FAQ translated to Spanish
ii  doc-linux-text                       2008.08-1                Linux HOWTOs and FAQs in ASCII format
ii  dpkg                                 1.14.29                  Debian package management system
ii  dpkg-dev                             1.14.29                  Debian package development tools
ii  e2fslibs                             1.41.3-1                 ext2 filesystem libraries
ii  e2fsprogs                            1.41.3-1                 ext2/ext3/ext4 file system utilities
ii  ed                                   0.7-3                    The classic unix line editor
ii  eject                                2.1.5+deb1-4             ejects CDs and operates CD-Changers under Linux
ii  exim4                                4.69-9                   metapackage to ease Exim MTA (v4) installation
ii  exim4-base                           4.69-9                   support files for all Exim MTA (v4) packages
ii  exim4-config                         4.69-9                   configuration for the Exim MTA (v4)
ii  exim4-daemon-light                   4.69-9                   lightweight Exim MTA (v4) daemon
ii  fastjar                              2:0.95-4                 Jar creation utility
ii  ffmpeg                               3:20090222-0.0           audio/video encoder, streaming server & audio/video file conve
ii  file                                 4.26-1                   Determines file type using "magic" numbers
ii  findutils                            4.4.0-2                  utilities for finding files--find, xargs
ii  fontconfig                           2.6.0-3                  generic font configuration library - support binaries
ii  fontconfig-config                    2.6.0-3                  generic font configuration library - configuration
ii  freepats                             20060219-1               Free patch set for MIDI audio synthesis
ii  ftp                                  0.17-18                  The FTP client
ii  g++                                  4:4.3.2-2                The GNU C++ compiler
ii  g++-4.3                              4.3.2-1.1                The GNU C++ compiler
ii  gcc                                  4:4.3.2-2                The GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-4.2-base                         4.2.4-6                  The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  gcc-4.3                              4.3.2-1.1                The GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-4.3-base                         4.3.2-1.1                The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  gcj-4.3-base                         4.3.2-2                  The GNU Compiler Collection (gcj base package)
ii  gconf2                               2.22.0-1                 GNOME configuration database system (support tools)
ii  gconf2-common                        2.22.0-1                 GNOME configuration database system (common files)
ii  gettext                              0.17-4                   GNU Internationalization utilities
ii  gettext-base                         0.17-4                   GNU Internationalization utilities for the base system
ii  gij-4.3                              4.3.2-2                  The GNU Java bytecode interpreter
ii  gnome-keyring                        2.22.3-2                 GNOME keyring services (daemon and tools)
ii  gnupg                                1.4.9-3+lenny1           GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
ii  gpgv                                 1.4.9-3+lenny1           GNU privacy guard - signature verification tool
ii  grep                                 2.5.3~dfsg-6             GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
ii  groff-base                               GNU troff text-formatting system (base system components)
ii  grub                                 0.97-47lenny2            GRand Unified Bootloader (Legacy version)
ii  grub-common                          1.96+20080724-16         GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (common files)
ii  gstreamer0.10-alsa                   0.10.24-2                GStreamer plugin for ALSA
ii  gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg                 0.10.9-1                 FFmpeg plugin for GStreamer
ii  gstreamer0.10-gnonlin                0.10.9-1                 non-linear editing module for GStreamer
ii  gstreamer0.10-nice                   0.0.9-2+b1               ICE library (GStreamer plugin)
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad            0.10.13-1                GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base           0.10.24-2                GStreamer plugins from the "base" set
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps      0.10.24-2                GStreamer helper programs from the "base" set
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-good           0.10.16-1                GStreamer plugins from the "good" set
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly           0.10.12-1                GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set
ii  gstreamer0.10-tools                  0.10.24-1                Tools for use with GStreamer
ii  gstreamer0.10-x                      0.10.24-2                GStreamer plugins for X11 and Pango
ii  gvfs                                 0.2.5-1.1                userspace virtual filesystem - server
ii  gvfs-backends                        0.2.5-1.1                userspace virtual filesystem - backends
ii  gzip                                 1.3.12-6+lenny1          The GNU compression utility
ii  hal                                  0.5.11-8                 Hardware Abstraction Layer
ii  hal-info                             20080508+git20080601-1   Hardware Abstraction Layer - fdi files
ii  hicolor-icon-theme                   0.10-1                   default fallback theme for FreeDesktop.org icon themes
ii  hostname                             2.95                     utility to set/show the host name or domain name
ii  html2text                            1.3.2a-5                 advanced HTML to text converter
ii  iamerican                               An American English dictionary for ispell
ii  ibritish                                A British English dictionary for ispell
ii  ice32-services                       3.2.1-8                  Services bundled into ZeroC Ice
ii  ice32-slice                          3.2.1-8                  Slice definitions for Ice 3.2 services
ii  ice32-translators                    3.2.1-8                  Slice translators to several languages
ii  icebox                               3.2.1-8                  Plugin-based meta-application for ZeroC Ice
ii  icecpp                               3.2.1-8                  Slice preprocessor
ii  icegrid-gui                          3.2.1-3                  GUI for IceGrid service
ii  ifupdown                             0.6.8+nmu1               high level tools to configure network interfaces
ii  info                                 4.11.dfsg.1-4            Standalone GNU Info documentation browser
ii  initramfs-tools                      0.92o                    tools for generating an initramfs
ii  initscripts                          2.86.ds1-61              Scripts for initializing and shutting down the system
ii  installation-report                  2.38                     system installation report
ii  intltool-debian                      0.35.0+20060710.1        Help i18n of RFC822 compliant config files
ii  iproute                              20080725-2               networking and traffic control tools
ii  iptables                             1.4.2-6                  administration tools for packet filtering and NAT
ii  iputils-ping                         3:20071127-1             Tools to test the reachability of network hosts
ii  ispanish                             1.10-3                   Spanish dictionary for ispell
ii  ispell                                  International Ispell (an interactive spelling corrector)
ii  java-common                          0.30                     Base of all Java packages
ii  java-gcj-compat                      1.0.78-2                 Java runtime environment using GIJ
ii  java-gcj-compat-headless             1.0.78-2                 Java runtime environment using GIJ (headless version)
ii  klibc-utils                          1.5.12-2                 small utilities built with klibc for early boot
ii  language-env                         0.69                     simple configuration tool for native language environment
ii  laptop-detect                        0.13.6                   attempt to detect a laptop
ii  less                                 418-1                    Pager program similar to more
ii  liba52-0.7.4                         0.7.4-11                 library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams
ii  liba52-0.7.4-dev                     0.7.4-11                 library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams (development)
ii  libaa1                               1.4p5-37+b1              ascii art library
ii  libacl1                              2.2.47-2                 Access control list shared library
ii  libamrnb-dev                             floating-point Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) speech codec
ii  libamrnb3                                floating-point Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) speech codec
ii  libamrwb-dev                             Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech codec
ii  libamrwb3                                Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech codec
ii  libapache2-mod-php5                  5.2.6.dfsg.1-1+lenny8    server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module
ii  libapr1                              1.2.12-5+lenny1          The Apache Portable Runtime Library
ii  libaprutil1                          1.2.12+dfsg-8+lenny4     The Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library
ii  libarchive1                          2.4.17-2                 Single library to read/write tar, cpio, pax, zip, iso9660, etc
ii  libasound2                           1.0.16-2                 ALSA library
ii  libaspell15                          0.60.6-1                 GNU Aspell spell-checker runtime library
ii  libass3                              0.9.6-1                  library for SSA/ASS subtitles rendering
ii  libatk1.0-0                          1.22.0-1                 The ATK accessibility toolkit
ii  libatk1.0-data                       1.22.0-1                 Common files for the ATK accessibility toolkit
ii  libatk1.0-dev                        1.22.0-1                 Development files for the ATK accessibility toolkit
ii  libattr1                             1:2.4.43-2               Extended attribute shared library
ii  libaudio2                            1.9.1-5                  Network Audio System - shared libraries
ii  libavahi-client3                     0.6.23-3lenny1           Avahi client library
ii  libavahi-common-data                 0.6.23-3lenny1           Avahi common data files
ii  libavahi-common3                     0.6.23-3lenny1           Avahi common library
ii  libavahi-glib1                       0.6.23-3lenny1           Avahi glib integration library
ii  libavc1394-0                         0.5.3-1+b1               control IEEE 1394 audio/video devices
ii  libavcodec-dev                       3:20090222-0.0           library to encode decode multimedia streams - devel files
ii  libavcodec52                         3:20090222-0.0           library to encode decode multimedia streams - runtime files
ii  libavdevice52                        3:20090222-0.0           ffmpeg device handling library
ii  libavfilter0                         3:20090222-0.0           a graphics library;
ii  libavformat-dev                      3:20090222-0.0           development files for libavformat
ii  libavformat52                        3:20090222-0.0           ffmpeg file format library
ii  libavutil-dev                        3:20090222-0.0           avutil devel files
ii  libavutil49                          3:20090222-0.0           avutil shared libraries
ii  libbcel-java                         5.2-3                    Analyze, create, and manipulate (binary) Java class files
ii  libbind9-40                          1:9.5.1.dfsg.P3-1+lenny1 BIND9 Shared Library used by BIND
ii  libblkid1                            1.41.3-1                 block device id library
ii  libbluetooth2                        3.36-1                   Library to use the BlueZ Linux Bluetooth stack
ii  libbz2-1.0                           1.0.5-1                  high-quality block-sorting file compressor library - runtime
ii  libc6                                2.7-18lenny2             GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libc6-dev                            2.7-18lenny2             GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files
ii  libc6-i686                           2.7-18lenny2             GNU C Library: Shared libraries [i686 optimized]
ii  libcaca0                             0.99.beta14-1            colour ASCII art library
ii  libcairo2                            1.6.4-7                  The Cairo 2D vector graphics library
ii  libcairo2-dev                        1.6.4-7                  Development files for the Cairo 2D graphics library
ii  libcairomm-1.0-1                     1.6.0-1                  C++ wrappers for Cairo (shared libraries)
ii  libcairomm-1.0-dev                   1.6.0-1                  C++ wrappers for Cairo (development files)
ii  libcap2                              2.11-2                   support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabilities
ii  libcdaudio1                          0.99.12p2-7              library for controlling a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs
ii  libcddb2                             1.2.1-1                  library to access CDDB data - runtime files
ii  libcdio-cdda0                        0.78.2+dfsg1-3           library to read and control digital audio CDs
ii  libcdio-paranoia0                    0.78.2+dfsg1-3           library to read digital audio CDs with error correction
ii  libcdio7                             0.78.2+dfsg1-3           library to read and control CD-ROM
ii  libcdparanoia0                       3.10.2+debian-5          audio extraction tool for sampling CDs (library)
ii  libcelt0                             0.4.0-1                  The CELT codec runtime library
ii  libcomerr2                           1.41.3-1                 common error description library
ii  libcompress-raw-zlib-perl            2.012-1lenny1            low-level interface to zlib compression library
ii  libcompress-zlib-perl                2.012-1                  Perl module for creation and manipulation of gzip files
ii  libconsole                           1:0.2.3dbs-65.1          Shared libraries for Linux console and font manipulation
ii  libcucul0                            0.99.beta14-1            low-level Unicode character drawing library
ii  libcups2                             1.3.8-1+lenny8           Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - libs
ii  libcurl3                             7.18.2-8lenny4           Multi-protocol file transfer library (OpenSSL)
ii  libcurl3-gnutls                      7.18.2-8lenny4           Multi-protocol file transfer library (GnuTLS)
ii  libcv-dev                            2.0.0-3                  development files for libcv
ii  libcv4                               2.0.0-3                  computer vision library
ii  libcvaux-dev                         2.0.0-3                  development files for libcvaux
ii  libcvaux4                            2.0.0-3                  computer vision extension library
ii  libcwidget3                          0.5.12-4                 high-level terminal interface library for C++ (runtime files)
ii  libdatrie0                           0.1.3-2                  Double-array trie library
ii  libdb4.5                             4.5.20-13                Berkeley v4.5 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii  libdb4.5++                           4.5.20-13                Berkeley v4.5 Database Libraries for C++ [runtime]
ii  libdb4.5-java                        4.5.20-13                Berkeley v4.5 Database Libraries for Java
ii  libdb4.5-java-gcj                    4.5.20-13                Berkeley v4.5 Database Libraries for Java (native code)
ii  libdb4.6                             4.6.21-11                Berkeley v4.6 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii  libdbd-mysql-perl                    4.007-1+lenny1           A Perl5 database interface to the MySQL database
ii  libdbi-perl                          1.605-1                  Perl5 database interface by Tim Bunce
ii  libdbus-1-3                          1.2.1-5+lenny1           simple interprocess messaging system
ii  libdbus-glib-1-2                     0.76-1                   simple interprocess messaging system (GLib-based shared librar
ii  libdc1394-22                         2.0.2-1                  high level programming interface for IEEE1394 digital camera
ii  libdc1394-22-dev                     2.0.2-1                  high level programming interface for IEEE1394 digital camera -
ii  libdca0                              0.0.5-0.1                a free DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder
ii  libdevmapper1.02.1                   2:1.02.27-4              The Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library
ii  libdigest-hmac-perl                  1.01-7                   create standard message integrity checks
ii  libdigest-sha1-perl                  2.11-2+b1                NIST SHA-1 message digest algorithm
ii  libdirac-dev                         1.0.0-0.0                a video codec - runtime library
ii  libdirac0                            1.0.0-0.0                a video codec - development files
ii  libdirectfb-1.0-0                    1.0.1-11                 direct frame buffer graphics - shared libraries
ii  libdirectfb-dev                      1.0.1-11                 direct frame buffer graphics library - development files
ii  libdirectfb-extra                    1.0.1-11                 direct frame buffer graphics - extra providers
ii  libdns45                             1:9.5.1.dfsg.P3-1+lenny1 DNS Shared Library used by BIND
ii  libdrm2                              2.3.1-2                  Userspace interface to kernel DRM services -- runtime
ii  libdv4                               1.0.0-1+b1               software library for DV format digital video (runtime lib)
ii  libdvbpsi5                           0.1.6-1                  library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generating
ii  libdvdnav4                           4.1.2-3                  DVD navigation library
ii  libdvdread3                          0.9.7-11                 library for reading DVDs
ii  libebml0                             0.7.7-3.1                access library for the EBML format
ii  libedit2                             2.11~20080614-1          BSD editline and history libraries
ii  libenca0                             1.9-6                    Extremely Naive Charset Analyser - shared library files
ii  libenchant1c2a                       1.4.2-3.3                a wrapper library for various spell checker engines
ii  libept0                              0.5.22                   High-level library for managing Debian package information
ii  libevent1                            1.3e-3                   An asynchronous event notification library
ii  libexempi3                           2.0.1-1                  library to parse XMP metadata (Library)
ii  libexif12                            0.6.16-2.1               library to parse EXIF files
ii  libexpat1                            2.0.1-4+lenny3           XML parsing C library - runtime library
ii  libexpat1-dev                        2.0.1-4+lenny3           XML parsing C library - development kit
ii  libfaac-dev                          1.26-0.2                 an AAC audio encoder - devel files
ii  libfaac0                             1.26-0.2                 an AAC audio encoder - library files
ii  libfaad-dev                          2.6.1-3.1                freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - development files
ii  libfaad0                             2.6.1-3.1                freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - runtime files
ii  libfftw3-3                           3.1.2-3.1                library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms
ii  libfile-remove-perl                  1.42-1                   remove files and directories, accepts wildcards
ii  libflac8                             1.2.1-1.2                Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library
ii  libfontconfig1                       2.6.0-3                  generic font configuration library - runtime
ii  libfontconfig1-dev                   2.6.0-3                  generic font configuration library - development
ii  libfontenc1                          1:1.0.4-3                X11 font encoding library
ii  libfreebob0                          1.0.7-1                  FreeBoB API
ii  libfreetype6                         2.3.7-2+lenny1           FreeType 2 font engine, shared library files
ii  libfreetype6-dev                     2.3.7-2+lenny1           FreeType 2 font engine, development files
ii  libfreeze32                          3.2.1-8                  Libraries implementing a persistence framework for ZeroC Ice
ii  libfribidi0                          0.10.9-1                 Free Implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm
ii  libgc1c2                             1:6.8-1.1                conservative garbage collector for C and C++
ii  libgcc1                              1:4.3.2-1.1              GCC support library
ii  libgcj-bc                            4.3.2-2                  Link time only library for use with gcj
ii  libgcj-common                        1:4.3.2-2                Java runtime library (common files)
ii  libgcj9-0                            4.3.2-2                  Java runtime library for use with gcj
ii  libgcj9-0-awt                        4.3.2-2                  AWT peer runtime libraries for use with gcj
ii  libgcj9-jar                          4.3.2-2                  Java runtime library for use with gcj (jar files)
ii  libgconf2-4                          2.22.0-1                 GNOME configuration database system (shared libraries)
ii  libgcrypt11                          1.4.1-1                  LGPL Crypto library - runtime library
ii  libgdbm3                             1.8.3-3                  GNU dbm database routines (runtime version)
ii  libgif4                              4.1.6-6                  library for GIF images (library)
ii  libgl1-mesa-glx                      7.0.3-7                  A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX runtime
ii  libglacier2-32                       3.2.1-8                  Libraries implementing a firewall service for ZeroC Ice
ii  libglade2-0                          1:2.6.2-1                library to load .glade files at runtime
ii  libglade2-dev                        1:2.6.2-1                development files for libglade
ii  libglademm-2.4-1c2a                  2.6.6-1                  C++ wrappers for libglade2 (shared library)
ii  libglademm-2.4-dev                   2.6.6-1                  C++ wrappers for libglade2 (development files)
ii  libglib1.2ldbl                       1.2.10-19                The GLib library of C routines
ii  libglib2.0-0                         2.22.0-1                 The GLib library of C routines
ii  libglib2.0-data                      2.22.0-1                 Common files for GLib library
ii  libglib2.0-dev                       2.22.0-1                 Development files for the GLib library
ii  libglibmm-2.4-1c2a                   2.16.4-1                 C++ wrapper for the GLib toolkit (shared libraries)
ii  libglibmm-2.4-dev                    2.16.4-1                 C++ wrapper for the GLib toolkit (development files)
ii  libglu1-mesa                         7.0.3-7                  The OpenGL utility library (GLU)
ii  libgmp3c2                            2:4.2.2+dfsg-3           Multiprecision arithmetic library
ii  libgmyth0                            1:0.7.1-1                GObject based library for accessing MythTV backend (runtime fi
ii  libgnome-keyring0                    2.22.3-2                 GNOME keyring services library
ii  libgnutls26                          2.4.2-6+lenny2           the GNU TLS library - runtime library
ii  libgomp1                             4.3.2-1.1                GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library
ii  libgpg-error0                        1.4-2                    library for common error values and messages in GnuPG componen
ii  libgphoto2-2                         2.4.1-3                  gphoto2 digital camera library
ii  libgphoto2-port0                     2.4.1-3                  gphoto2 digital camera port library
ii  libgpm2                              1.20.4-3.1               General Purpose Mouse - shared library
ii  libgsm1                              1.0.12-1                 Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor
ii  libgsm1-dev                          1.0.12-1                 Development libraries for a GSM speech compressor
ii  libgssdp-1.0-1                       0.6.1-1                  GObject-based library for SSDP
ii  libgssdp-1.0-2                       0.7.1-1~bpo50+1          GObject-based library for SSDP
ii  libgssglue1                          0.1-2                    mechanism-switch gssapi library
ii  libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0      0.10.24-2                GStreamer libraries from the "base" set
ii  libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev    0.10.24-2                GStreamer development files for libraries from the "base" set
ii  libgstreamer0.10-0                   0.10.24-1                Core GStreamer libraries and elements
ii  libgstreamer0.10-dev                 0.10.24-1                GStreamer core development files
ii  libgtk1.2                            1.2.10-18.1              The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X
ii  libgtk1.2-common                     1.2.10-18.1              Common files for the GTK+ library
ii  libgtk2.0-0                          2.12.12-1~lenny1         The GTK+ graphical user interface library
ii  libgtk2.0-bin                        2.12.12-1~lenny1         The programs for the GTK+ graphical user interface library
ii  libgtk2.0-common                     2.12.12-1~lenny1         Common files for the GTK+ graphical user interface library
ii  libgtk2.0-dev                        2.12.12-1~lenny1         Development files for the GTK+ library
ii  libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a                    1:2.12.7-1               C++ wrappers for GTK+ 2.4 (shared libraries)
ii  libgtkmm-2.4-dev                     1:2.12.7-1               C++ wrappers for GTK+ 2.4 (development files)
ii  libgtkmm1.2-0c2a                     1.2.10-8.1               C++ wrappers for GTK+ 1.2 (shared libraries)
ii  libgupnp-1.0-2                       0.12.8-1~bpo50+1         GObject-based library for UPnP
ii  libgupnp-1.0-3                       0.13.2-1~bpo50+1         GObject-based library for UPnP
ii  libgupnp-igd-1.0-2                   0.1.3-4~bpo50+1          library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping
ii  libgvfscommon0                       0.2.5-1.1                userspace virtual filesystem - library
ii  libhal-storage1                      0.5.11-8                 Hardware Abstraction Layer - shared library for storage device
ii  libhal1                              0.5.11-8                 Hardware Abstraction Layer - shared library
ii  libhighgui-dev                       2.0.0-3                  development files for libhighgui
ii  libhighgui4                          2.0.0-3                  computer vision GUI library
ii  libhtml-template-perl                2.9-1                    HTML::Template : A module for using HTML Templates with Perl
ii  libhunspell-1.2-0                    1.2.6-1                  spell checker and morphological analyzer (shared library)
ii  libice-dev                           2:1.0.4-1                X11 Inter-Client Exchange library (development headers)
ii  libice6                              2:1.0.4-1                X11 Inter-Client Exchange library
ii  libicebox32                          3.2.1-8                  Libraries implementing a plugin framework for ZeroC Ice
ii  libicegrid32                         3.2.1-8                  Libraries implementing grid-like services for ZeroC Ice
ii  libicepatch2-32                      3.2.1-8                  Libraries implementing a distribution service for ZeroC Ice
ii  libicessl32                          3.2.1-8                  Ice for C++ SSL plug-in
ii  libicestorm32                        3.2.1-8                  Libraries implementing an event service for ZeroC Ice
ii  libiceutil32                         3.2.1-8                  Ice for C++ misc utility library
ii  libicexml32                          3.2.1-8                  ZeroC Ice for C++ XML parser library
ii  libid3tag0                           0.15.1b-10               ID3 tag reading library from the MAD project
ii  libidl0                              0.8.10-0.1               library for parsing CORBA IDL files
ii  libidn11                             1.8+20080606-1           GNU libidn library, implementation of IETF IDN specifications
ii  libiec61883-0                        1.1.0-2                  an partial implementation of IEC 61883
ii  libimlib2                            1.4.0-1.2+lenny1         powerful image loading and rendering library
ii  libio-compress-base-perl             2.012-1                  Base Class for IO::Compress modules
ii  libio-compress-zlib-perl             2.012-1                  Perl interface to zlib
ii  libio-stringy-perl                   2.110-4                  Perl modules for IO from scalars and arrays
ii  libiptcdata0                         1.0.2+libtool01-2        Library to parse IPTC metadata
ii  libisc45                             1:9.5.1.dfsg.P3-1+lenny1 ISC Shared Library used by BIND
ii  libisccc40                           1:9.5.1.dfsg.P3-1+lenny1 Command Channel Library used by BIND
ii  libisccfg40                          1:9.5.1.dfsg.P3-1+lenny1 Config File Handling Library used by BIND
ii  libiso9660-5                         0.78.2+dfsg1-3           library to work with ISO9660 filesystems
ii  libjack0                             0.109.2-5                JACK Audio Connection Kit (libraries)
ii  libjasper-dev                        1.900.1-5.1+lenny1       Development files for the JasPer JPEG-2000 library
ii  libjasper1                           1.900.1-5.1+lenny1       The JasPer JPEG-2000 runtime library
ii  libjaxp1.3-java                      1.3.04-3                 Java XML parser and transformer APIs (DOM, SAX, JAXP, TrAX)
ii  libjaxp1.3-java-gcj                  1.3.04-3                 Java XML parser and transformer APIs (DOM, SAX, JAXP, TrAX)
ii  libjgoodies-forms-java               1.2.0-1                  Framework to lay out and implement elegant Swing panels
ii  libjgoodies-looks-java               2.1.4-1                  library with Swing look&feel implementations
ii  libjpeg62                            6b-14                    The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime library
ii  libjpeg62-dev                        6b-14                    Development files for the IJG JPEG library
ii  libkeyutils1                         1.2-9                    Linux Key Management Utilities (library)
ii  libklibc                             1.5.12-2                 minimal libc subset for use with initramfs
ii  libkrb53                             1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-5lenny3 MIT Kerberos runtime libraries
ii  liblcms1                             1.17.dfsg-1+lenny2       Color management library
ii  libldap-2.4-2                        2.4.11-1+lenny1          OpenLDAP libraries
ii  liblircclient0                       0.8.3-3                  infra-red remote control support - client library
ii  liblocale-gettext-perl               1.05-4                   Using libc functions for internationalization in Perl
ii  liblockfile1                         1.08-3                   NFS-safe locking library, includes dotlockfile program
ii  liblog4j1.2-java                     1.2.15-4                 Logging library for java
ii  liblog4j1.2-java-gcj                 1.2.15-4                 Logging library for java (native code)
ii  libltdl3                             1.5.26-4+lenny1          A system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU libtool
ii  libltdl3-dev                         1.5.26-4+lenny1          A system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU libtool
ii  liblua5.1-0                          5.1.3-1                  Simple, extensible, embeddable programming language
ii  liblwres40                           1:9.5.1.dfsg.P3-1+lenny1 Lightweight Resolver Library used by BIND
ii  liblzo2-2                            2.03-1                   data compression library
ii  libmad0                              0.15.1b-4                MPEG audio decoder library
ii  libmagic1                            4.26-1                   File type determination library using "magic" numbers
ii  libmail-box-perl                     2.082-2                  Manage a message-folder
ii  libmail-sendmail-perl                0.79-5                   Send email from a perl script
ii  libmailtools-perl                    2.03-1                   Manipulate email in perl programs
ii  libmalaga7                           7.12-1                   An automatic language analysis library
ii  libmatroska0                         0.8.1-1.1                extensible open standard audio/video container format
ii  libmime-types-perl                   1.24-1                   Perl extension for determining MIME types and Transfer Encodin
ii  libmms0                              0.4-2                    MMS stream protocol library - shared library
ii  libmng1                              1.0.9-1                  Multiple-image Network Graphics library
ii  libmodplug0c2                        1:0.8.4-1+lenny1         shared libraries for mod music based on ModPlug
ii  libmono-corlib1.0-cil                1.9.1+dfsg-6             Mono core library (1.0)
ii  libmono-corlib2.0-cil                1.9.1+dfsg-6             Mono core library (2.0)
ii  libmono-i18n1.0-cil                  1.9.1+dfsg-6             Mono I18N libraries (1.0)
ii  libmono-i18n2.0-cil                  1.9.1+dfsg-6             Mono I18N libraries (2.0)
ii  libmono-security2.0-cil              1.9.1+dfsg-6             Mono Security library
ii  libmono-system2.0-cil                1.9.1+dfsg-6             Mono System libraries (2.0)
ii  libmono0                             1.9.1+dfsg-6             libraries for the Mono JIT
ii  libmp3lame-dev                       3.98.2-0.4               LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder
ii  libmp3lame0                          3.98.2-0.4               LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder
ii  libmpcdec3                           1.2.2-1                  Musepack (MPC) format library
ii  libmpeg2-4                           0.4.1-3                  MPEG1 and MPEG2 video decoder library
ii  libmpeg3-1                           1.5.4-5                  MPEG streams decoding library
ii  libmpeg3-dev                         1.5.4-5                  Headers and static libraries for libMPEG3
ii  libmpfr1ldbl                         2.3.1.dfsg.1-2           multiple precision floating-point computation
ii  libmusicbrainz4c2a                   2.1.5-2                  Second generation incarnation of the CD Index - library
ii  libmx4j-java                         3.0.2-4                  An open source implementation of the JMX(TM) technology
ii  libmysql++-dev                       3.0.0-1                  MySQL C++ library bindings (development)
ii  libmysql++3                          3.0.0-1                  MySQL C++ library bindings (runtime)
ii  libmysqlclient15-dev                 5.0.51a-24+lenny3        MySQL database development files
ii  libmysqlclient15off                  5.0.51a-24+lenny3        MySQL database client library
ii  libncurses5                          5.7+20081213-1           shared libraries for terminal handling
ii  libncursesw5                         5.7+20081213-1           shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character support
ii  libneon27-gnutls                     0.28.2-6.1               An HTTP and WebDAV client library (GnuTLS enabled)
ii  libnet-daemon-perl                   0.38-1.1                 Perl module for building portable Perl daemons easily.
ii  libnewt0.52                          0.52.2-11.3+lenny1       Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit - text mode windowing with slang
ii  libnfsidmap2                         0.20-1                   An nfs idmapping library
ii  libnice0                             0.0.9-2+b1               ICE library (shared library)
ii  libnotify1                           0.4.4-3                  sends desktop notifications to a notification daemon
ii  libobject-realize-later-perl         0.18-1                   Delayed creation of objects
ii  libofa0                              0.9.3-3                  Library for acoustic fingerprinting
ii  libogg-dev                           1.1.3-4                  Ogg Bitstream Library Development
ii  libogg0                              1.1.3-4                  Ogg Bitstream Library
ii  liboil0.3                            0.3.16-1                 Library of Optimized Inner Loops
ii  liboil0.3-dev                        0.3.16-1                 Library of Optimized Inner Loops (development headers)
ii  libopenobex1                         1.3+cvs20070425-2        OBEX protocol library
ii  libopenspc0                          0.3.99a-2                library for playing SPC files
ii  liborbit2                            1:2.14.13-0.1            libraries for ORBit2 - a CORBA ORB
ii  libpam-gnome-keyring                 2.22.3-2                 PAM module to unlock the GNOME keyring upon login
ii  libpam-modules                       1.0.1-5+lenny1           Pluggable Authentication Modules for PAM
ii  libpam-runtime                       1.0.1-5+lenny1           Runtime support for the PAM library
ii  libpam0g                             1.0.1-5+lenny1           Pluggable Authentication Modules library
ii  libpango1.0-0                        1.20.5-5+lenny1          Layout and rendering of internationalized text
ii  libpango1.0-common                   1.20.5-5+lenny1          Modules and configuration files for the Pango
ii  libpango1.0-dev                      1.20.5-5+lenny1          Development files for the Pango
ii  libpci3                              1:3.0.0-6                Linux PCI Utilities (shared library)
ii  libpcre3                             7.6-2.1                  Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - runtime files
ii  libpixman-1-0                        0.10.0-2                 pixel-manipulation library for X and cairo
ii  libpixman-1-dev                      0.10.0-2                 pixel-manipulation library for X and cairo (development files)
ii  libplrpc-perl                        0.2017-1.1               Perl extensions for writing PlRPC servers and clients
ii  libpng12-0                           1.2.27-2+lenny3          PNG library - runtime
ii  libpng12-dev                         1.2.27-2+lenny3          PNG library - development
ii  libpopt-dev                          1.14-4                   lib for parsing cmdline parameters - development files
ii  libpopt0                             1.14-4                   lib for parsing cmdline parameters
ii  libpostproc51                        3:20090222-0.0           postproc shared libraries
ii  libpq5                               8.3.9-0lenny1            PostgreSQL C client library
ii  libproxy0                            0.2.3-4                  automatic proxy configuration management library (shared)
ii  libpthread-stubs0                    0.1-2                    pthread stubs not provided by native libc
ii  libpthread-stubs0-dev                0.1-2                    pthread stubs not provided by native libc, development files
ii  libqt4-dbus                          4.4.3-1+lenny1           Qt 4 D-Bus module
ii  libqt4-designer                      4.4.3-1+lenny1           Qt 4 designer module
ii  libqt4-network                       4.4.3-1+lenny1           Qt 4 network module
ii  libqt4-qt3support                    4.4.3-1+lenny1           Qt 3 compatibility library for Qt 4
ii  libqt4-script                        4.4.3-1+lenny1           Qt 4 script module
ii  libqt4-sql                           4.4.3-1+lenny1           Qt 4 SQL module
ii  libqt4-sql-mysql                     4.4.3-1+lenny1           Qt 4 MySQL database driver
ii  libqt4-xml                           4.4.3-1+lenny1           Qt 4 XML module
ii  libqtcore4                           4.4.3-1+lenny1           Qt 4 core module
ii  libqtgui4                            4.4.3-1+lenny1           Qt 4 GUI module
ii  libraw1394-8                         1.3.0-4                  library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (aka FireWire)
ii  libraw1394-dev                       1.3.0-4                  library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus - development files
ii  libreadline5                         5.2-3.1                  GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries
ii  libregexp-java                       1.4-5                    regular expression library for Java
ii  librpcsecgss3                        0.18-1                   allows secure rpc communication using the rpcsec_gss protocol
ii  libsasl2-2                           2.1.22.dfsg1-23+lenny1   Cyrus SASL - authentication abstraction library
ii  libschroedinger-1.0-0                1.0.8-2                  library for encoding/decoding of Dirac video streams
ii  libschroedinger-dev                  1.0.8-2                  library for encoding/decoding of Dirac video streams (developm
ii  libsdl-image1.2                      1.2.6-3                  image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2
ii  libsdl1.2debian                      1.2.13-2                 Simple DirectMedia Layer
ii  libsdl1.2debian-alsa                 1.2.13-2                 Simple DirectMedia Layer (with X11 and ALSA options)
ii  libselinux1                          2.0.65-5                 SELinux shared libraries
ii  libsepol1                            2.0.30-2                 Security Enhanced Linux policy library for changing policy bin
ii  libserf-0-0                          0.2.0-1                  high-performance asynchronous HTTP client library
ii  libsexy2                             0.1.11-2+b1              collection of additional GTK+ widgets - library
ii  libshout3                            2.2.2-5                  MP3/Ogg Vorbis broadcast streaming library
ii  libsidplay1                          1.36.59-5                SID (MOS 6581) emulation library
ii  libsigc++-2.0-0c2a                   2.0.18-2                 type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - runtime
ii  libsigc++-2.0-dev                    2.0.18-2                 type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - development files
ii  libsigc++0c2                         1.0.4-9.3                Type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - runtime
ii  libslang2                            2.1.3-3                  The S-Lang programming library - runtime version
ii  libslice32                           3.2.1-8                  Ice for C++ Slice parser library
ii  libsm-dev                            2:1.0.3-2                X11 Session Management library (development headers)
ii  libsm6                               2:1.0.3-2                X11 Session Management library
ii  libsmbclient                         2:3.2.5-4lenny9          shared library that allows applications to talk to SMB/CIFS se
ii  libsmbios-bin                        2.0.3.dfsg-1             Provide access to (SM)BIOS information -- utility binaries
ii  libsmbios2                           2.0.3.dfsg-1             Provide access to (SM)BIOS information -- dynamic library
ii  libsndfile1                          1.0.17-4+lenny2          Library for reading/writing audio files
ii  libsoundtouch1c2                     1.3.1-2                  sound stretching library
ii  libsoup-gnome2.4-1                   2.28.0-1                 an HTTP library implementation in C -- GNOME support library
ii  libsoup2.4-1                         2.28.0-1                 an HTTP library implementation in C -- Shared library
ii  libspeex1                            1.2~rc1-1                The Speex codec runtime library
ii  libsplashy1                          0.3.13-3                 Library to draw splash screen on boot, shutdown, resume or sus
ii  libsqlite3-0                         3.5.9-6                  SQLite 3 shared library
ii  libss2                               1.41.3-1                 command-line interface parsing library
ii  libssh2-1                            0.18-1                   SSH2 client-side library
ii  libssl0.9.8                          0.9.8g-15+lenny6         SSL shared libraries
ii  libstartup-notification0             0.9-1                    library for program launch feedback (shared library)
ii  libstdc++6                           4.3.2-1.1                The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii  libstdc++6-4.3-dev                   4.3.2-1.1                The GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
ii  libsvga1                             1:1.4.3-27               console SVGA display libraries
ii  libsvn1                              1.5.1dfsg1-4             Shared libraries used by Subversion
ii  libswscale-dev                       3:20090222-0.0           development files for libswscale
ii  libswscale0                          3:20090222-0.0           ffmpeg video scaling library
ii  libsys-hostname-long-perl            1.4-2                    Figure out the long (fully-qualified) hostname
ii  libsysfs-dev                         2.1.0-5                  interface library to sysfs - development files
ii  libsysfs2                            2.1.0-5                  interface library to sysfs
ii  libtag1c2a                           1.5-3                    TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library
ii  libtalloc1                           1.2.0~git20080616-1      hierarchical pool based memory allocator
ii  libtar                               1.2.11-5                 C library for manipulating tar archives
ii  libtasn1-3                           1.4-1                    Manage ASN.1 structures (runtime)
ii  libterm-readkey-perl                 2.30-4                   A perl module for simple terminal control
ii  libtext-charwidth-perl               0.04-5+b1                get display widths of characters on the terminal
ii  libtext-iconv-perl                   1.7-1+b1                 converts between character sets in Perl
ii  libtext-wrapi18n-perl                0.06-6                   internationalized substitute of Text::Wrap
ii  libthai-data                         0.1.9-4+lenny1           Data files for Thai language support library
ii  libthai0                             0.1.9-4+lenny1           Thai language support library
ii  libtheora-dev                        1.0~beta3-1              The Theora Video Compression Codec (development files)
ii  libtheora0                           1.0~beta3-1              The Theora Video Compression Codec
ii  libtiff4                             3.8.2-11.2               Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library
ii  libtiff4-dev                         3.8.2-11.2               Tag Image File Format library (TIFF), development files
ii  libtiffxx0c2                         3.8.2-11.2               Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library -- C++ interface
ii  libtimedate-perl                     1.1600-9                 Time and date functions for Perl
ii  libtool                              1.5.26-4+lenny1          Generic library support script
ii  libts-0.0-0                          1.0-4                    touch screen library
ii  libtwolame0                          0.3.12-1                 MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoding library
ii  libupnp3                             1:1.6.6-3                Portable SDK for UPnP Devices (shared libraries)
ii  liburi-perl                          1.35.dfsg.1-1            Manipulates and accesses URI strings
ii  libusb-0.1-4                         2:0.1.12-13              userspace USB programming library
ii  libuser-identity-perl                0.92-2                   manages different identities/roles used by a physical person
ii  libuuid1                             1.41.3-1                 universally unique id library
ii  libv4l-0                             0.6.1-1                  Collection of video4linux support libraries
ii  libvcdinfo0                          0.7.23-4                 library to extract information from VideoCD
ii  libvisual-0.4-0                      0.4.0-2.1                Audio visualization framework
ii  libvisual-0.4-plugins                0.4.0.dfsg.1-2           Audio visualization framework plugins
ii  libvlc2                              1.0.5-2                  multimedia player and streamer library
ii  libvlccore2                          1.0.5-2                  base library for VLC and its modules
ii  libvoikko1                           1.7-2                    Finnish spell-checker and hyphenator library
ii  libvolume-id0                        0.125-7+lenny3           libvolume_id shared library
ii  libvorbis-dev                        1.2.0.dfsg-3.1+lenny1    The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec (development files)
ii  libvorbis0a                          1.2.0.dfsg-3.1+lenny1    The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
ii  libvorbisenc2                        1.2.0.dfsg-3.1+lenny1    The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
ii  libvorbisfile3                       1.2.0.dfsg-3.1+lenny1    The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
ii  libwavpack1                          4.50.1-1                 an audio codec (lossy and lossless) - library
ii  libwbclient0                         2:3.2.5-4lenny9          client library for interfacing with winbind service
ii  libwildmidi0                         0.2.2-2                  software MIDI player library
ii  libwnck-common                       2.22.3-1                 Window Navigator Construction Kit - common files
ii  libwnck22                            2.22.3-1                 Window Navigator Construction Kit - runtime files
ii  libwrap0                             7.6.q-16                 Wietse Venema's TCP wrappers library
ii  libx11-6                             2:1.1.5-2                X11 client-side library
ii  libx11-data                          2:1.1.5-2                X11 client-side library
ii  libx11-dev                           2:1.1.5-2                X11 client-side library (development headers)
ii  libx264-65                           1:0.svn20090115-0.0      x264 video coding library
ii  libx264-76                           1:0.svn20090928-0.0      x264 video coding library
ii  libx264-dev                          1:0.svn20090928-0.0      development files for libx264
ii  libx86-1                             1.1+ds1-2                x86 real-mode library
ii  libxapian15                          1.0.7-4                  Search engine library
ii  libxau-dev                           1:1.0.3-3                X11 authorisation library (development headers)
ii  libxau6                              1:1.0.3-3                X11 authorisation library
ii  libxcb-render-util0                  0.2.1+git1-1             utility libraries for X C Binding -- render-util
ii  libxcb-render-util0-dev              0.2.1+git1-1             utility libraries for X C Binding -- render-util
ii  libxcb-render0                       1.1-1.2                  X C Binding, render extension
ii  libxcb-render0-dev                   1.1-1.2                  X C Binding, render extension, development files
ii  libxcb-xlib0                         1.1-1.2                  X C Binding, Xlib/XCB interface library
ii  libxcb-xlib0-dev                     1.1-1.2                  X C Binding, Xlib/XCB interface library, development files
ii  libxcb1                              1.1-1.2                  X C Binding
ii  libxcb1-dev                          1.1-1.2                  X C Binding, development files
ii  libxcomposite-dev                    1:0.4.0-3                X11 Composite extension library (development headers)
ii  libxcomposite1                       1:0.4.0-3                X11 Composite extension library
ii  libxcursor-dev                       1:1.1.9-1                X cursor management library (development files)
ii  libxcursor1                          1:1.1.9-1                X cursor management library
ii  libxdamage-dev                       1:1.1.1-4                X11 damaged region extension library (development headers)
ii  libxdamage1                          1:1.1.1-4                X11 damaged region extension library
ii  libxdmcp-dev                         1:1.0.2-3                X11 authorisation library (development headers)
ii  libxdmcp6                            1:1.0.2-3                X11 Display Manager Control Protocol library
ii  libxerces2-java                      2.9.1-2+lenny1           Validating XML parser for Java with DOM level 3 support
ii  libxerces2-java-gcj                  2.9.1-2+lenny1           Validating XML parser for Java with DOM level 3 support (nativ
ii  libxext-dev                          2:1.0.4-1                X11 miscellaneous extensions library (development headers)
ii  libxext6                             2:1.0.4-1                X11 miscellaneous extension library
ii  libxfixes-dev                        1:4.0.3-2                X11 miscellaneous 'fixes' extension library (development heade
ii  libxfixes3                           1:4.0.3-2                X11 miscellaneous 'fixes' extension library
ii  libxfont1                            1:1.3.3-1                X11 font rasterisation library
ii  libxft-dev                           2.1.12-3                 FreeType-based font drawing library for X (development files)
ii  libxft2                              2.1.12-3                 FreeType-based font drawing library for X
ii  libxi-dev                            2:1.1.4-1                X11 Input extension library (development headers)
ii  libxi6                               2:1.1.4-1                X11 Input extension library
ii  libxinerama-dev                      2:1.0.3-2                X11 Xinerama extension library (development headers)
ii  libxinerama1                         2:1.0.3-2                X11 Xinerama extension library
ii  libxml2                              2.6.32.dfsg-5+lenny1     GNOME XML library
ii  libxml2-dev                          2.6.32.dfsg-5+lenny1     Development files for the GNOME XML library
ii  libxml2-utils                        2.6.32.dfsg-5+lenny1     XML utilities
ii  libxmlrpc-c3                         1.06.27-1                A lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP for C and C++
ii  libxmuu1                             2:1.0.4-1                X11 miscellaneous micro-utility library
ii  libxrandr-dev                        2:1.2.3-1                X11 RandR extension library (development headers)
ii  libxrandr2                           2:1.2.3-1                X11 RandR extension library
ii  libxrender-dev                       1:0.9.4-2                X Rendering Extension client library (development files)
ii  libxrender1                          1:0.9.4-2                X Rendering Extension client library
ii  libxres1                             2:1.0.3-1                X11 Resource extension library
ii  libxt6                               1:1.0.5-3                X11 toolkit intrinsics library
ii  libxtst6                             2:1.0.3-1                X11 Testing -- Resource extension library
ii  libxv1                               2:1.0.4-1                X11 Video extension library
ii  libxvidcore4                         2:1.1.3-0.6              High quality ISO MPEG4 codec library
ii  libxvidcore4-dev                     2:1.1.3-0.6              High quality ISO MPEG4 codec library -- development files
ii  libxxf86vm1                          1:1.0.2-1                X11 XFree86 video mode extension library
ii  libzeroc-ice-3.2-cil                 3.2.1-3                  Ice for C# libraries
ii  libzeroc-ice-java                    3.2.1-3                  Ice for Java libraries
ii  libzeroc-ice32                       3.2.1-8                  Ice for C++ runtime library
ii  libzeroc-ice32-dbg                   3.2.1-8                  Ice for C++ debugging symbols
ii  libzeroc-ice32-dev                   3.2.1-8                  Ice for C++ development libraries
rc  linux-base                           2.6.32-11~bpo50+1        Linux image base package
ii  linux-headers-2.6.30-bpo.2-486       2.6.30-8~bpo50+2         Header files for Linux 2.6.30-bpo.2-486
ii  linux-headers-2.6.30-bpo.2-common    2.6.30-8~bpo50+2         Common header files for Linux 2.6.30-bpo.2
ii  linux-image-2.6-486                  2.6.26+17+lenny1         Linux 2.6 image on x86
ii  linux-image-2.6.26-2-486             2.6.26-21lenny4          Linux 2.6.26 image on x86
ii  linux-image-2.6.30-bpo.2-486         2.6.30-8~bpo50+2         Linux 2.6.30 image on x86
rc  linux-image-2.6.32-bpo.4-486         2.6.32-11~bpo50+1        Linux 2.6.32 for old PCs
rc  linux-image-2.6.32-bpo.4-686         2.6.32-11~bpo50+1        Linux 2.6.32 for modern PCs
ii  linux-kbuild-2.6.30                  2.6.30-1~bpo50+1         Kbuild infrastructure for Linux 2.6.30
ii  linux-libc-dev                       2.6.26-21lenny4          Linux support headers for userspace development
ii  locales                              2.7-18lenny2             GNU C Library: National Language (locale) data [support]
ii  login                                1:4.1.1-6+lenny1         system login tools
ii  logrotate                            3.7.1-5                  Log rotation utility
ii  lsb-base                             3.2-20                   Linux Standard Base 3.2 init script functionality
ii  lsof                                 4.78.dfsg.1-4            List open files
ii  lzma                                 4.43-14                  Compression method of 7z format in 7-Zip program
ii  m4                                   1.4.11-1                 a macro processing language
ii  make                                 3.81-5                   The GNU version of the "make" utility.
ii  makedev                              2.3.1-88                 creates device files in /dev
ii  man-db                               2.5.2-4                  on-line manual pager
ii  manpages                             3.05-1                   Manual pages about using a GNU/Linux system
ii  manpages-es                          1.55-8                   Spanish man pages
ii  mawk                                 1.3.3-11.1               a pattern scanning and text processing language
ii  mime-support                         3.44-1                   MIME files 'mime.types' & 'mailcap', and support programs
ii  mktemp                               1.5-9                    tool for creating temporary files
ii  mlocate                              0.21.1-1                 quickly find files on the filesystem based on their name
ii  module-init-tools                    3.4-1                    tools for managing Linux kernel modules
ii  mono-common                          1.9.1+dfsg-6             common files for Mono
ii  mono-gac                             1.9.1+dfsg-6             Mono GAC tool
ii  mono-jit                             1.9.1+dfsg-6             fast CLI JIT/AOT compiler for Mono
ii  mono-runtime                         1.9.1+dfsg-6             Mono runtime
ii  mount                                     Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems
ii  mutt                                 1.5.18-6                 text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading
ii  myspell-en-us                        1:2.4.0-3                English_american dictionary for myspell
ii  mysql-client-5.0                     5.0.51a-24+lenny3        MySQL database client binaries
ii  mysql-common                         5.0.51a-24+lenny3        MySQL database common files
ii  mysql-server-5.0                     5.0.51a-24+lenny3        MySQL database server binaries
ii  nano                                 2.0.7-4                  free Pico clone with some new features
ii  ncurses-base                         5.7+20081213-1           basic terminal type definitions
ii  ncurses-bin                          5.7+20081213-1           terminal-related programs and man pages
ii  ncurses-term                         5.7+20081213-1           additional terminal type definitions
ii  net-tools                            1.60-22                  The NET-3 networking toolkit
ii  netbase                              4.34                     Basic TCP/IP networking system
ii  netcat-traditional                   1.10-38                  TCP/IP swiss army knife
ii  nfs-common                           1:1.1.2-6lenny1          NFS support files common to client and server
ii  notification-daemon                  0.3.7-1+b1               a daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications
ii  obex-data-server                     0.3.4-1                  D-Bus service for OBEX client and server side functionality
ii  openbsd-inetd                        0.20080125-2             The OpenBSD Internet Superserver
ii  openssh-blacklist                    0.4.1                    list of default blacklisted OpenSSH RSA and DSA keys
ii  openssh-blacklist-extra              0.4.1                    list of non-default blacklisted OpenSSH RSA and DSA keys
ii  openssh-client                       1:5.1p1-5                secure shell client, an rlogin/rsh/rcp replacement
ii  openssh-server                       1:5.1p1-5                secure shell server, an rshd replacement
ii  openssl                              0.9.8g-15+lenny6         Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic too
ii  openssl-blacklist                    0.4.2                    list of blacklisted OpenSSL RSA keys
ii  oss-compat                           0.0.4+nmu2               OSS compatibility package
ii  passwd                               1:4.1.1-6+lenny1         change and administer password and group data
ii  patch                                2.5.9-5                  Apply a diff file to an original
ii  pciutils                             1:3.0.0-6                Linux PCI Utilities
ii  perl                                 5.10.0-19lenny2          Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language
ii  perl-base                            5.10.0-19lenny2          minimal Perl system
ii  perl-modules                         5.10.0-19lenny2          Core Perl modules
ii  php-zeroc-ice                        3.2.1-2                  Ice for PHP extension
ii  php5                                 5.2.6.dfsg.1-1+lenny8    server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage)
ii  php5-common                          5.2.6.dfsg.1-1+lenny8    Common files for packages built from the php5 source
ii  pkg-config                           0.22-1                   manage compile and link flags for libraries
ii  pm-utils                                   utilities and scripts for power management
ii  po-debconf                           1.0.15                   manage translated Debconf templates files with gettext
ii  popularity-contest                   1.46                     Vote for your favourite packages automatically
ii  portmap                              6.0-9                    RPC port mapper
ii  powermgmt-base                       1.30+nmu1                Common utils and configs for power management
ii  procmail                             3.22-16                  Versatile e-mail processor
ii  procps                               1:3.2.7-11               /proc file system utilities
ii  psmisc                               22.6-1                   Utilities that use the proc filesystem
ii  python                               2.5.2-3                  An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default ve
ii  python-central                       0.6.8                    register and build utility for Python packages
ii  python-minimal                       2.5.2-3                  A minimal subset of the Python language (default version)
ii  python-support                       0.8.4lenny1              automated rebuilding support for Python modules
ii  python-zeroc-ice                     3.2.1-4                  Ice for Python libraries
ii  python2.5                            2.5.2-15+lenny1          An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.
ii  python2.5-minimal                    2.5.2-15+lenny1          A minimal subset of the Python language (version 2.5)
ii  qt4-qtconfig                         4.4.3-1+lenny1           Qt 4 configuration tool
ii  radeontool                           1.5-5                    utility to control ATI Radeon backlight functions on laptops
ii  readline-common                      5.2-3.1                  GNU readline and history libraries, common files
ii  reportbug                            3.48                     reports bugs in the Debian distribution
ii  rsyslog                              3.18.6-4                 enhanced multi-threaded syslogd
ii  sed                                  4.1.5-6                  The GNU sed stream editor
ii  shared-mime-info                     0.30-2                   FreeDesktop.org shared MIME database and spec
ii  ssl-cert                             1.0.23                   simple debconf wrapper for OpenSSL
ii  subversion                           1.5.1dfsg1-4             Advanced version control system
ii  sudo                                 1.6.9p17-2+lenny1        Provide limited super user privileges to specific users
ii  svgalibg1                            1:1.4.3-27               transitional dummy package which can be safely removed
ii  sysv-rc                              2.86.ds1-61              System-V-like runlevel change mechanism
ii  sysvinit                             2.86.ds1-61              System-V-like init utilities
ii  sysvinit-utils                       2.86.ds1-61              System-V-like utilities
ii  tar                                  1.20-1                   GNU version of the tar archiving utility
ii  tasksel                              2.78                     Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems
ii  tasksel-data                         2.78                     Official tasks used for installation of Debian systems
ii  tcpd                                 7.6.q-16                 Wietse Venema's TCP wrapper utilities
ii  telnet                               0.17-36                  The telnet client
ii  texinfo                              4.11.dfsg.1-4            Documentation system for on-line information and printed outpu
ii  time                                 1.7-23                   The GNU time program for measuring cpu resource usage
ii  traceroute                           2.0.11-2                 Traces the route taken by packets over an IPv4/IPv6 network
ii  ttf-dejavu                           2.25-3                   Metapackage to pull in ttf-dejavu-core and ttf-dejavu-extra
ii  ttf-dejavu-core                      2.25-3                   Vera font family derivate with additional characters
ii  ttf-dejavu-extra                     2.25-3                   Vera font family derivate with additional characters
ii  tzdata                               2010a-0lenny1            time zone and daylight-saving time data
ii  ucf                                  3.0016                   Update Configuration File: preserve user changes to config fil
ii  udev                                 0.125-7+lenny3           /dev/ and hotplug management daemon
ii  update-inetd                         4.31                     inetd configuration file updater
ii  usbutils                             0.73-10lenny1            Linux USB utilities
ii  uswsusp                              0.7-1.2                  tools to use userspace software suspend provided by Linux
ii  util-linux                                Miscellaneous system utilities
ii  util-linux-locales                        Locales files for util-linux
ii  vbetool                              1.0-3                    run real-mode video BIOS code to alter hardware state
ii  vim                                  1:7.1.314-3+lenny2       Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
ii  vim-common                           1:7.1.314-3+lenny2       Vi IMproved - Common files
ii  vim-runtime                          1:7.1.314-3+lenny2       Vi IMproved - Runtime files
ii  vim-tiny                             1:7.1.314-3+lenny2       Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - compact version
ii  vlc-data                             1.0.5-2                  Common data for VLC
ii  vlc-nox                              1.0.5-2                  multimedia player and streamer (without X support)
ii  vlc-plugin-pulse                     1.0.5-2                  PulseAudio plugin for VLC
ii  w3m                                  0.5.2-2+b1               WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/frames support
ii  wamerican                            6-2.3                    American English dictionary words for /usr/share/dict
ii  wget                                 1.11.4-2+lenny1          retrieves files from the web
ii  whiptail                             0.52.2-11.3+lenny1       Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts
ii  whois                                4.7.30                   an intelligent whois client
ii  wspanish                             1.0.21                   The Spanish dictionary words for /usr/share/dict
ii  x-ttcidfont-conf                     31                       TrueType and CID fonts configuration for X
ii  x11-common                           1:7.3+20                 X Window System (X.Org) infrastructure
ii  x11proto-composite-dev               1:0.4-2                  X11 Composite extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-core-dev                    7.0.12-1                 X11 core wire protocol and auxiliary headers
ii  x11proto-damage-dev                  1.1.0-2                  X11 Damage extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-fixes-dev                   1:4.0-3                  X11 Fixes extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-input-dev                   1.4.3-2                  X11 Input extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-kb-dev                      1.0.3-3                  X11 XKB extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-randr-dev                   1.2.2-1                  X11 RandR extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-render-dev                  2:0.9.3-2                X11 Render extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-xext-dev                    7.0.2-6                  X11 various extension wire protocol
ii  x11proto-xinerama-dev                1.1.2-5                  X11 Xinerama extension wire protocol
ii  xauth                                1:1.0.3-2                X authentication utility
ii  xfonts-encodings                     1:1.0.2-3                Encodings for X.Org fonts
ii  xfonts-utils                         1:7.4+1                  X Window System font utility programs
ii  xtrans-dev                           1.2-2                    X transport library (development files)
ii  zeroc-ice32                          3.2.1-8                  Internet Communications Engine
ii  zlib1g                               1:        compression library - runtime
ii  zlib1g-dev                           1:        compression library - development
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