[JdeRobot] RGB8 support

Oscar Garcia oscar.robotica at linaresdigital.com
Tue Apr 14 21:59:14 CEST 2015

El 14/04/15 a las 10:02, Srinivas escribió:
> I have tried some methods to convert RGB8 to YUV but they don't seem to
> work(As I need a YUV2/NV21/Bitmap format for displaying it on ImageView).
> Could someone help me in this regards?


Check the pull request:

There is some more improvements:
- Antialiased image preview.
- Background task is canceled when application is paused.
- Doesn't wait to checked proxy to start background task (like my 
modified version of opencvdemo).
- Avoid request space (garbage collector friendly) for output image on 
every loop, reuse the last one until the image size changes.
- Timeouts connection and fetch data after 1'5 seconds (instead no 
timeout, endless wait that break the application responsiveness).

Have fun with the new code!

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