[JdeRobot] twitter account and JdeRobot blog

JoseMaria Cañas Plaza josemaria.plaza at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 17:59:03 CET 2015


I've just started a Twitter account to communicate our news to the
general public (like talks, robotics or drone courses, programming
championship....). Its name is @JdeRobot, not big imagination
exhibition here :-) It is a new channel in addition to this mailing
list, which is more oriented to developers.

You are also kindly invited to send posts to the JdeRobot blog [1].
Now it is decoupled from this mailing list. The idea is to become a
forum to exchange news about technology, robotics, computer vision,
home automation, drones, sensors, etc. and to publish there our news
to the general public, without the limit of 140 characters :-)

Using these two communication channels we can better show the
interesting things we do in our group. In order to be fluent and ease
the dissemination let's use them in Spanish as the main target
audience is local. Our software project proudly has an international
nature, with developers from different countries (China, Romania,
India, Colombia...), so we will strongly keep using English as the
reference language for the software (comments), documentation, this
developers-list and the mediawiki.

Best regards,

[1] blog.jderobot.org
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

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