[Jderobot] Jenkins Integration

Oscar Garcia oscar.robotica en linaresdigital.com
Vie Mar 20 13:41:05 CET 2015

El 20/03/15 a las 11:56, Roberto Calvo escribió:
> I have just configured our Jenkins platform[1] with the JdeRobot
> repository in Github. From now, for each push done in the repository one
> task will be launched in Jenkins in order to check if the compilation
> process is not broken.

Good work!

I'm trying to continue with my work and I have problems login in into 
Jenkins with my browser's remembered password and even if I type it 
again. I used Jenkins twice or more, but history is showing me a 
message: "Este projecto está desactivado actualmente"

Now I can see a new project, "JdeRobot-GitHub", the only enabled. What 
will be the target? Ubuntu 14.04 64 or 32 bits?

Another question: is there somewhere updated packages? (best if 64 
bits). I couldn't find package information on console output on last 
execution or where could I download them, before was "deb 
http://jderobot.org/apt/ubuntu precise night".

I think I need to visit again in depth our wiki to understand all 
updates so far).

Other data of interest to investigate the issue:

* I can login in into JdeRobot wiki without problems (I don't remember 
if I could login last year or only review compilation status).

* My username is "redstar": http://jenkins.jderobot.org/user/redstar/
Last night build and commit executions:
- http://jenkins.jderobot.org/job/Jderobot_NightBuild_Precise_32bit/67/
http://jenkins.jderobot.org/job/Jderobot_Commit_Precise_32bit/110/console - 
http://jenkins.jderobot.org/job/Jderobot_Commit_Precise_32bit/109/console - 

Thanks and best regards.
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