[JdeRobot] Problems with scratch2jderobot tool

Santiago Carrion carrionvs at gmail.com
Sun Oct 15 01:36:57 CEST 2017

Dear developers,

Im trying to test the new JdeRobot tool, scratch2jderobot, but when i
launch the *main_robot.py* script i get the following error:

*Traceback (most recent call last):*

*  File "main_robot.py", line 15, in <module>*

*    import comm*

*  File "/opt/jderobot/lib/python2.7/comm/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>*

*    from .communicator import Communicator*

*  File "/opt/jderobot/lib/python2.7/comm/communicator.py", line 4, in

*    from .laserClient import getLaserClient*

*  File "/opt/jderobot/lib/python2.7/comm/laserClient.py", line 4, in

*    from .ice.laserIceClient import LaserIceClient*

*  File "/opt/jderobot/lib/python2.7/comm/ice/laserIceClient.py", line 25,
in <module>*

*    from jderobotTypes import LaserData*

*  File "/opt/jderobot/lib/python2.7/jderobotTypes/__init__.py", line 5, in

*    from .rgbd import Rgbd*

*  File "/opt/jderobot/lib/python2.7/jderobotTypes/rgbd.py", line 20*

*    import .image*

*           ^*

*SyntaxError: invalid syntax*

To test the tool i do it as follows:

*terminal 1:*

~/JdeRobot/src/tools/scratch2jderobot/scripts$ python scratch2python.py

*terminal 2:*

gazebo Kobuki-simple.world

*terminal 3:*

~/JdeRobot/src/tools/scratch2jderobot/src/scratch2jderobot$ python

Could anyone help me?

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