[KGB-L3] The question of drscratch

马颖莹 yingyma at foxmail.com
Sat Nov 2 09:23:14 CET 2019

Dear Drscratch team
I'm a teacher of Shanghai Experimental School. I'm teaching scratch now. I want to study the computing thinking reflected by students when making scratch works, and use your analysis tools. But now I've been showing mistakes in the process of using. I want to know your evaluation rules and standards. If I can share them, I'd like to thank you very much. I'm looking forward to your return Reply.

马颖莹(Yingying Ma)
上海市实验学校(Shanghai Experimental School)
上海市浦东新区东明路300号(Shanghai Experimental School)(200126)
邮箱(E-mail):yingyma at foxmail
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