[Campeonatodrones] Valores Sensor Pose3D

Oscar Rodriguez Parra oscarrp en gmail.com
Lun Mar 14 21:05:58 CET 2016

I think the execute function is not called with the same interval.
Sometimes 10 times per second, others 8 times per second, etc.

2016-03-14 20:53 GMT+01:00 daniel mateu <damago1977 en gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> one question.... when the drone is going up with a fix speed value, and  i
> read the Z axis value, i find non-uniform values....
> For example: 20,20,40,20,20,40,40,20,20,40..... (difference in cm from
> last measure)
> Actually, the expected data could be 26,26,26,26,26 which is more or less
> the average from (20,20,40),
> Perhaps sensors update and my execute function are not well synchronized??
> Kind regards. Dani.
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