[JdeRobot] [introrob_py] AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'CMDVelData'

Oscar Garcia oscar.robotica at linaresdigital.com
Wed May 13 19:12:40 CEST 2015

El 13/05/15 a las 18:27, Alberto Martin escribió:
> the python interfaces should be in /usr/lib/python2.7/jderobot and 
> declared in /usr/lib/python2.7/jderobot/__init__.py. You can follow 
> the next instructions [1]. If you compile and install JdeRobot 
> (github) the interfaces will be copied to the correct directory.

Thanks for the tip.

I did all that steps previously. Here is more info (showing correct 

    redstar en oczstar:~/Documentos/uav/introrob_py$ python main.py --Ice.Config=introrob_virtual.cfg
    Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "main.py", line 33, in <module>
         sensor = Sensor();
       File "/home/redstar/Documentos/uav/introrob_py/sensors/sensor.py", line 30, in __init__
    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'CMDVelData'
    redstar en oczstar:~/Documentos/uav/introrob_py$ tail /usr/lib/python2.7/jderobot/__init__.py
    import remoteCloud_ice
    import remoteConfig_ice
    import encoders_ice
    import body_ice
    import bodymovements_ice

    # Submodules:
    import ardroneextra_ice
    import cmdvel_ice
    import navdata_ice
    redstar en oczstar:~/Documentos/uav/introrob_py$ ls /usr/lib/python2.7/jderobot/
    ardroneextra_ice.py   common_ice.py       __init__.py           naofollowball_ice.py   ptencoders_ice.py     sonars_ice.py
    bodyencoders_ice.py   containers_ice.py   jcm_ice.py            naomotions_ice.py      ptmotors_ice.py       varcolor_ice.py
    body_ice.py           datetime_ice.py     jointmotor_ice.py     navdata_ice.py         recorder_ice.py       wiimote_ice.py
    bodymotors_ice.py     encoders_ice.py     kinectleds_ice.py     pointcloud_ice.py      remoteCloud_ice.py
    bodymovements_ice.py  exceptions_ice.py   laser_ice.py          pose3dencoders_ice.py  remoteConfig_ice.py
    camera_ice.py         genericData_ice.py  motors_ice.py         pose3d_ice.py          replayControl_ice.py
    cmdvel_ice.py         image_ice.py        namingService_ice.py  pose3dmotors_ice.py    RoboCompJointMotor

> Actually introrob_py only supports the ardrone quadcopter (version 1 
> and 2) and the simulated ardrone for gazebo 5.

Sorry, I partially disagree. We are working in extend introrob_py's 
(great) functionality and usability to another " JdeRobot-Air" projects 
like Bix3 (Jose Antonio) and Phantom FX-61 (mine).

As you can see there is at least one new component (pymavlink or 
BixServer, python based) that is compatible with introrob_py:

Next one will be mine, mavlinkserver (C++ based), when I could test it 
with my component (I'll try to install virtual machine provided in your 
link to save time).

Thanks again.
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