[JdeRobot] ArDrone Takeoff

Daniel Yagüe Sánchez daniyague24 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 10:13:14 CEST 2015

Hello Andrei,

The movement of the drone in QuadrotorPlugin is computed by getting and
applying the equivalent forces and torques produced by the four rotors to
the drone model, so it only calculates one force and one torque. They are
calculated periodically and applied in the onupdate function of the
QuadrotorPlugin class.

When takeoff() runs, it changes the drone state, as you say. Depending on
the state, the force and the torque are weighted by different factors. In
takingoff state, the factor is greater than in flying or landing.

So it doesn't activate each rotor directly or generate one force for each
one. This makes it easier to program and the result is still similar to the
real model.

Best regards,

2015-10-06 11:17 GMT+02:00 militaru92 <militaru.andrei92 en gmail.com>:

> Hello everybody,
> I have a question about the introrob_py component and the quadrotor plugin
> for gazebo.
> Can someone tell me how does the ArDrone take off once the TakeOff button
> is
> pressed?
> I noticed that by pressing the takeoff button, the method of the
> ArDroneExtra Proxy is called: takeoff(), however this only changes the
> state
> of the ArDrone, I didn't notice any code that will activate the motors of
> the robot.
> I assume that in the introrob_py component, there is a function that sends
> an initial configuration to the motors of the ArDrone, but I didn't find
> it.
> The reason I am asking this is because I want to integrate my ROS-Ice
> bridge
> so I reimplemented in C++ the GUI in introrob, to work with ROS, but when I
> press "takeoff", only the state of the ArDrone changes.
> This is where you can find what I have done so far:
> https://github.com/militaru92/JdeRobot2015/tree/master/catkin_ws/src
> The packages in question are: ARDrone_GUI and ARDroneInterface
> Best regards,
> Andrei Militaru
> --
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