- Inside the Virtual Robotics Challenge: Simulating real-time robotic disaster response Carlos E. Agüero, Nate Koenig, Ian Chen, Hugo Boyer, Steven Peters, John Hsu, Brian Gerkey, Steffi Paepcke, Jose L. Rivero, Justin Manzo, Eric Krotkov and Gill Pratt. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Volume 12, Number 2, pp. 494-5-6. ISSN: 1545-5955. April, 2015.
- Active Visual Perception for Humanoid Robots Francisco Martín, Carlos E. Agüero, and José M. Cañas. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, World Scientific. Volume 12, Number 1. ISSN: 0219-8436, March 2015.
- Multi-modal Active Visual Perception System for SPL Player Humanoid Robot Francisco Martín, Carlos E. Agüero, José M. Cañas, Eduardo Perdices. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer. Volume 252, pp. 541-556. 2014.
- Multi-robot behaviors with location transparency Carlos E. Agüero and Manuela Veloso. International Journal of Imaging and Robotics, Volume 12, Number 1, pp.81-89, Ceser Publications, ISSN: 2231-525X, January 2014.
- RoboTherapy with dementia patients Francisco Martín, Carlos E. Agüero, Jose M. Cañas, Pablo Martín and Meritxell Valenti. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems: Humanoid, InTech, 2013, ISSN: 1729-8806, January 2013.
- Heterogeneous Context-aware Robots Providing a Personalized Building Tour Anna Hristoskova, Carlos E. Agüero, Manuela Veloso and Filip De Turck. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems: Service Robots, InTech, 2013, ISSN: 1729-8806, January 2013.
- Robots in Therapy for Dementia Patients Francisco Martín, Carlos E. Agüero, Jose M. Cañas, Gonzalo Abella, Raúl Benítez, Sergio Rivero, Meritxell Valenti and Pablo Martínez-Martín. JoPhA - Journal of Physical Agents, 2013, ISSN: 1888-0258, January 2013.
- Xpider: Design and Development of a low cost VTOL UAV Platform Óscar Higuera and Carlos E. Agüero. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Aircraft Systems, InTech, 2012 (On press)
- Low-Cost Identifiers for Ubiquitous Computing Miguel A. Ortuño Pérez Vicente Matellán Olivera, Carlos E. Agüero, Gregorio Robles. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Netherlands, Vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 101-127, ISSN 0929-6212, 2012
- Design and Implementation of an Ad-Hoc routing Protocol for Mobile Robots Carlos E. Agüero, José M. Cañas, Miguel Ortuño and Vicente Matellán. ELEKTRIK - Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences. Volume 15, Number 2, pp. 307-320, 2007. ISSN: 1300-0632
- Jde-neoc: Component oriented software architecture for robotics Jose M. Cañas, Jesús Ruiz-Ayúcar, Carlos E. Agüero and Francisco Martín. JoPhA - Journal of Physical Agents. Volume 1, Number 1, pp. 1-6, 2007. ISSN: 1888-0258
- Visual Based Localization of a Legged Robot with a Topological Representation Francisco Martín, Vicente Matellán, José M. Cañas and Carlos Agüero. Visual Based Localization of a Legged Robot with a Topological Representation.In Robot localization and map building, edited by: hanafiah yussof. In-Tech. ISBN: 978-953-7619-83-1.2010.
- Humanoid Soccer Player Design Francisco Martín, Carlos Agüero, Jose M. Cañas and Eduardo Perdices. Humanoid Soccer Player Design. In Robot Soccer, edited by: Vladan Papic. In-Tech. ISBN: 978-953-307-036-0. 2010.
- Toward maritime robotic simulation in gazebo Brian Bingham, Carlos Agüero, Michael McCarrin, Joseph Klamo, Joshua Malia, Kevin Allen, Tyler Lum, Marshall Rawson, Rumman Waqar. OCEANS'2019 - OCEANS Conference, Seattle, US. October, 2019.
- A Simple, Efficient, and Scalable Behavior-based Architecture for Robotic Applications Francisco Martín, Carlos E. Agüero and José M. Cañas. ROBOT'2015 - Second Iberian Robotics Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. November, 2015.
- Effective visual attention for behavior-based robotic applications Francisco Martín, Luis Rubio, Carlos E. Agüero and José M. Cañas. XIV Workshop of Physical Agents, Madrid, Spain. September, 2013.
- CloudSim: Robotics simulation in the cloud Hugo Boyer, Carlos E. Agüero and Brian Gerkey. NRI Workshop on Cloud Robotics: Challenges and Opportunities. Philadelphia, USA. February, 2013.
- RoboTherapy with Alzheimer patients Francisco Martín, Carlos E. Agüero, José M. Cañas, Gonzalo Abella, Raúl Benítez, Sergio Rivero, Pablo Martínez-Martín and Meritxell Valenti. In proceedings of XIII Physical Agents Workshop. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. September, 2012.
- Extended Kalman filter populations for a reliable real-time robot self-localization Francisco Martín, Carlos E. Agüero and José M. Cañas. In Proceedings of Perception in Robotics Workshop - Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Madrid, Spain. June, 2012.
- Personalized Guided Tour by Multiple Robots through Semantic Profile Definition and Dynamic Redistribution of Participants Anna Hristoskova, Carlos E. Agüero, Manuela Veloso and Filip De Turck. In 8th International Cognitive Robotics Workshop, AAAI'12. Toronto, Canada. July, 2012.
- Transparent Multi-Robot Communication Exchange for Executing Robot Behaviors Carlos E. Agüero and Manuela Veloso. In Proceedings of PAAMS'12, the 10th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Salamanca, Spain, April 2012. ISBN: 978-3-642-28761-9.
- Behavior-based Iterative Component Architecture for soccer applications with the Nao humanoid Carlos E. Agüero, José M. Plaza, Francisco Martín and Eduardo Perdices. In proceedings of V Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots. December 2010, Nashville, Tennessee (USA).
- QSearch: Búsqueda optimizada aplicada a la calibración de controladores PID en un cuadricóptero autónomo Óscar Higuera, Carlos E. Agüero, José M. Plaza and Susana Millán. In proceedings of VIII Workshop Robocity2030. December 2010, Madrid, Spain.
- Localización visual de robots en la RoboCup mediante algoritmos evolutivos Eduardo Perdices, José María Cañas, Julio Vega, Carlos E. Agüero and Francisco Martín. In proceedings of VII Workshop Robocity2030. October 2010, Madrid, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-693-6777-3
- Behavior-Based Iterative Component Architecture for Robotic Applications with the Nao Humanoid José M. Cañas, Francisco Martín, Carlos E. Agüero and Eduardo Perdices. In proceedings of XI Physical Agents Workshop. September 2010, Valencia, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-92812-54-7
- Follow ball behavior for an humanoid soccer player Francisco Martín, Carlos E. Agüero and José M. Cañas. In proceedings of X Physical Agents Workshop. September 2009, Cáceres, spain.
- Desarrollo e integración de comportamientos en humanoide NAO: Un portero para la RoboCup Juan F. García, Francisco J. Rodríguez, Vicente Matellán Francisco Martín, Carlos E. Agüero and José M. Cañas. In proceedings of XXX Jornadas de Automática. September 2009, Valladolid, Spain.
- Trabajando en equipo: Un repaso a los robots móviles coordinados Carlos E. Agüero, José M. Cañas, Héctor Montes and Manuel Armada. In proceedings of V Workshop Robocity2030: Cooperación en Robótica. February 2009, Madrid, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-691-6414-3
- Estimación de objetos con fusión bayesiana en equipos de robots móviles Carlos E. Agüero, José M. Cañas, Vicente Matellán and Francisco Martín. In proceedings of V Workshop Robocity2030: Cooperación en Robótica. February 2009, Madrid, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-691-6414-3
- Aplicaciones de la lógica borrosa en el equipo de fútbol robótico TeamChaos Francisco Martín, Carlos E. Agüero, José M. Cañas, Pablo Barrera y Vicente Matellán. Actas XIV Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (ESTYLF 2008). Langreo-Mieres (Asturias, Spain). September 2008. ISBN:.
- Seguimiento visual 3D de múltiples objetos combinando filtros de partículas P. Barrera, J. M. Cañas and Carlos E. Agüero. Proceedings of IX Workshop de Agentes Físicos, pp. 177-184, ISBN: 978-84-8158-399-1. Vigo (Spain), September 11-12, 2008.
- Detección visual de caídas para ambientes inteligente. José M.Cañas, Sara Marugán, Carlos E. Agüero y Teodoro González. Proceedings IV Workshop Robocity 2030: Robots personales y asistenciales, pp. 109-126. May 2008, Madrid, Spain. ISBN:978-84-691-3824-3.
- Distributed perception for a group of legged robots Carlos E. Agüero, Antonio L. González, José María Cañas and Vicente Matellán. Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP2007). October 2007, Madrid, Spain. ISBN:.
- Dirección discriminante para el encaminamiento: Un nuevo tipo de identificador para la computación ubicua. (Best paper award ) Miguel A. Ortuño, Vicente Matellán, Carlos E. Agüero and Gregorio Robles. Actas VI Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática, pp. 385-392. September 2007, Málaga, Spain. ISBN:978-84-690-6670-6.
- MBA: a Modular Hierarchical Behavior-Based Architecture Francisco Martín, Vicente Matellán and Carlos E. Agüero. Proceedings VIII Workshop de Agentes Físicos. September 2007, Zaragoza, Spain.
- Aplicación de Técnicas de Robóticas al adelantamiento entre Vehículos Pesados Carlos E. Agüero, V. Gómez, José M. Cañas, Vicente Matellán, Francisco Martín and Pablo Barrera. II Workshop Robocity2030 en Robots de Exteriores. Julio 2007, Ávila, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-611-8055-4.
- MOSAIC: MOdular System AIbo Control Carlos E. Agüero, Francisco Martín, Vicente Matellán and José M. Cañas. I Workshop Robocity2030 en Arquitecturas de control para Robots. Febrero 2007, Madrid, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-7484-196-1.
- Communications for cooperation: the RoboCup 4-legged passing challenge Carlos E. Agüero, Vicente Matellán, José M. Cañas and Miguel Ortuño. III IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium. Octubre 2006, Santiago, Chile. ISBN: 1-4244-0537-8. -> Bibtex
- Switch! Dynamic roles exchange among cooperative robots Carlos E. Agüero, Vicente Matellán, José M. Cañas and Víctor Gómez. International Workshop on multi-agent robotic systems. ISBN: 972-8865-66-X. Agosto 2006, Setúbal, Portugal -> Bibtex
- Algoritmo ligero de estimación de vecindario para radiado fiable en nivel de enlace Miguel Ortuño, Vicente Matellán, José María Cañas and Carlos E. Agüero. II Congreso IberoAmericano sobre Computación Ubicua (CICU 2006). Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá. pp. 73-80 ISBN: 84-8138-703-7. Junio 2006, Alcalá de Henares, Spain -> Bibtex
- Communications and basic coordination of robots in TeamChaos Carlos E. Agüero, Francisco Martín, Humberto Martínez and Vicente Matellán. VII Workshop de Agentes Físicos. ISBN: 84-689-8115-X. Abril 2006. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain -> Bibtex
- RoboCampeones: Aplicación de la robótica a la Educación Vicente Matellán, José María Cañas, Carlos E. Agüero, Víctor M. Gómez, Francisco Martín and Pablo Barrera. II Jornadas de Innovación en Educación Tecnológica. Febrero 2006, Barcelona, Spain -> Bibtex
- Design and Implementatation of an Ad-Hoc Routing Protocol for Mobile Robots Carlos E. Agüero, Vicente Matellán, José María Cañas, Miguel Ortuño and Pedro de las Heras. ROSaC-2006-1, ISSN 1698-7489. -> Bibtex
- Extensión del mecanismo RTS/CTS/ACK para múltiples destinatarios M. Ortuño, V.Matellán, J.M.Cañas and Carlos E. Agüero. Proceedings of IADIS Conferência Ibero-Americana WWW/Internet 2005, october 18-19 2005, Lisbon, Portugal. IADIS Press, pp 207-214. ISBN 972-8924-03-8
- Desarrollo de un sistema de detección de adelantamiento Carlos E. Agüero, Víctor Gómez, José M. Cañas and V.Matellán. Proceedings of Seminario anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación SAAEI 2005, september 2005, Santander, Spain.
- PERA: Ad-hoc routing protocol for mobile robots Carlos E. Agüero, Vicente Matellán, Pedro de-las-Heras-Quirós and José M. Cañas. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, University of Coimbra (Portugal), June-July 2003. ISBN: 972-96889-8-2
- Robótica Móvil y Programación en Educación Secundaria José María Cañas, Carlos E. Agüero Pablo Barrera, Vicente Matellán and Rafael Morales. ISBN 978-84-690-9401-3. Madrid, November 2007
- Campeonato de Robótica Educativa Vicente Matellán, José María Cañas, Carlos E. Agüero, Victor Gómez, Francisco Martín and Pablo Barrera. ISBN 84-689-6463-8. Madrid, February 2006
- Programación de robots móviles en institutos Vicente Matellán, José María Cañas, Carlos E. Agüero and Víctor Gómez. ISBN 84-689-0739-1. Madrid, February 2005
- Marine Simulation - From Reality to Gazebo and Back Again Arjo Chakravarty and Carlos E. Agüero. ROSCon. Kyoto, Japan, October 2022 Anatomy of a marine simulation Carlos E. Agüero. 2022 ROSCon France. Toulose, France, July 2022 MBARI Pacific Forum: Air, land, sea, and space: Open source robot tools for all Brian Gerkey, Carlos E. Agüero, Tully Foote. MBARI. Moss Landing, CA, USA. 2019 Vehicle and city simulation with Gazebo and ROS Ian Chen and Carlos E. Agüero. ROSCon. Vancouver, Canada, September 2017
- Humanoid robots playing soccer, is it possible? Carlos E. Agüero. 12th Science's week, Madrid, Spain, 2012
- Programming behaviors using BICA for humanoid robots Carlos E. Agüero y Francisco Martín Rico. 12th International AERFAI/UJI Robotics School on Perceptual Robotics for Humanoids. Universidad Jaime I. Benicassim (Spain), September 2012
- Taller de progrmación del robot NAO Carlos E. Agüero y Francisco Martín Rico. Universidad de León. León (Spain), September 2008
- An efficient component model for the construction of adaptive middleware Carlos E. Agüero. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Madrid (Spain), July 2005
- A review of current Routing Protocols for Ad-Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks Carlos E. Agüero. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Madrid (Spain), May 2005
- A survey of Context-Aware Mobile Computing Research Carlos E. Agüero. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Madrid (Spain), May 2005
- Structured Control for Autonomous Robots Carlos E. Agüero. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Madrid (Spain), March 2005
- Plan Guided Reaction Carlos E. Agüero. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Madrid (Spain), February 2005
- Web Caching Schemes for the Internet Carlos E. Agüero and Valentin Paquot. Universit Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI). Paris (France), December 2003