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Room 118 - Dept.III
Department of Telematic
Systems and Computing
Rey Juan Carlos University
Camino del Molino, n.º 5
28942 - Fuenlabrada (Madrid)
(+34)914888752 - Spain
Welcome to my webpage! I am Julio M. Vega 'jmvega' Pérez, an Associate Professor in Telematic Systems and Computing at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC). I hold a PhD with distinction in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence from the Universidad de Alicante, with research also conducted at URJC. Additionally, I earned an MEd in Teaching from URJC, a BASc in Computer Science from the Universidad de Extremadura, and an MSc in Computer Science from URJC, with studies also completed at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
I lead the Low-cost Robotics Group at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, where we focus on developing affordable robotic systems to address societal needs.

My research spans a wide range of topics in robotics, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, sensor fusion, control systems, human-robot interaction, autonomous systems, and mechatronics. Part of my research was conducted at York University in Canada, at various colleges of the University of Eastern Finland, and at the University of Southern Denmark. I have extensive experience in robotics development, including enhancing autonomous robots with visual memory-based navigation systems and integrating advanced algorithms into educational frameworks. I have designed and developed robotic platforms from the ground up, demonstrating expertise in hardware development, system integration, and adapting robotics solutions to diverse applications. My current research focuses on creating low-cost multisensory systems for non-invasive monitoring and welfare assessment of laboratory animals, combining robotics and sensor technology to address critical challenges in animal welfare.