Table of contents
- 2016.11.27. Arduino with led, trigger and ultrasonic components on board
- 2016.09.27. Robot Arduino navigation avoiding obstacles through its us sensor
- 2016.09.18. Robot Arduino controlled with Python language and using a GUI library called Tk
- 2016.07.05..07. Course. Teaching: Development of computational thinking through programming and robotics
- 2016.06.19. Looking for an educational platform using Arduino or Gazebo with Python
- 2016.06.04. Family day in the high school. Robotic exercises
- 2016.05.25. Participating with the students in Robocampeones
- 2016.03.30. Visiting Lyseon of Joensuu
- 2016.03.29. Visiting Lansikadum Koulu (Joensuu, Finland)
- 2016.03.24. Visiting Taivallahden (Helsinki, Finland)
- 2016.03.17. Visiting Yhteis Koulun (Joensuu, Finland)
- 2016.03.16. Visiting Kontiolahti (Joensuu, Finland)
- 2016.03.16. Testing a plausible simulator for young beginner-in-programming students: Gazebo 3D simulator and Kobuki Robot Platform
- 2016.03.16. Learning new robot platforms: Meet Edison and ScratchDuino
- 2016.03.14. Visiting Lansikadum Koulu (Joensuu, Finland)
- 2016.03.08. Visiting Kanervalan Koulu (Joensuu, Finland)
- 2016.02.10. Acquisition of new robots
2016.11.27. Arduino with led, trigger and ultrasonic components on board
We are translating all of our Arduino codes into Python apps. We can see here two examples: led with trigger and ultrasonic sensor.
2016.09.27. Robot Arduino navigation avoiding obstacles through its us sensor
In this video we can see a robot Arduino navigating avoiding obstacles thanks to its us sensor which is recognizing surroundings all the time and it is able to correct wheels according to the circumstances.
2016.09.18. Robot Arduino controlled with Python language and using a GUI library called Tk
We have finally got a completely functional Arduino robot using Python language, through the Firmata library. And also, we have included a new GUI library called Tk which is used to display a pair of useful sliders in order to control left and right servos.
We can see below the procedure of launching a Python-Arduino program (and the typical errors as well).
And now, you can take a look to the Arduino platform behavior.
2016.07.05..07. Course. Teaching: Development of computational thinking through programming and robotics
I was grant holder by the Ministry of Education to attend a course about teaching the development of computational thinking through programming and robotics.
I enjoyed an stay in Valencia, learning about the actual panorama of Education in Robotics in Secondary Education around Spain.
We were discussing around different topics such as the ethics in the use of New Technologies, and also we were developing different projects, using several Robotics platforms we can use for educational purposes: Scratch, Lego WeDo, Arduino, App Inventor, Python, etc.

And finally, Cynthia Solomon was talking about how Technologies have changed from the first programming language, which she created, LOGO. She was telling us the keys for a good programming language focusing in young students.
2016.06.19. Looking for an educational platform using Arduino or Gazebo with Python
After a long break, we are back. We continue developing an education platform in order to ease the robotics programming learning to young learners; secondary education.
Our experience on this educational level through these years, and also the foreground after an stay on Finland, let us know much more about the young learners difficulties when they start to program robots.
So we have decided to focus on Python programming language, as well as jderobot as robotics platform middleware, using ArDrone (under Gazebo simulator) and Arduino as robotics hardware.
Today, I have got how to communicate Arduino board with a PC, using Python as a programming Language instead of Arduino IDE. It is thanks to the "pyFirmata" library.
The Python code to turn on/off a LED with a trigger can be found here and the real Arduino board scheme and behaviour is shown on the next video:
2016.06.04. Family day in the high school. Robotic exercises

Lego Mindstorm

Lego WeDo

Mario Bros with and Makey-Makey

2016.05.25. Participating with the students in Robocampeones

2016.03.30. Visiting Lyseon of Joensuu

2016.03.29. Visiting Lansikadum Koulu (Joensuu, Finland)

2016.03.24. Visiting Taivallahden (Helsinki, Finland)

2016.03.17. Visiting Yhteis Koulun (Joensuu, Finland)

2016.03.16. Visiting Kontiolahti (Joensuu, Finland)

2016.03.16. Testing a plausible simulator for young beginner-in-programming students: Gazebo 3D simulator and Kobuki Robot Platform
Gazebo is a famous 3D Robotics Simulator, which offers a very wide range of robotics platforms simulated under its infrastructure. That's why is a nice idea to use it for teaching Robotics with the youngest students.
Here we have test it with Kobuki Robot, whose real platform we got in our Robotic Group.

2016.03.16. Learning new robot platforms: Meet Edison and ScratchDuino

2016.03.14. Visiting Lansikadum Koulu (Joensuu, Finland)

2016.03.08. Visiting Kanervalan Koulu (Joensuu, Finland)

2016.02.10. Acquisition of new robots